Friday, June 21, 2019

I might be a UFO magnet … or from another planet

I moved many times in my life … but was my first and biggest move …when I came to earth, from another planet??? … A “psychic / medium / past life expert”… once told me … yes I was “sent” here from another planet …


I moved many times in my life … and in doing so, I rented storage spaces to store my belongings in-between moves … or if I rented a place to small to fit all my belongings in, my stuff stayed in my storage space. One such storage rental I had was located in Paterson, NJ and at one time UFOs were spotted over this commercial warehouse as well...

 I was a Eucharistic minster who would bring the Eucharist to shut-ins, one such lady I visited loved to tell me stories of her family and her brother (now this lady was in her 70’s at the time) … she spoke of her  brother, who was not only in Korea but also in Vietnam and he had top security clearance. She told me about her brother telling her stories of the UFOs he saw in Vietnam and how he was told to “keep quiet about these sightings” …  

Another story came from a young Marine who said during basic training in South Carolina, one time during night maneuvers, the forest was lit up by a strange light and a large hovering object was over them and it made no sound. Then it disappeared (no sound) but some of the Marines heard the sound of footsteps running in the woods, not being made by the Marines … what it was??? They were told not to talk about it …

Another story a young man … who was sitting by a Lake, with his girlfriend at the time, it was a full moon approx. 11 pm … the couple was staring at the refection of the moon in the water … suddenly the moon appeared to be getting bigger and bigger in the water’s reflection … they both looked up at the same time and saw a large UFO over their heads … not the moon …  

I also know of a young man who stated after he had a UFO encounter, men in Black followed him …

One really freaky thing that happened to me … ok…  I know I am not supposed to do this (being a good Catholic and all) but when I was young I did a lot of weird crap! One such thing was to go to a woman who said, “She could read my past lives”… now I would not be hypnotized to be “taken back to past lives”, which is the way these things are normally done … but this woman would go into a trace and somehow she could see my past lives … Now in the world of weird and the strange this woman was high on the list (as in being good at what she does) … so she first talked with me and then she stared at me and then closed her eyes … in an instant she popped open her eyes and blessed herself (Like a terrified Catholic would do if they saw the devil)… She said this to me … “Oh my God, you (meaning me) are not from this planet, you were sent here and it is your last time being allowed to come here and you have been given something big to do, so a powerful demon followed you into this dimension to try and destroy you before you do it!  Now … that was not something, I was expecting to be told or I wanted to hear … yet the terror on this woman’s face was a bit starling to see…

 I give my daughter a high five, when I told her the story … her response was “oh mom, everyone knows you are weird and from another planet, no news there!” J  funny and creepy at the same time …

And here I recall a “near death experience”, I had in 1969, I was in massive car crash, brought to the ER with no pulse and no BP … I saw my dead Uncle prior to responding to medications in the ER … Uncle Ray or Uncle Bobbie as we called him … he said this to me … I cannot come back yet, I did not do what I had to do on earth, I had to go back to my body … in an instant I was back in my body and in severe pain … no pain when I was with my dead Uncle …