Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Rural people cannot get copies of their voter ID cards?


The VP of the USA is almost as clueless as the President of the USA… when she stated the “rural Americans” will not be able to get “copies” of their ID’s in order to vote … the VP went on to say, these rural folks (how patronizing can Harris get)…. Harris stated, they will not be able to get to Kinko’s and copy their ID … my God!!! These politicians are so out of touch, with reality and “real Americans”… rural Americans are not functional assholes, the way the Biden administration are … rural Americans can walk and chew gum at the same time Ms. Harris!!!  But Ms. Harris is right in this regard,  rural American’s will not be able to get copies of their ID at Kinko’s … for the reason Kinko’s  was purchased by Fed Ex in 2003, Ms. Harris …  

The government is willing to go door to door to make sure you are vaccinated, with the covid-19 vaccine … they cannot go door to door to issue a “valid voter ID” to those in this country who, under the constitution are legally allowed to vote … what is more important than the “legal” right to vote… especially  in a Presidential election, we saw in the last presidential election how voter fraud can steal an election… if the government has the names and addresses of all who have not received the covid-19 vaccine and those who have … let them just run off that data to back up and issue voter ID’s  ... wow you have to show a "vaccine passport" to go many places and the Dems do not think that is a burden to the American citizens ... yet to show a voter ID is a burden and should not be required ...what bullshit ...   

and I just have to say ... for words matter!!! These Dems who walked away, have the emotional IQ of a spoiled 2 year old ... I apologize to most 2 year old,  for you are classier and smarter than theses Dems, even the toddlers ass wipes are intellectually superior to these Dems ... and who paid, for the private jets the baby ass wipes Dems flew on ???

Biden is right we are in facing a crisis,  it started when he entered the White House... 

No mask ... no fly... except if you are a bat shit crazy Dem who walks away, from their jobs and refuse to listen to the actual voters in Texas