Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Election Day ... no mock the Patriots and American citizens day ...# I voted ... no # it does not matter


In the Bible it speaks to

People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

“It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.  But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.

So it is today … I have no hope for New Jersey on this Election Day … just by the amounts of people I still seeing wearing masks … even when walking or driving, although there is no medical evidence mask helps you, it does harm your lungs though, especially to our children …

So in “these days” you can tell the “political leanings” of someone by the mere fact they are wearing a mask or they are lining up for booster covid vaccines, along with their double dose flu vaccine …

I do not know what is more heart breaking to me, the people’s lack in faith in God … or since I was raised to idolize education that people in this area are so uninformed and refuse to do their own research … I had always thought this area of the country was sophisticated, savvy and educated and strong willed … they are not … they are followers not leaders…

Peer Pressure: … When in school I was always warned not to give into “peer pressure”, have your own mind … frankly I never experienced such in my own academic journey, or even raising my children as a single mother when it was not the norm… I get it now, from “unknowns” and family members my own government … and this old dog will not be led by man, only God …

But it is sad … Election Day was always a day of hope and change, the rising up of the American citizen to control the destiny of their country and their rights under the Constitution … a government by the people and for the people … the stealing of last year’s election destroyed that concept for all Americans, no matter who they voted for… election day is now “dirty politics day” … Irony today in the church it is “all souls day” … and I wonder how many “dead people are voting today” … like so many did in the 2020 election … or since I live in an area laced with senior citizen complexes … I wonder how many of them really filled in their own mail in ballots… if like 2020 not many ….

Sad day indeed … no longer the will of the people (maybe it never was) … but the will of evil has taken over … and I am sure next year will be worse and by the presidential elections in 2024 we will be in lock downs again … it worked so well for the dark forces in 2020 and people brought into it hook line and sinker … they will only be more brainwashed by then …

My hope is in the Lord  ....


  We have taken everything beautiful that God has given us and turned it into a perverted dirty sign … such as the rainbow a sign of God’s love, now is a sign of homosexuality and alternative lifestyles, we turned the concept of God made man and women into “gender bending”… and now the ultimate affront to God … the human body itself no matter the gender … turning it literally into another species, via covid vaccines and other genetically altering drugs and even foods …   and the "mask" maybe most offensive ... to the one true God that gave you "breath" and the air you breath ... now man tells you it is "dirty" and unhealthy to do so ...  "Culture of silence, slavery, and social death." That is and what  a mask was used for as a sign of slavery ...


I leave you with this thought … get yourself a Bible and get real, real close to God and do it now … God freed you, man is trying to enslave  you ... and calls it "election day" ...

and I am sick and tried of "white politicians" calling other White people "racist" to get votes ...