Sunday, November 21, 2021

Who will be left to care for the sick ... FEMA ...

I was in Walmart a few days ago and they proudly display a sign saying ... "get your free digital vaccine passports here"... there have been rumors for decades that Walmart works with the government and FEMA to allow all the Walmart stores to be used as "government/ FEMA" centers to control the population ... since Walmart is now spear heading  free digital vaccine passports, I guess those "rumors" are true...  

The video below asks who will run  the hospitals once all the "vaccinated doctors", die from the covid vaccine or are disabled ... or the doctors who refuse this deadly "experimental vaccine" and yes it is still experimental, are fired or have their licenses revoked... why it will be FEMA ... that will take over and all FEMA employees are exempted from being forced to take the covid vaccine... just think about that ...