Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Vatican and UFOs … not what you might think … they believe!

X-files … the “truth is out there”… no… the truth is in the Vatican’s secret archives


There are many sites where you can read the official statements in regards to the Vatican and UFOs I attached two below this post …

In addition to blogging, I also do research on people’s family trees (their past ancestry). Hands down the best resource for finding old family records (if the family was/is Catholic) is the Catholic Church. The church throughout the centuries kept and keeps meticulous records… of births, marriages, deaths, etc. There is no organization better than the church to collect records and that is only the “public records” the church holds… The church has vast amounts of ancient information that it keeps secret in its archives within the Vatican, they truly are a wealth of hidden knowledge, which we the public will never know … which to me is so very sad and also very sinister … those in charge of formulating the consciousness of a faith (the Catholic laity) refuses the laity access to information …which is required to formulate opinion and hence exercise “free will” … the highest gift given to mankind, by God is “free will” … yet the hidden information the Vatican holds, is holding captive “free will”… and only allows knowledge released to the laity that it deems appropriate… but is it “appropriate to withhold the facts and the truth?”

The Catholic hierarchy (the corporation of the church that is) has a clever way, to say yes it is appropriate to withhold this knowledge, from the laity … they do so through their “moral theologians”, with “it is not of God if you seek hidden knowledge”… in other words “just shut up and stay with the script we give you” … This is how they covered up sexual abuse within the clergy as well … “just remain silent” … this also how they cover up financial  abuses within the church as well …

We need full disclosure and we need to see what the Vatican really has in its archives (it is human history they hold possession of not just church history) so open up all documents in the Vatican archives to the public … and stop trying to manipulate human history in the name of God …          

One last thought … I have over the years met many “visionaries” and one world famous one, when I asked her if she ever asked the Virgin Mary if God has “other lifeforms” in the galaxy … This visionary said this to me,  “God has life throughout the universe”… so it sounds like a yes to me!