Saturday, April 16, 2022

I have No faith in the woke media or even religion ... I have great faith in God on this Holy Saturday and everyday

 The New York Times published an op-ed Friday that proposes eliminating belief in God — as one of the holiest weekends of the year begins.

There is an old expression ... "you cannot fight stupid" ... the author of the above proves the expression to be true.... 

The author titled his dark thoughts ... “In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God,” the article claims that God is responsible for “war and violence” and for “oppression and suffering,” and suggests that people stop teaching children about Him.

With the above I agree with the author to a point ... man does create war many times in the name of God and that is totally on man not God and man’s twisted version of God’s love, mercy and salvation … God does not need a “hit man” on this planet, God needs witness to grace, witness to the natural world, witness to the creation of two genders and witness to salvation not by man but by God …

There is a war going on and it is between good and evil … you choose a side and God and his angels do the fighting not man, men are used as fools, by the evil on earth and the author of the above article's hit piece on God is very much a fool …   

At the end of the day, the author should be offered pity what an empty life with no God in it ... the author is doomed to disappointment, sadness and hatred in life... nothing will make him happy for he has no faith, no hope ... such is the type of soul that St. Faustina stated Christ seeks ... the lost ... the confused... so on this Holy Saturday I pray the "precious blood of Jesus Christ" be poured over the soul of

Shalom Auslander, who was disillusioned about his upbringing in a religious Jewish community in New York ... for as Mr. Auslander personal pain of what he experienced growing up as a "religious Jew" in New York is bleeding into his NY Times article ...  For the sake of Christ's sorrowful passion, Father God have mercy on Shalom Auslander and the whole world ...