Wednesday, July 21, 2021

This lying sack of dog excrement (Fauci) needs to be in jail for crimes against humanity ... but big pharma and the Dems protect him, as did Trump!


Fauci is a self righteous condescending piece of shit ... who is parsing words and he is a criminal, right out of hell! And he acts like an organized crime Godfather...  

Now Fauci is into potentially shortening the life spans and causing immune issues or  actually killing kids,  with a covid vaccine and masks ...

If there is a God and I know there is ... one day Fauci and his cohorts will be looked upon as being a evil greater than Hitler and the SS for crimes against humanity ...Fauci's stain on humanity is akin to the Satan himself giving Adam and Eve a "poison apple" and all generations forward being affected by said  ... Fauci pushing a poisonous untested RNA spike protein vaccine on humanity and especially children, whose ability to have children in the future may be affected and their life spans shortened ...  Fauci marks the entire history of mankind on a most profound evil manner... Fauci himself can be considered on some level an ELE (extinction level event for mankind) and the full extent of his evil will not be seen until decades to come ... and the man is not finished yet he will push more destructive covid vaccines  ... after all he funded the research on gain of function for these viruses ... what a racket ... help develop the disease as  you produce a "vaccine" as the cure ...