Friday, June 21, 2019

Books…books…books …

The closet in my parents’ bedroom was filled with Sci-fi paperback novels, stacks of them. These were not my parents’ books but the books my two older brothers would read, I had no interest in them. As a matter of fact I thought they were dumb and annoying, as a kid I liked looking in my mom’s closet to find old clothing or shoes to play dress up and these books got in my way. My brothers were addicted to reading these Sci-Fi paperback novels. The stacks of Sci-fi books in the closet grew larger and larger over the years to the point where it was nearly impossible to find any clothing or shoes… so “Sci-fi” to me in the past meant an annoying obstacle to get to my mom’s clothing and shoes.

 My brothers were also into Sci-fi movies (ugh) I was so young at the time those movies caused me to have nightmares … such as Godzilla stomping down my neighborhood (since I saw him in the movie stomp down Tokyo) … I also had night terrors of a giant moth flying into my room and taking me ( the Mothra movies) … then there was the “Sci-fi comic books” my brothers read and left around the house … I remember looking at the covers of these comic books and seeing aliens and robots taking over the world … (irony I now see real robots are really taking over the world!)  And I think aliens are probably real! … Geeze should I have paid more attention to those dusty, annoying paperback Sci-fi novels??? Probably … on some level they now seem to have been like getting a “stock tip” on the future …

Sci - fi  book written by Archbishop Myers