Sunday, April 3, 2022

It's Sunday


On this Sunday … hey remember when Sunday was the day to worship God and go to Mass to be “saved” … well that is the good old days … people are not saved by God anymore, proof is all the churches closed when the government in Washington and the Savior “Fauci” told them to do so …

To be “saved” now on this planet and unfortunately within most religious organizations is to be vaccinated … not once or twice or three times or four times …etc.… etc.…

And hey, remember when religious fanatics would kill or isolate people in the “name of God” … that is so old school  … they want to kill and isolate people now in the name of the covid vaccine or war with Putin or for the good of the planet … well basically for anything that is against God’s creation of man and women …

And you think they are done with releasing a bio-weapon on us in the form of covid and the covid vaccine … the answer to that would be NO … why they are just starting especially in the USA … you want to be “vaccine free” or given a pass … I suggest you give up your citizenship and move and become a citizen of Mexico, whose president is far more sane that Joe Biden and his crew. Want your retirement money and investments to be safe … invest in Rubles not dollars… Biden and the Federal Reserve are killing the dollar and all the sanctions on Russian have done is strengthen the Ruble and weaken the dollar … The USA is “f-ed” 10 ways to Sunday with the Dems and the woke… who are cover for the globalists  ….  

And have to give it to Putin on this video ... who are the crazy demonic folks in this scenario

And is Dr.Sherry Tenpenny right, will the next big “virus” released (blamed on Russia I am sure)  be  Ebola / hemorrhagic fever right before the 2022 mid terms… and you can only get that “vaccine” if you first had the several prior covid vaccines, probably  (you know that same old vaccine that didn't work the first time so take the exact same vaccine 10 times more)   …

but then where do you want to be … in this hell on earth or with God … where the “good old religions” used to teach is why you where created … to know God … to love God and to be with God forever in heaven ... so where do you belong, where to you want to be ... and for those who say, the Divine Mercy Chaplet everyday ... with the "Jesus I trust in you" mantra ... do you really "trust Jesus" ... words are cheap ... actions are the real test of faith ...

You always have to ask what is the “endgame” … with the globalists  it is demonic / trans-humanism  the turning  away from God and his creation...

There is a fascinating TV series called “the Endgame” … it is interesting to see the “evil” within the US government and judicial system cloaking itself as righteous… being taken down by a foreign entity (whose is evil as well)… a Biblical concept … as in a house divided against itself cannot stand …  evil does attack itself be it in the US or a foreign entity, with evil there can be only one winner, evil cannot stand competition and will imploded on itself, taking many innocents with it    ...and those you think are evil many times are not and those you think are "holy and righteous" many times are not ...