Tuesday, November 23, 2021

This is some bullshit ... a bigger cover-up than the JFK assassination files

Yesterday was the anniversary of the JFK assassination  and the public still does not know the truth of what happened on that day ... Nov 22, 1963 ... Trump was supposed to release all the documents ... then he "wimped" out ... I am starting to think Trump was all talk and low action or he was just as dumb as a doorknob ... the FBI / CIA and it seems anyone else could talk Trump out of doing the right thing... as long as they said "it was a National security issue" ... fuck yeah it is ... you assassinate a duly elected president the way JFK was ... the public's right to know "trumps" the bullshit cover-ups ... I am sure the truth is our own deep State /globalists took JFK out... since JFK wanted to end the war in Vietnam and also to stop the federal reserve from taking over the American economy... JFK could not keep his pants on ... but he was "moral" when it came to the American people and trying to protect them ... he had more balls then Trump did in the White House ... JFK was moving to stop the war and stopping the federal reserve, which is a privately owned company ... JFK thought the American people should be the ones printing money and in control of their "native national economy" ... not the federal reserve ....     

When the Zapruder film first came out publicly of Jackie Kennedy climbing over the trunk of the car, it was thought she was trying to flee ... but decades later in her own words, Jackie stated she saw parts of the JFK's skull fly off after he was shot in the head ... and a piece of his skull was on the trunk of the car and she wanted to get it... Jackie was not a coward trying to get away from bullets ... she was trying to protect her husband's body parts/ fragments ...  

Biden delays release of JFK assassination records, blaming COVID-19 pandemic...

The US will “unfortunately” continue to delay the public release of records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and officials say the COVID-19 pandemic is to blame.

The move was announced in a memo signed by President Joe Biden and released by the White House Friday.

“Temporary continued postponement is necessary to protect against identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure,” Biden wrote. (what f'n bullshit... the covid pandemic is over) ...

Yet Biden continues to use covid for everything... not only does Biden violate a "Congressional act" as did Trump in not releasing the JFK papers ... Biden adds the bullshit covid lie to it ... which got him illegally elected!!!  ... buckle up folks the giant covid lie will be around for decades ... that is until they release another bio-weapon on humanity 

But worse than hiding what they did to JFK in 1963 ... the UN and Pfizer want to hide what they did and are doing to literally billions of people across the planet, via the covid 19 "vaccine"  

Last week attorney Aaron Siri of Injecting Freedom reported that the FDA is going to take 55 years, or until 2076, to disclose all of the data and information it relied on before approving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.

Following its publication, we expected the usual constellation of conflicted neerdowell ‘fact checkers’ to shoot it down – or at least, spin what was going on.

To our surprise, that wasn’t the case. In fact, Reuters – whose founder and former CEO sits on the board of Pfizerlooked into the matter and was apparently shocked:

The 1967 FOIA law requires federal agencies to respond to information requests within 20 business daysHowever, the time it takes to actually get the documents “will vary depending on the complexity of the request and any backlog of requests already pending at the agency,” according to the government’s central FOIA website.

Justice Department lawyers representing the FDA note in court papers that the plaintiffs are seeking a huge amount of vaccine-related material – about 329,000 pages.

The plaintiffs, a group of more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brownfiled suit in September in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, seeking expedited access to the records. They say that releasing the information could help reassure vaccine skeptics that the shot is indeed “safe and effective and, thus, increase confidence in the Pfizer vaccine.”

The article explains how the FDA proposed releasing 500 pages per month on a rolling basis – informing the court that they only have 10 employees in the branch that would handle the review, and are currently processing around 400 other FOIA requests.... WOW ... F'n WOW ... but the FDA can "process" any number of "emergency orders" and documents ... Pfizer "owns" the FDA in all meaningful ways ...  

“By processing and making interim responses based on 500-page increments, FDA will be able to provide more pages to more requesters, thus avoiding a system where a few large requests monopolize finite processing resources and where fewer requesters’ requests are being fulfilled,” wrote DOJ attorneys, citing other cases in which the 500 monthly page production was upheld.

The plaintiffs, on the other hand, point out that the FDA has 18,000 employees and a budget of $6 billion – and “has itself said that there is nothing more important than the licensure of this vaccine and being transparent about this vaccine.”

Since the first batch of documents were released, people have already noted some disturbing findings. What could the rest of the documents reveal?

They killed him and covered it up...what makes you think they give a rat's ass about you and your family ... it is about power, money and control and secret backroom deals 

Below is the clause Joe Biden used not to release the JFK files (citing the covid pandemic) ... they will do the same thing with the covid vaccine... they will never release the data on how it injuries and kills people ... 

The JFK Records Act mandated that, 25 years after the passage of the Act, all such records should be released in full, barring a determination by the president that "continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations" and "the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure."

you can read further here... ... https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_of_JFK_Releases_2021.html