Friday, July 9, 2021

Charlie Kirk


I like Charlie Kirk … in him I see,  “hope for the youth and country” …He thinks Donald Trump was not a “political earthquake”… but a “tremor” of things to come … I also believe it was and is the “baby boomers”, who set into motion the collapse of this country on every level … if the baby boomers’  parents were the “greatest generation”… the baby boomers were and are the “the worse generation” … their parents came out of WW II and the great depression and these parents spoiled the baby boomers and made them “self-absorbed” and self-centered and extremely liberal. although most professed to be conservative and still do ...

The baby boomers have little to no family values ... their parents who suffered so much in this world, via the depression and not having much ... did not want their kids to go through what they did in life... so they sheltered them for the most part to what it means to be family and stick together ... plus they did not pass down to their children a work ethic or a sense of self - sacrifice... a sense of the greater good   

   … most baby boomers see the generations after them as being the problem … no the problem started,  with them … I am a baby boomer and I see it in my contemporaries, they were always more concerned about “self”, even more than their own children … they took and take advantage of every government program… and demand their social security checks even when they do not need them, such as retired wealthy doctors, lawyers and CEO’s and the classic example would be Joe and Jill Biden .. Super wealthy power couple but on their income tax returns you can see the amount of social security, they collect every month … the argument these baby boomers give is … “they paid into it every month, so they desire the pay back now” … this is not the reason FDR signed into law the Social Security act on August 14, 1935… it was a program to help the poor … not to add to the wealthy’s pot of gold…

And the fact of the matter … no matter what these retired people paid into social security, it will never amount to what they have been and are taking out if it … it is those who are still part of the work force that are paying these wealthy seniors to live high off the hog and that is a sin … greed … nothing more than pure greed and on so many levels the baby boomers lead the way in this area … and many profess to be “Christians” as well… do they not know greed is a cardinal sin … but hey the Vatican and hierarchy of the Catholic Church are kings of greed as are the fundamentalists  with their “mega churches”…

The baby boomers and those who think like them are the biggest critics of social programs for the poor, yet the baby boomers are the biggest draw off of the government than any other segment of society …   

The baby boomers also taught their children by example to exploit the environment and natural resources and to be wildly out of control consumers and materialistic people...  where more is better and a sign of success ..