Tuesday, July 27, 2021

OMG ... you cannot make this shit up and it should scare the crap out of you ... for it will be coming to your country


Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorization – Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defense Force] (No.2) 2021

An authorization by the Chief Health Office under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorize relevant Australian Defense Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine.


Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorization – Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defense Force] (No.2) 2021
Page reviewed 10 March 2021

Authorisation by CHO under s197 and s198 of the Public Health Act 2016 to enable Assistant in Nursing employees of the Child and Adolescent Health Service to supply or administer the COVID-19 vaccine.


Public Health Act 2016 Instrument of Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – COVID VACCINATORS – CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICE] (No. 3) 2021


Go to 19 minutes into the video, where the Prime Minster of Australia states ... if someone dies of the covid vaccine... it is their fault for taking the vaccine!!!! OMG they are "back door" forcing their citizens to take this vaccine and if they die from it ... it is their fault for taking the vaccine, not those forcing them to take the vaccine like the government or a business, for the patient had the option not to take the vaccine ... really ... WTF!!! 


 I, Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer (WA), acting pursuant to sections 197 and 198 of the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) [the Act] that gives power, for the purposes of emergency management during a public health state of emergency, to authorize a person to supply or administer a poison, hereby authorize the person(s) occupying the class of position in Column 1 of the attached Schedule to perform the statutory functions in Column 2 of the attached Schedule, subject to the conditions, limitations or restrictions (if any) set out in Column 3 of the attached Schedule.

2. The Schedule is attached as Annexure A. 3. This instrument of authorization shall take effect from 19 July 2021 and shall remain in force until the public health state of emergency is no longer in force or until otherwise amended or revoked. 4. This instrument of authorization is additional to the following: • Instrument of Authorization -Authorization To Supply Or Administer A Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE] (No. 1) 2021; and • Instrument of Authorization -Authorization To Supply Or Administer A Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE-Australian Defense Force] (No. 2) 2021 DATED this /s h.., day of � J 2

DATED this /s h.., day of � J 2021 �� Dr Andrew Robertson CHIEF HEAL TH OFFICER

SCHEDULE Column 1 Column2 Column 3 Authorised Officers Functions Conditions, Limitations or Restrictions 1. COVID Vaccinators• • Receive, possess and An authorised officer(s) exercising a supply the SARS-COV- function listed under Column 2 of the 2 (COVID-19) Schedule must: VACCINE to Premises." • Ensure that each administration • Administer the SARS- event occurs under the direction of COV-2 (COVID-19) an appropriate registered health VACCINE, to individuals practitioner. M at the Premises to • Ensure that each administration which the vaccines event Is recorded on the have been supplied, in Australian Immunisation Register. accordance with the • Ensure that any adverse events, Department of Health's following immunisation, is MP 0153/21 COVID-19 recorded on the Western Vaccination Program Australian Vaccine Safety Policy (as amended Surveillance. from time to time). • Carry out the functions in line with the requirements for supply and administration of Schedule 4 medicines in the Medicines and Poisons Act 2014 fY',IA) and the Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016 fY',/A) to the extent that they are consistent with the authorization. * COVID Vaccinators means persons employed by the Child and Adolescent Health Service under a specific Job Description Form of Assistant in Nursing - COVID vaccinator, as amended from time to time. /1. Premises means hospitals, clinics and other facilities in Western Australian operated by a Health Service Provider (as defined under the Health Services Act 2016 (WA)). /1./1. Appropriate registered health practitioner means a health practitioner with current registration pursuant to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western Australia) who is also authorized to prescribe or administer the SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE