Sunday, April 10, 2022

Palm Sunday and the Cross ... do you cover up your crucifix as not to offend anyone, Pope Frances does

History has given us many "false flags"... from remember the Maine and the hell with Spain, to George W. Bush's false flag in Irag with his fake intell of "weapons of Mass destruction" to invade a sovereign country, weapons that never existed and many ... many more false flags... including the false flags going on now in the Ukraine...

Why is the Biden administration and the globalists so “hell bent” on going to war with Russia??? Meanwhile our open borders are letting in millions of illegals who can and have harmed / killed Americans… war means third world nations starve to death and America becomes a third world Nation… and millions die …

Covid 19 and the covid 19 vaccine was / is meant to slow kill millions of people on the planet, now they want to speed up the deaths by stoking the fires of war …   

and what is Christianity minus the Cross... Christianity without the Cross is ‘sterile,’ said Pope Francis at a Byzantine Divine Liturgy, (statement made years ago) ......yet Frances insists the Cross be covered if it offends the Muslims or the Jews... so what religion is Frances the head of ???  ... certainly not mine .. 

Pope covers the Cross & bows to a Jew...

Now Joseph in the Bible would only bow to God, yet Frances and a few Popes prior to him bowed to many humans ... who are these Popes representing on earth ???  

On September 3, 2015, Pope Francis received at the Vatican Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel, accompanied by his personal secretary Rivkah Ravitz. When the moment came to present the latter to Francis, Ravitz affirmed that, for religious reasons, she could not shake his hand or bow to him since he was wearing a Cross.

In reply, Francis covered his pectoral Cross and bowed to her, as a way of saying that he did not care as much about his own religion as she did about Judaism.

So, the Vicar of Christ, instead of giving public testimony of Christ, hides Him and pays homage to Judaism, which is a religion built upon the denial that Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and the true Messiah, who fulfilled all the promises of the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Old Testament.

In a single gesture, thus, the entire apostasy of the Pope is expressed.

No Cross/ Crucifix allowed on "stage" with the Pope... his backdrop is plastic Bottles ... kind of appropriate for a "plastic demonic Pope" 

Plastic bottles replace Christian symbolism as backdrop for Francis' visit...

 VALLETTA, Malta ( - Organizers canceled the crucifix from the papal podium because Pope Francis did not want to offend illegal Muslim migrants during the climax of his Malta trip.
 and this is during Lent the Pope dumps the Cross 

"The majority of the illegal immigrants trafficked to Malta on rickety boats leaving the Libyan coastline are not genuine refugees, but economic migrants — and are mainly Muslim young men aged between 18 and 28," Dr. Philip Beattie, president of Pro Malta Christiana, told Church Militant. 

"Saint Paul preached 'Christ crucified — a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles' when he brought the gospel to Malta. The Apostle boasted in the scandal of the Cross. Why is the pope ashamed of the Cross before Muslims, especially during Lent?" asked Beattie, an economist at the University of Malta.

Beattie lamented:

Francis said nothing about the anti-family onslaught unleashed by the LGBTQ+ lobby and their socialist allies during his address to Malta's president, George Vella. He also remained silent on Prime Minister Robert Abela's threat to discuss the introduction of euthanasia and extend "full reproductive rights" and "genetic screening" for unborn babies in the Labour 2022 electoral manifesto. Vella and Abela are both Catholic. 

The "gifts" Malta has received with illegal immigration are the exploitation of ... African and Middle Eastern migrants as cheap labor on Malta's construction sites and in garbage collection, whilst a considerable number are imprisoned for violent crimes committed against Maltese citizens — robbery and drug trafficking offenses, among others. 

 Most people feel betrayed by the Church, which is coming to resemble a people-smuggling non-governmental organization and a war machine promoting war with Russia ... what ever happened to the statement made by Christ "pray for you enemies" ... the Church is currently teaching the opposite ... with its banners and reminders at Mass to pray for Ukraine ... what about praying for Russia ??? are they not human and children of God and in need of pray as well?

 Love is Love they say and at Target a T shirt is sold with the same slogan ... does this mean ... pedophiles are just "loving a child" ... or those who engage in bestiality are just "loving an animal" ... the woke have no concept of what "Love" is as Jesus presented love (Godly love is the sacrifice of self for others) and the message of Jesus ... Christ was not a liberal idiot promoting orgies and sexual deviation... Christ promoted and spoke of the Kingdom of God and what one needs to do to get into that Kingdom...there are "rules and conditions" to enter into the kingdom of God... teach them to others and be steady fast if others do not or refuse to listen ... brush the dust off your feet and move on... for it will go easier on the day of judgement for Sodom and Gomorrah ... and the message of Christ is that he will be rejected by many, and many will not be saved, although many come in his name   ...

 what is rich is this demonic Pope spoke in Slovakia in 2021 and stated do not use the Cross as a political statement  ... and Frances the most political and corrupt Pope the Church has seen in hundreds of years. also said at that time ... people who do not have a close connection with God should not be wearing a Cross or hanging one in their homes (at least these people are not covering up their Crosses hanging in their homes when someone of another faith enters into it)  ... WOW ... F'n WOW ... Frances the demon went on to say there are Crosses on some flags and this should not be ... flags are symbols of Politics Frances stated in 2021, not God or your relationship with God ... so what the heck was Frances doing hugging and kissing a Ukraine flag ???

Pope criticizes use of the cross as a political symbol...yet this demonic Pope kisses and hugs flags and "promotes false flag" operations by the globalists and military industrial complex...

Our current Pope is part of a chastisement ... and we need to choose ... do we follow demons coming in the name of God or do we follow God ...