Saturday, November 6, 2021

Climate Change Clusterfucks gathered together to speak about how you must change to save the planet!!! Total private jets used by these Clusterfucks to get to the conference 400 ... yes 400 hundred private jets to stop, “your carbon footprint”, on the planet


I cannot think of one man I dislike  more on the face of the earth, than the royal asshole Charles and that is a big list, which includes the Bush family, the Clinton family, the Biden family, Fauci and Bill Gates... the British royal family has been into evil for centuries ... and Charles is the inbred manifestation of all of that evil ...    

 By "we" Charles  means "you".

Prince Charles took a private jet to attend G20 in Rome, before flying back with private jet to attend #COP26 _Boris Johnson arrives at a
#COP26 by private jumbo jet ready to tackle other leaders on emissions.

According to Finch’s Transport and Environment NGO group, CO2 output from private jets is soaring, which helps account for the fact that 1% of the population generates half of global aviation emissions. Flying by private jet emits about 40 times as much CO2 per passenger as commercial air travel, according to a study by Lund University.

Biden’s climate envoy, John Kerry, has been another alleged environmental hypocrite for globe-trotting by private jet while warning that “we cannot afford further delay” in solving the climate crisis. His family’s Gulfstream GIV-SP reportedly emitted an estimated 116 metric tons of CO2 in the 11 months leading up to Biden’s inauguration in January – equivalent to the annual emissions of 25 passenger cars.

Below is just a partial list of private jets used by those globalist's leaders, who are telling you, your carbon footprint is to big ... 

former president François Hollande

The Queen of England
The Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, has been surrounded by gold and gems from his childhood. That’s why it’s not surprising, that the prince’s private jet is nicknamed the “Flying Palace”.
Emir of Qatar, Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. As such, he is the owner of a truly spectacular air fleet used by numerous members of his royal family
                                                                         Nursultan Nazarbayev featured alongside his private aircraft

The Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the smallest Arab states in the world. However, rich deposits of minerals made this island kingdom one of the wealthiest in the Persian Gulf basin. As such, the head of the royal family, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, is considered one of the world’s richest men.
Businessman Alisher Usmanov is regularly ranked among the wealthiest people in Russia and the top 50 most influential people in the world. He owns a business jet Airbus A340-300, the cost of which exceeds 350 million dollars.
Another Russian billionaire, Roman Abramovich, has a number of airplanes in his personal fleet, including a Boeing 767-33AER. His first private jet was a Boeing Business Jet (VIP modification of Boeing 737-700) purchased during the time of Roman Abramovich’s work in Russia.
Kim Jong-un featured alongside his private aircraft
The President of South Korea’s flagship aircraft is a Boeing 747-400, on lease from Korean Air.
Benjamin Netanyahu featured alongside his private aircraft
                                                     Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi featured alongside his private aircraft

John Kerry's private $5,000,000 personal jet 

British Prime Minister, Theresa May

Here are just a few of the celebrities who only fly “private jets”

Here is a list of professional athletes who only fly private jets

But climate change is real and you are causing it and carbon use is all your fucking fault you peons are killing the planet … you who struggle to even buy a tank of gas now … it is all your fault and you need to have  fines, there needs to be climate shut downs … gas prices need to go higher because you are driving to work or getting groceries!!!

Why you assholes on the planet … just like it is your fault the covid bio-weapon vaccine is failing… because of you who refuse to take it!!! We the 1 + % on the planet know what’s best and you need to do what we say and leave us alone … so we can fly on our private jets and land at airports where our chaperone awaits us in our big ass limos    


There are so many others who own private jets, and tell you how to live your lives,  but it would be gauche to speak about it and you know those 1 + %  folks think they are so sophisticated, classy and worldly ... I would not want to offend them with Truth ...

And for god's sake (lower case god) stop eating meat ... you "F-n" low life ...meanwhile the menu for the 400 "private jet owners" at the carbon conference ... 

Menu at UN’s climate conference is full of carbon-heavy food ...