Monday, November 22, 2021

Joe Biden's America ... " A Clock Work Orange in the making"

Summary Anthony Burgress’ ‘A Clockwork Orange’ is his best-known novel and is considered a modern dystopian classic. A Clockwork Orange takes place in a totalitarian future. It follows Alex, a gang member and criminal who spends his days hanging out with his friends and raping, robbing, and destroying property.

           Antifa vowed to get even with the people of Wisconsin, after the not guilty verdict                          of  Kyle Rittenhouse ... is this one of the "get even" threats ...

Just a glimpse, via the videos below on how America is doing under Joe Biden and his inflaming hatred in the USA and for the USA ....

But to be fair Trump did not have the balls to take on Antifa and BLM,  either... Trump was and is better than Biden ... but Trump was and is a moron in many ways and sold out America behind the scenes, with "Warp Speed" and signing a contract with Pfizer that is illegal ... 

for that Trump should have been impeached and jailed and any president after him who honors such a "contract", with the UN and or Pfizer should be impeached and jailed as well... this is beyond treason... and stupid ass Trump either didn't know what he was signing or he is evil on the deepest level ... either way,  Trump needs to tell the American's what he did ... fess up Trump!!!!  ... or you Trump, are the "deepest and dirtiest of  Politicians and States" ...

GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: A Small Group of International Banks, Working With Pfizer, Successfully Executed A Planetary Coup Against The Nation-State – FULL SHOW 11/18/21

I read more than 6 months ago,  about how Pfzier and the UN would not give the covid vaccine to Nations who refused to give them "immunity",  from vaccine injuries and if they claimed such,  Pfzier would come in and take over their military bases and basically their entire governments... I thought at the times what "F'n" leader would sign such an agreement and place all their citizens at risk ... unknown to me at the time ... the man I voted for to be the President of the USA did just that ... Mother F-er Trump signed such a contract "in the name of the USA" ... fuck Trump ... we are the USA ... how dare he ... we all need to file a federal and State lawsuits ... against this or we will all die via this contract ... or worse than death, we will all become sickly slaves, who bend our knees to everything but God ...