Monday, April 18, 2022

Wake Up! Repent, beg God for help or none of us will survive what is to come

The  global food shortages will be Biblical in scope... we need a highly graced man such as "Joseph" from the old testament to lead us out of what is to come ... not the ... for all practical and functionally purposes a "brain dead" president  such as Joe Biden  ...those who voted for Joe Biden by their own hands have created their own and our destruction ... 

Wake Up! Before We All Starve To Death... or die from deadly DNA altering, immune suppressing, venom laced drugs/ vaccines or nuclear war ...

Wake Up! The engineered collapse is well underway. The U.S. southern border is overwhelmed by Third World nations as the dollar collapses.

After Rail Carriers Cancel Grain Shipments, CF Industries Warns FERTILIZER Rail Shipments Now Being Halted During Spring Planting...

 ten days ago Alex Jones warned that rail carriers were declaring “force majeure” and halting shipments of grain to dairy herds and other cow herds across America. In that announcement, I also warned that this was an engineered collapse of the food supply, where rail carriers were essentially being ordered to drop certain loads in order to maximize the coming wave of food scarcity and famine.

Now, devastating news from CF Industries — one of the largest fertilizer producers in the world — confirms the engineered food collapse plan is being expanded to include fertilizer shipments.

Easter season has just begun ... Easter is not just one day out of the year to get together with family and give children Easter baskets ... that is the way of pagans ... Easter is to remind you the battle is won ... call on Jesus Christ to help us ... we are being mind fucked to think we are losers and cannot win this battle ... when it has already been won! God just needs to remind Satan and his demons of this fact and we need to have faith in God and call upon God ... as a child calls upon their parents when they are lost or in trouble ...

As for me I will not be silenced ... and I will cry out to the Lord for help everyday ... every second of the day ...

I love the ironic/ clever touch the animator gave the centenarian to the left in this cartoon... "He has boobs" as if he is transgender ...