Sunday, June 23, 2019

Speaking to dead people

One of those things the church tells you not to do! That is unless the “dead people” you speak to are sanctified by the church … as in being a “saint”… I have a very literal and linear mind … so I think … OK you tell me “not to speak to dead people and in the next breath you tell me to pray to dead saints”??? Pick a lane … either you can talk to dead people or you cannot … Like the church has a master list … one side 1) dead people you can talk to   column   2) dead people you cannot talk to ???!!!

Well I admit, I went to the no-no column of dead people per the church … I went to a former nun who ‘speaks to the dead”…  I actually went there to call BS on her … like those TV spiritualists (mediums) who can speak to the dead at the drop of hat as if the dead were on speed dial with them … Usually their “conversations/ contacts” are so broad the profile can fit anyone … no real details …  
So I went to former nun, with low expectations… entertainment only or even to ridicule her …
My experience with the former nun who is “tight with the dead”       
As soon as I sit down in her office (the formed nun’s office that is) … She says this …

Nun … wow I smell alcohol…
Me” … excuse me! If you smell alcohol it is on you, I did not drink prior to coming, here!  
Nun …No not that kind of alcohol … stronger type, pure alcohol
Me”… what are you talking about?
Nun … I see an older woman, she says she is your grandmother the alcohol smell is coming from her
Me”… in an instant I remembered the stories about my father’s mother (she died before I was born)...My father’s family was very poor (they lived on a farm in PA during the depression and during prohibition)… in order to make ends meet… my grandmother sold boot leg whiskey (she had a small still hidden in the woods on the farm) I remembered being told my grandmother would buy pure alcohol and dilute it to make her moonshine!   WOW there is no way this “former nun” could know this and it was not something I was thinking about … creepy …
Nun … what are all these dogs doing here? And they are so friendly and so hairy they shed a lot! And now they are barking, wagging their tails and happy to see you…
Me”….. Now the hairs on my arms are standing on end! For 20 years I raised and owned collies, they were very hairy, shed a lot would always bark and wag their tails when they saw me and they were super “happy dogs”… 

This went on and on for the next half an hour this former nun was correctly telling me things, about dead relatives and animals!  I said nothing to give her clues … she was point specific in topics …
Interesting when I left the former nun told me she does “readings for other nuns and a few priests”…
Maybe she has an “unknown gift of the Holy Spirit”… I say this because, “her readings bring peace” to a soul… not confusion or terror   ...

below are just a couple of the approved "dead people",  by the Catholic Church,  dead people you can see or talk to (as in pray to ... same thing)  and not be labeled evil! wow is that crazy or what ... see the "approved dead people and you are labeled "holy"... see the rejected dead people you are labeled crazy or demonic... wow that sounds really like "judging" to me  .. what the frock !!!  is up with that! no wonder so many leave the Church! dead is dead,  you talk to dead people approved or not you are still talking to the dead ... 

That is why I do not talk to either kind of dead people / approved or not ... I talk to the living God ...