Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Salvador Mundi (Saviour of the World)

Religious icons I have a few … they are from Poland, hence they would not be consider of high value in the art world … Icons from Greece or Russia are of high value…

 I have one icon from Greece and a brass “travel icon” from Russia dating from the 17th century … 

 Yet I like the Polish artist who painted my Icons, in the 20th century, the face of the Virgin Mary is stunningly beautiful on these icons … not so much with the ancient icons, they were not going for “beauty” but symbolism … 

Go figure … I also like Salvador Dali’s religious art …and the medieval tapestries they have at the Cloisters’ in NYC … I find Byzantine art is to be a bit fussy and overdone most of the time, but pretty to look at  … I like simpler art work … Leonardo Da Vinci I find interesting maybe not so much his art pieces,  but him as the man … fascinating to me … what a great mind he had … and his brilliance shone in many areas of thought …  

and because I like intrigue… you know the Da Vinci  Code and did da Vinci place a “code” into other paintings … ???

I do not think Da Vinci’s Last Supper is “coded”… but what do I know! I do think Da Vinci’s super charged brain was more than capable of doing such things to “screw with the minds of others” …

Da Vinci did one work that I think is “coded” and it is somehow very eerie to me … and that is the painting above  … it somehow radiates power and a strange fear of the Lord … I cannot explain it any better … I normally do not have a fear of the Lord … for love is greater than fear … but that painting on some level strikes fear in me … 

The painting “The Salvador Mundi”  (Saviour of the World)  It was sold at auction for $450.3 million on  November 15 2017 by Christie’s in New York to Prince Badr bin Abdullah,  setting a new record for most expensive painting sold  at public auction. Prince Badr allegedly made the purchase on behalf of Abu Dhabi's Department of Culture of Culture and Tourism …

The painting was supposed to be on public display in 2018 and it was not, supposedly being held on the yacht of the Prince …???

What is up with this painting????  

Why did someone pay such a huge amount of money for it???

 And why did they say it would be on public display in a cultural center of a Muslim country, Abu Dhabi is a Muslim city in a Muslim country. 

The Constitution of the United Arab Emirates does provide for freedom of religion in accordance with established customs, and the government generally respects this right in practice; however, there are restrictions (e.g. attempts to spread Christianity among Muslims not permitted). The federal Constitution declares that Islam is the official religion of the country; the Government does not recognize or permit conversion from Islam to another religion … Wouldn’t this painting be a visual to spreading Christianity??? There is something more going on with that painting … it is extremely “mystical” …
If Da Vinci ever coded a painting, I believe it is this one …

Thursday, June 27, 2019

You can talk about UFOs and aliens but talk about Jesus Christ and you are considered a freak

Hmmm … let me think how can I defend my “main man Jesus Christ” to the UFO, alien believers and Jesus nonbelievers…???
OK I got it … here is my argument …

Picture this Jesus standing before Pilate …

Pilate … you say you are a King
Jesus … you say it (a play on words saying it is true without saying it is true, Jesus the word smith)  
Pilate … Then You are a king
Jesus … For this reason I was born and have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.

( foot note here … Jesus states he is giving “testimony” before the judge in front of him (Pilate) in our words a “legal statement”)

The back and forth went on a bit between Pilate and Jesus …

Then Pilate said this to Jesus … “your own people handed you over to me” (meaning the Jews)
Jesus responds in this manner …
    My Kingdom is not of this world, if it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews   

By Jesus’ own “testimony” before Pilate he clearly states,  “he is not of this world” … by definition that makes him “an alien from another world” …OK you may say … Jesus speaks about another realm (like heaven) … How do you know that??? Maybe heaven is another planet… not just another dimension … Jesus went “up into the heavens (in his body)” when he ascended … so this other dimension  / realm has to have the capacity to support a life form,  a physical space… Jesus even in his resurrected body still occupied “space” and he ate and he was able to be touched … that is not just a “mystical realm” but one of reality … of physical matter …  

Horse shows and Art Bell

When my daughters were young we owned show ponies and the girls would ride in horse shows. There is a lot  of behind the scenes work that needs to be done prior to arriving at a horse show, the girls started in “lead line” went to short stirrups and onto jumping … those classes where usually the first ones of the morning (8 am start) …

Back at the stable (barn) you had to feed and water the pony super early in the morning, so it would not colic… after the pony was fed you needed to take it out of its stall and brush / groom the pony, then came the braiding of the mane and tail… picking and polishing the hooves… placing wraps or shipping boots on all 4 legs of the pony and they load the pony into a horse trailer (sometimes easy to do, sometimes not so easy. So you needed to have extra time) inside the trailer you hung a hay bag so the pony could have a treat as it traveled… You then had to pack up the kids … load saddles, bridles, lead lines, lounge lines, halters, water buckets, brushes and picks, fly spray, saddle pads, blankets or coolers … ugh it goes on and on…

Then you are all packed up and ready to roll out … and it would take usually an hour to get to each horse show, sometimes longer… once there you unload everything, take the pony out of the trailer, lounge it, tack it up and place your kid on top of it and send them into the show ring … whoa baby that was a lot of work …

You would have to arrive at the barn very early in the morning to do all of this … I mean sometimes at 2 am if the horse show was far away … I would also listen to the radio driving to the barn and while at the barn in the early morning hours … this is when I found “Art Bell” broadcasting early in the am …

The topics that Art Bell would discuss blew my mind and made me think of things I never considered prior … weird stuff… alien stuff … Sci-fi stuff … prophecies, time travel, medical cover-ups, hell and demons, secret societies and so much more … There are still many people who discuss these things on the radio or those who broadcast via a podcast or are on YouTube … They do not hold a candle to the style and foresight Art Bell had in this arena, Art Bell was the first and the best … I would say Art Bell opened my mind to these things and made me research the topics … so thank you Art Bell and rest in peace …

Check, it out he was cool!!!  

Art Bell was also best buds with Malachi Martin (and interesting priest to say the least) … Fr. Martin wrote “fiction” about the Catholic Church … but was it really fiction???  I will post a story about this in the future   

And I should have listened to Art Bell's advice in the early 1990's... he said,  "invest in cell phone stocks, there will come a day when that is the only type of phone people will use"... I thought ... no that cannot be true ... people will never give up their landlines... I could kick myself all the way to the Sprint store now, for not listening to Art Bells' advice!    


J and Smitty "in hand" Smitty was a NJ bred pony, beautiful lines
Smitty had great form as a jumper

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Stories shared with me

We all have gifts … “special gifts”, from God … located in our “higher selves” … we are just embarrassed to share them, fearing ridicule, from others… I say … Screw them… share your gifts … now is the time  ….


I love listening to other people’s stories about “weird stuff”, the kind of things these people usually do not share with others (they are to embarrassed or fear ridicule) … yet with me they somehow feel safe to share …

I do not even remember the number of people who over the years have told me about seeing their loved ones after they died, it almost seems more common to see a loved one, post their death than not too! Each time these people “saw” their dead loved ones it brought deep inner peace to them… I can only say that is grace … (and with this I have to say, I have such encounters as well with dead loved ones and animals as well, as had many others) …  

Then there was the young woman who told me “she knows when a person will die” (I was kind of spooked out by her, thinking she would say, “and your time is up!”) … I instantly thought of a story I read years ago about a cat in a nursing home … when kitty cat would lay on a patient’s bed this meant the patient would die within hours!   This “angel of death kitty’s name was Oscar”

Now I know a “human” who can do the same thing, yet the human can only narrow it down to the last 6 months of life … Oscar was more exact in that manner, narrowing death to a few hours …

Remarks about animals and the supernatural
Those stories are so numerous and touching, I think I will eventually start a new blog with just animals’ stories …

To be fair too “the Catholic Saints” … I have heard many stories of a saints appearing to a person to let them know things will be OK … The “guy”,  I seem to hear about the most is Padre Pio… he seems to be all over the place!   Supposedly there is a smell of flowers around a holy person or a saint… so when I listen to stories about “Padre Pio”… I ask the person about “smell” and the ones I think had a genuine encounter,  with Padre Pio will tell me this … they did not smell flowers they smelled “tobacco”… Bingo! Padre Pio was/ is known for that smell …

Speaking to dead people

One of those things the church tells you not to do! That is unless the “dead people” you speak to are sanctified by the church … as in being a “saint”… I have a very literal and linear mind … so I think … OK you tell me “not to speak to dead people and in the next breath you tell me to pray to dead saints”??? Pick a lane … either you can talk to dead people or you cannot … Like the church has a master list … one side 1) dead people you can talk to   column   2) dead people you cannot talk to ???!!!

Well I admit, I went to the no-no column of dead people per the church … I went to a former nun who ‘speaks to the dead”…  I actually went there to call BS on her … like those TV spiritualists (mediums) who can speak to the dead at the drop of hat as if the dead were on speed dial with them … Usually their “conversations/ contacts” are so broad the profile can fit anyone … no real details …  
So I went to former nun, with low expectations… entertainment only or even to ridicule her …
My experience with the former nun who is “tight with the dead”       
As soon as I sit down in her office (the formed nun’s office that is) … She says this …

Nun … wow I smell alcohol…
Me” … excuse me! If you smell alcohol it is on you, I did not drink prior to coming, here!  
Nun …No not that kind of alcohol … stronger type, pure alcohol
Me”… what are you talking about?
Nun … I see an older woman, she says she is your grandmother the alcohol smell is coming from her
Me”… in an instant I remembered the stories about my father’s mother (she died before I was born)...My father’s family was very poor (they lived on a farm in PA during the depression and during prohibition)… in order to make ends meet… my grandmother sold boot leg whiskey (she had a small still hidden in the woods on the farm) I remembered being told my grandmother would buy pure alcohol and dilute it to make her moonshine!   WOW there is no way this “former nun” could know this and it was not something I was thinking about … creepy …
Nun … what are all these dogs doing here? And they are so friendly and so hairy they shed a lot! And now they are barking, wagging their tails and happy to see you…
Me”….. Now the hairs on my arms are standing on end! For 20 years I raised and owned collies, they were very hairy, shed a lot would always bark and wag their tails when they saw me and they were super “happy dogs”… 

This went on and on for the next half an hour this former nun was correctly telling me things, about dead relatives and animals!  I said nothing to give her clues … she was point specific in topics …
Interesting when I left the former nun told me she does “readings for other nuns and a few priests”…
Maybe she has an “unknown gift of the Holy Spirit”… I say this because, “her readings bring peace” to a soul… not confusion or terror   ...

below are just a couple of the approved "dead people",  by the Catholic Church,  dead people you can see or talk to (as in pray to ... same thing)  and not be labeled evil! wow is that crazy or what ... see the "approved dead people and you are labeled "holy"... see the rejected dead people you are labeled crazy or demonic... wow that sounds really like "judging" to me  .. what the frock !!!  is up with that! no wonder so many leave the Church! dead is dead,  you talk to dead people approved or not you are still talking to the dead ... 

That is why I do not talk to either kind of dead people / approved or not ... I talk to the living God ...

Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Vatican and UFOs … not what you might think … they believe!

X-files … the “truth is out there”… no… the truth is in the Vatican’s secret archives


There are many sites where you can read the official statements in regards to the Vatican and UFOs I attached two below this post …

In addition to blogging, I also do research on people’s family trees (their past ancestry). Hands down the best resource for finding old family records (if the family was/is Catholic) is the Catholic Church. The church throughout the centuries kept and keeps meticulous records… of births, marriages, deaths, etc. There is no organization better than the church to collect records and that is only the “public records” the church holds… The church has vast amounts of ancient information that it keeps secret in its archives within the Vatican, they truly are a wealth of hidden knowledge, which we the public will never know … which to me is so very sad and also very sinister … those in charge of formulating the consciousness of a faith (the Catholic laity) refuses the laity access to information …which is required to formulate opinion and hence exercise “free will” … the highest gift given to mankind, by God is “free will” … yet the hidden information the Vatican holds, is holding captive “free will”… and only allows knowledge released to the laity that it deems appropriate… but is it “appropriate to withhold the facts and the truth?”

The Catholic hierarchy (the corporation of the church that is) has a clever way, to say yes it is appropriate to withhold this knowledge, from the laity … they do so through their “moral theologians”, with “it is not of God if you seek hidden knowledge”… in other words “just shut up and stay with the script we give you” … This is how they covered up sexual abuse within the clergy as well … “just remain silent” … this also how they cover up financial  abuses within the church as well …

We need full disclosure and we need to see what the Vatican really has in its archives (it is human history they hold possession of not just church history) so open up all documents in the Vatican archives to the public … and stop trying to manipulate human history in the name of God …          

One last thought … I have over the years met many “visionaries” and one world famous one, when I asked her if she ever asked the Virgin Mary if God has “other lifeforms” in the galaxy … This visionary said this to me,  “God has life throughout the universe”… so it sounds like a yes to me!

Friday, June 21, 2019

I might be a UFO magnet … or from another planet

I moved many times in my life … but was my first and biggest move …when I came to earth, from another planet??? … A “psychic / medium / past life expert”… once told me … yes I was “sent” here from another planet …


I moved many times in my life … and in doing so, I rented storage spaces to store my belongings in-between moves … or if I rented a place to small to fit all my belongings in, my stuff stayed in my storage space. One such storage rental I had was located in Paterson, NJ and at one time UFOs were spotted over this commercial warehouse as well...

 I was a Eucharistic minster who would bring the Eucharist to shut-ins, one such lady I visited loved to tell me stories of her family and her brother (now this lady was in her 70’s at the time) … she spoke of her  brother, who was not only in Korea but also in Vietnam and he had top security clearance. She told me about her brother telling her stories of the UFOs he saw in Vietnam and how he was told to “keep quiet about these sightings” …  

Another story came from a young Marine who said during basic training in South Carolina, one time during night maneuvers, the forest was lit up by a strange light and a large hovering object was over them and it made no sound. Then it disappeared (no sound) but some of the Marines heard the sound of footsteps running in the woods, not being made by the Marines … what it was??? They were told not to talk about it …

Another story a young man … who was sitting by a Lake, with his girlfriend at the time, it was a full moon approx. 11 pm … the couple was staring at the refection of the moon in the water … suddenly the moon appeared to be getting bigger and bigger in the water’s reflection … they both looked up at the same time and saw a large UFO over their heads … not the moon …  

I also know of a young man who stated after he had a UFO encounter, men in Black followed him …

One really freaky thing that happened to me … ok…  I know I am not supposed to do this (being a good Catholic and all) but when I was young I did a lot of weird crap! One such thing was to go to a woman who said, “She could read my past lives”… now I would not be hypnotized to be “taken back to past lives”, which is the way these things are normally done … but this woman would go into a trace and somehow she could see my past lives … Now in the world of weird and the strange this woman was high on the list (as in being good at what she does) … so she first talked with me and then she stared at me and then closed her eyes … in an instant she popped open her eyes and blessed herself (Like a terrified Catholic would do if they saw the devil)… She said this to me … “Oh my God, you (meaning me) are not from this planet, you were sent here and it is your last time being allowed to come here and you have been given something big to do, so a powerful demon followed you into this dimension to try and destroy you before you do it!  Now … that was not something, I was expecting to be told or I wanted to hear … yet the terror on this woman’s face was a bit starling to see…

 I give my daughter a high five, when I told her the story … her response was “oh mom, everyone knows you are weird and from another planet, no news there!” J  funny and creepy at the same time …

And here I recall a “near death experience”, I had in 1969, I was in massive car crash, brought to the ER with no pulse and no BP … I saw my dead Uncle prior to responding to medications in the ER … Uncle Ray or Uncle Bobbie as we called him … he said this to me … I cannot come back yet, I did not do what I had to do on earth, I had to go back to my body … in an instant I was back in my body and in severe pain … no pain when I was with my dead Uncle …  



UFOs have been sighted

OMG … I am not a fan … do not know if they are real… but they really spook me out … so what are the odds … I would randomly move into a rental where they landed and not even know this fact,  until the locals told me about the sightings ??? I guess with me they are very good odds! Because that is exactly what happen to me …

First let me bring you back to the time of the UFO sightings, I was in high school and it was the talk of the town and in the high school I attended and reported on in the news … Now it was not bad enough I lived in a house at the time, I thought was haunted… now I had to worry about UFO’s … My thoughts at the time,  good gravy with my luck, those UFO’s are going to do a fly over the haunted house I live in! So now I was spooked by my house and spooked to go outside in fear of a UFO! Talk about needing a safe space… I had none!

Below are a couple of news clippings from the time of the UFO sightings… they start like this  UFOs Over The Wanaque Reservoir: The Roswell of the Ramapo’s January 11, 1966 started like any other mid-winter day in the small suburban town of Wanaque, NJ. The air was clear and cold, kids were enjoying the holiday vacation from school, and residents of the Passaic County borough went about ….

So irony of ironies many decades later I was in need of a rental … I like out of the way places where I can write and enjoy nature … I found the perfect spot in a place called Wanaque (the town’s name did not register with me, at the time of the rental as being a place of UFO’s) … the rental was really cute, acreage and place to write and chill out … not many families in the area, but very friendly people… I could take long walks on the back of the property and it overlooked the Wanaque Reservoir, stunningly beautiful … there was an area on the property though that for some reason, seemed “magical” for a lack of better words… there were lots of cactus (or wait that is cacti)  such (not native to the area) and the animals exceptional friendly … somehow the moonlight at this rental seemed more intense as well … again for lack of better words on some level the rental seemed like  the Scottish village of  Brigadoon a magical little place not on a map … Loved it there!!!! That is until a local man who lived in the area for over 50 years told me the stories of the UFO’s in the area and on the property … instantly I remembered the story from my high school days … the place I was terrorized of I was now living on!!!  OMG … so I collected UFO stories from the locals on what they saw … and heard about the hundreds of people who would come and watch the UFO’s …  and I have to say ... it was kind of cool to be ground zero for a UFO landing party!     

A haunted house … and Mussolini in the wall …

When I was about 8 years old we moved into a one family house, prior to this we lived in the apartment above my father’s bar, the apartment was on the third floor so there were many stairs to climb as a young kid.  I was happy to hear we would be moving into a one family house and not so many stairs… good grief what a relief  since I was a bit on the clumsy side, I had fallen down those stairs many times … all I can say is “Ouch” and lots of tears!!! I hated those stairs … but I would imagine my parents hated them more, since they had to carry groceries and young kids up and down those stairs …  

I only learned this fact as an adult, the new house my family was moving into was purchased from a church … it was a rectory for St. Luke’s (I do not know what domination it was, but obviously it was Christian)… now here I have to say, my dad (pappy)  was somewhat of a hustler if he could get a good deal, he would go for it (pappy called it “good business”) … so Pappy got a good deal on this house (even for that time circa early 1960’s, it was a good deal) . I have learned in life “good deals” usually are not there is always something wrong, if there is a “really good deal” attached to it.

Within a couple of months in the new house, I started to get creeped out with the basement and the attic … soon I became scared to death of them… I had an eerie feeling whenever I was in the attic or the basement. When we first moved into this new house it was heated with a coal furnace and my brother Joe was usually in charge of filling the furnace with coal and removing the ash from it … I would on occasion go down into the basement with my brother and watch him fill up the furnace with coal …my brother had to walk back and forth to where the coal was stored and where the furnace was located … so I figured if there was anything creepy down there odds were they would go after my brother first and I would have the chance to run up the stairs to safety. (Sorry Joe) but every man for himself (or little kid)! There was a problem with this plan of mine though, at the bottom of the staircase to the right was the really “creepy dark room” … the place where I thought the monsters and/or ghosts lived or at least hung out in! So sometimes I would watch my brother fill the furnace  from only half way down the stairs.

Now as I grew up in this house … sadly it never stopped creeping me out… I could not wait to get out of this house be it going away to college or marrying young! I did the latter, which it turns out was even scarier (but that is another story) … even as an adult with my own children that house spooked me out, as if there was an unseen darkness there …

The years passed and in 1987 my mother had a stroke in that house, which she would die from 9 days later, my father also became seriously ill in that house, yet he survived and lived in the house for about 5 more years, until it burned down… (Or it partially did)… since there was insurance on the house it was rebuilt to be placed on the market to be sold. My dad placed me in charge of overseeing the project and dealing with the insurance company, the bank and the contractors … (all of which was a nightmare and the insurance company did not secure the house properly post the fire so it was repeatedly robbed) as if the house itself was harassing me! Nothing went right… finally it was sold well below market value and covering only the cost of a second mortgage that was on it …

But two weeks prior to the sale of the house … my Aunt Monica met a woman, who said she had lived in this house in the past … This woman was also a relative to a local priest who confirmed the story … what my Aunt Monica learned was the house was “haunted” and had demonic activity in it in the past … WOW!!!! Sweet Baby Jesus … when I heard that I almost peed my pants! I knew that house creeped me out for a reason … 

 … but I learned more, from my Aunt Monica’s encounter with this woman … she stated that during WWII the house was used for a group of “Mussolini followers”, who secretly wanted Hitler and Mussolini to win the war… I was told they had a big painting of Mussolini,  which they would bring out during their meetings and then hide it inside the wall of the house … Apparently they feared the FBI might become aware of their meetings and they did not want any evidence that would link them to being pro Mussolini. Now this I am sure this is true for during WWII there were “detention centers for such people”…

So one week prior to the sale of the spooky house, my youngest daughter and I searched the walls inside the house to try and find any secret compartments… no luck … or maybe it was luck not to find it!  The painting was probably haunted and I bet it was located in that dark creepy room in the basement … I never checked in that room, if the painting was in there I figured the ghosts and demons can keep it …

Every time I drive pass that house now I think, “Mussolini in the Wall” …       


Books…books…books …

The closet in my parents’ bedroom was filled with Sci-fi paperback novels, stacks of them. These were not my parents’ books but the books my two older brothers would read, I had no interest in them. As a matter of fact I thought they were dumb and annoying, as a kid I liked looking in my mom’s closet to find old clothing or shoes to play dress up and these books got in my way. My brothers were addicted to reading these Sci-Fi paperback novels. The stacks of Sci-fi books in the closet grew larger and larger over the years to the point where it was nearly impossible to find any clothing or shoes… so “Sci-fi” to me in the past meant an annoying obstacle to get to my mom’s clothing and shoes.

 My brothers were also into Sci-fi movies (ugh) I was so young at the time those movies caused me to have nightmares … such as Godzilla stomping down my neighborhood (since I saw him in the movie stomp down Tokyo) … I also had night terrors of a giant moth flying into my room and taking me ( the Mothra movies) … then there was the “Sci-fi comic books” my brothers read and left around the house … I remember looking at the covers of these comic books and seeing aliens and robots taking over the world … (irony I now see real robots are really taking over the world!)  And I think aliens are probably real! … Geeze should I have paid more attention to those dusty, annoying paperback Sci-fi novels??? Probably … on some level they now seem to have been like getting a “stock tip” on the future …

Sci - fi  book written by Archbishop Myers