Sunday, April 17, 2022

What are your knees bending to on this Easter Sunday?

 This ...

or this ...

Twisted Pope Frances and his twisted Biblical reference on Good Friday, please God remove this man and all other globalists / demonic entities on this planet who are persecuting and killing your creation, after they attempt to alter mankind’s DNA and kill them with lethal vaccines and drugs …

Pope Francis Good Friday Message: ‘We Are Racists, We Are Racists’

Francis chose to stoke the fires of division on Good Friday ... Here are Pope Francis statements on Good Friday … we are all racists… racists… racists … and as always the Pope uses Christ when it is convenient for him to do so, yet most of the time Pope Frances blows off the teachings of Christ and God’s natural world …

 … Francis likened the flood of migrants into Europe and the US to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph’s escape to Egypt from King Herod, who was on the hunt to kill baby Jesus.

“The problem of the refugees is a problem that Jesus suffered too, because he was a migrant and a refugee in Egypt when he was a child, to escape death,” he said. “How many of them are suffering to escape death!”

The truth is the Holy Family had to leave their home to flee “religious persecution” by a man called King of the Jews (Herod) … Herod a pompous ass who only cared about his own power and position to the point of killing his own son, as well as infants… Pope Francis reminds me of Herod, willing to kill off the flock of Christ (laity) by a covid vaccine and giving a “pass” on said vaccine to illegal immigrants…

Francis has been a vocal proponent of flooding migrants into Western Europe, which even former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted has resulted in a crisis of high violent crime and cultural division in the continent.

And as far as I am aware the Holy Family was treated very well in Egypt during their stay … to the point of this happening in Zeitoun district of Cairo, Egypt, over a period of 2–3 years beginning on 2 April 1968 (2-3 years approx. the time the Holy family spent in Egypt) as a heavenly “thank you to Egypt” and its people for taking care of the Holy Family ….  Our Lady of Zeitoun

And Pope Francis fails to mention the “endless wars” the globalists instigate (with the help of the church) and global hunger/ starvation the covid lock-downs caused or the massive inflation the Biden administration began and continues as well as Biden shutting down all fossil fuel sources  …science check we are “carbon based creations” and all plants life needs carbon to create Oxygen… it is as if the entire planet and all of humanity is being terraformed … by some unseen entitles, to rid us of our God given DNA, immune systems, plant life and so much more… yet the laity goes to church today as if all things are “normal” … they have not been normal since the hierarchy of the church stood with the globalists/ demons and shutting down all churches 2 years ago, only reopening upon the “command” of said globalists… things will never be “normal” or the same anymore… you think the church will not shut down again… think again and listen to the cries of these poor people in China … this is coming to America if you do not stand up now

Curb your soul’s desire for freedom is what the Chinese people are hearing in China … how long will it take for us in the US to hear the same message and Pope Francis to back up the message?

Or how about this Pope Francis … use all the Catholic churches, rectories, and basilicas of the Catholic hierarchy … all of them across the globe … adding up to trillions of dollars of assets and properties the Catholic hierarchy has amassed for itself… turn them all into refugee camps and have the local pastors head them up and start in Vatican City … give up your comfort and money Pope Frances and home (i.e. the walled city called Vatican City)... and let all the laity who support your agendas Pope Francis volunteer in these refugee camps ... let their "faith in you" move their actions ... as for me, I have faith in God ... not the demonic agenda of Pope Francis ...for Francis is like a snake who will turn on you at any given moment ...

 Today is Easter Sunday so once again, to whom do your knees bend  …

The Son of Man ... (check mark on this "Man" for me)

This man ... (no thank you)

Or this man ... (no thank you)

Thank you Father for salvation through your Son … may I always remember this great gift that evil men can never destroy … and fear not those who can take my life … only those who seek to destroy my faith and soul …