Tuesday, November 23, 2021

This is some bullshit ... a bigger cover-up than the JFK assassination files

Yesterday was the anniversary of the JFK assassination  and the public still does not know the truth of what happened on that day ... Nov 22, 1963 ... Trump was supposed to release all the documents ... then he "wimped" out ... I am starting to think Trump was all talk and low action or he was just as dumb as a doorknob ... the FBI / CIA and it seems anyone else could talk Trump out of doing the right thing... as long as they said "it was a National security issue" ... fuck yeah it is ... you assassinate a duly elected president the way JFK was ... the public's right to know "trumps" the bullshit cover-ups ... I am sure the truth is our own deep State /globalists took JFK out... since JFK wanted to end the war in Vietnam and also to stop the federal reserve from taking over the American economy... JFK could not keep his pants on ... but he was "moral" when it came to the American people and trying to protect them ... he had more balls then Trump did in the White House ... JFK was moving to stop the war and stopping the federal reserve, which is a privately owned company ... JFK thought the American people should be the ones printing money and in control of their "native national economy" ... not the federal reserve ....     

When the Zapruder film first came out publicly of Jackie Kennedy climbing over the trunk of the car, it was thought she was trying to flee ... but decades later in her own words, Jackie stated she saw parts of the JFK's skull fly off after he was shot in the head ... and a piece of his skull was on the trunk of the car and she wanted to get it... Jackie was not a coward trying to get away from bullets ... she was trying to protect her husband's body parts/ fragments ...  

Biden delays release of JFK assassination records, blaming COVID-19 pandemic...

The US will “unfortunately” continue to delay the public release of records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and officials say the COVID-19 pandemic is to blame.

The move was announced in a memo signed by President Joe Biden and released by the White House Friday.

“Temporary continued postponement is necessary to protect against identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure,” Biden wrote. (what f'n bullshit... the covid pandemic is over) ...

Yet Biden continues to use covid for everything... not only does Biden violate a "Congressional act" as did Trump in not releasing the JFK papers ... Biden adds the bullshit covid lie to it ... which got him illegally elected!!!  ... buckle up folks the giant covid lie will be around for decades ... that is until they release another bio-weapon on humanity 

But worse than hiding what they did to JFK in 1963 ... the UN and Pfizer want to hide what they did and are doing to literally billions of people across the planet, via the covid 19 "vaccine"  

Last week attorney Aaron Siri of Injecting Freedom reported that the FDA is going to take 55 years, or until 2076, to disclose all of the data and information it relied on before approving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.

Following its publication, we expected the usual constellation of conflicted neerdowell ‘fact checkers’ to shoot it down – or at least, spin what was going on.

To our surprise, that wasn’t the case. In fact, Reuters – whose founder and former CEO sits on the board of Pfizerlooked into the matter and was apparently shocked:

The 1967 FOIA law requires federal agencies to respond to information requests within 20 business daysHowever, the time it takes to actually get the documents “will vary depending on the complexity of the request and any backlog of requests already pending at the agency,” according to the government’s central FOIA website.

Justice Department lawyers representing the FDA note in court papers that the plaintiffs are seeking a huge amount of vaccine-related material – about 329,000 pages.

The plaintiffs, a group of more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brownfiled suit in September in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, seeking expedited access to the records. They say that releasing the information could help reassure vaccine skeptics that the shot is indeed “safe and effective and, thus, increase confidence in the Pfizer vaccine.”

The article explains how the FDA proposed releasing 500 pages per month on a rolling basis – informing the court that they only have 10 employees in the branch that would handle the review, and are currently processing around 400 other FOIA requests.... WOW ... F'n WOW ... but the FDA can "process" any number of "emergency orders" and documents ... Pfizer "owns" the FDA in all meaningful ways ...  

“By processing and making interim responses based on 500-page increments, FDA will be able to provide more pages to more requesters, thus avoiding a system where a few large requests monopolize finite processing resources and where fewer requesters’ requests are being fulfilled,” wrote DOJ attorneys, citing other cases in which the 500 monthly page production was upheld.

The plaintiffs, on the other hand, point out that the FDA has 18,000 employees and a budget of $6 billion – and “has itself said that there is nothing more important than the licensure of this vaccine and being transparent about this vaccine.”

Since the first batch of documents were released, people have already noted some disturbing findings. What could the rest of the documents reveal?

They killed him and covered it up...what makes you think they give a rat's ass about you and your family ... it is about power, money and control and secret backroom deals 

Below is the clause Joe Biden used not to release the JFK files (citing the covid pandemic) ... they will do the same thing with the covid vaccine... they will never release the data on how it injuries and kills people ... 

The JFK Records Act mandated that, 25 years after the passage of the Act, all such records should be released in full, barring a determination by the president that "continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations" and "the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure."

you can read further here... ... https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_of_JFK_Releases_2021.html

Monday, November 22, 2021

Joe Biden's America ... " A Clock Work Orange in the making"

Summary Anthony Burgress’ ‘A Clockwork Orange’ is his best-known novel and is considered a modern dystopian classic. A Clockwork Orange takes place in a totalitarian future. It follows Alex, a gang member and criminal who spends his days hanging out with his friends and raping, robbing, and destroying property.

           Antifa vowed to get even with the people of Wisconsin, after the not guilty verdict                          of  Kyle Rittenhouse ... is this one of the "get even" threats ...

Just a glimpse, via the videos below on how America is doing under Joe Biden and his inflaming hatred in the USA and for the USA ....



But to be fair Trump did not have the balls to take on Antifa and BLM,  either... Trump was and is better than Biden ... but Trump was and is a moron in many ways and sold out America behind the scenes, with "Warp Speed" and signing a contract with Pfizer that is illegal ... 

for that Trump should have been impeached and jailed and any president after him who honors such a "contract", with the UN and or Pfizer should be impeached and jailed as well... this is beyond treason... and stupid ass Trump either didn't know what he was signing or he is evil on the deepest level ... either way,  Trump needs to tell the American's what he did ... fess up Trump!!!!  ... or you Trump, are the "deepest and dirtiest of  Politicians and States" ...

GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: A Small Group of International Banks, Working With Pfizer, Successfully Executed A Planetary Coup Against The Nation-State – FULL SHOW 11/18/21

I read more than 6 months ago,  about how Pfzier and the UN would not give the covid vaccine to Nations who refused to give them "immunity",  from vaccine injuries and if they claimed such,  Pfzier would come in and take over their military bases and basically their entire governments... I thought at the times what "F'n" leader would sign such an agreement and place all their citizens at risk ... unknown to me at the time ... the man I voted for to be the President of the USA did just that ... Mother F-er Trump signed such a contract "in the name of the USA" ... fuck Trump ... we are the USA ... how dare he ... we all need to file a federal and State lawsuits ... against this or we will all die via this contract ... or worse than death, we will all become sickly slaves, who bend our knees to everything but God ...

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Who will be left to care for the sick ... FEMA ...

I was in Walmart a few days ago and they proudly display a sign saying ... "get your free digital vaccine passports here"... there have been rumors for decades that Walmart works with the government and FEMA to allow all the Walmart stores to be used as "government/ FEMA" centers to control the population ... since Walmart is now spear heading  free digital vaccine passports, I guess those "rumors" are true...  

The video below asks who will run  the hospitals once all the "vaccinated doctors", die from the covid vaccine or are disabled ... or the doctors who refuse this deadly "experimental vaccine" and yes it is still experimental, are fired or have their licenses revoked... why it will be FEMA ... that will take over and all FEMA employees are exempted from being forced to take the covid vaccine... just think about that ...    


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

These athletes "scored"!!! ....a heart attack that is ...


and if the covid vaccine does not kill them, there is always the booster shots  ... and apparently suicide for the level of harm the vaccine has done to many ... such as Kyle Warner in the video below speaks to ...


 Professional mountain biker, Kyle Warner, who testified at Sen. Ron Johnson’s hearing posted this to Instagram on 11/12/21. The vax is deleting peoples ability to have empathy. I feel sorry for him. When you deviate from the norm of the world you get ostracized very quickly. 


In most States the death penalty is banned, stating it is cruel and unusual punishment to do so. So now big pharma/ Fauci/ Bill Gates  make lethal/ experimental vaccines to inject into everyone!   So why are those covid vaccine inserts blank... and why aren't the pharmaceutical companies who make them force to tell the public what is in them ... because no one would take them if they knew what was really in the covid vaccine and how dangerous they really are ... it is a moral and real equivalent of getting a drug off the street, from a drug dealer... you do not know what they mixed into the drug before you take ... most would not take a "street drug" yet they take an unknown big pharma drug and bring their children to do so as well ...!!!

But it is "rare" they say and has nothing to do with the covid vaccine they say ...it just happens, they say ... yet the common denominator for all these "heart attacks" is the covid vaccine ... and why is it then they are putting a heart drug into the covid vaccines for children 5-12 years old...

And why is it they are running descriptive  and deceiving ads on TV about how you are at risk from not getting the covid vaccine ... but refusing to run TV ads on the deadly side effects of the getting the covid vaccine ... wake up people ... even if you have taken the jab and are OK... (just thank God you survived) ... stop and say no more and please do not sacrifice your children to this deadly and unknown experimental vaccine (well actually it is know all the lab animals eventually died from the vaccine) ...and now thousands of doctors have analyzed what is in the covid vaccine and it is not good!!! 

Plus the CDC now admits natural immunity is better and the covid vaccine does not work ...WTF ...  

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Climate Change Clusterfucks gathered together to speak about how you must change to save the planet!!! Total private jets used by these Clusterfucks to get to the conference 400 ... yes 400 hundred private jets to stop, “your carbon footprint”, on the planet



I cannot think of one man I dislike  more on the face of the earth, than the royal asshole Charles and that is a big list, which includes the Bush family, the Clinton family, the Biden family, Fauci and Bill Gates... the British royal family has been into evil for centuries ... and Charles is the inbred manifestation of all of that evil ...

 By "we" Charles  means "you".

Prince Charles took a private jet to attend G20 in Rome, before flying back with private jet to attend #COP26 _Boris Johnson arrives at a
#COP26 by private jumbo jet ready to tackle other leaders on emissions.

According to Finch’s Transport and Environment NGO group, CO2 output from private jets is soaring, which helps account for the fact that 1% of the population generates half of global aviation emissions. Flying by private jet emits about 40 times as much CO2 per passenger as commercial air travel, according to a study by Lund University.

Biden’s climate envoy, John Kerry, has been another alleged environmental hypocrite for globe-trotting by private jet while warning that “we cannot afford further delay” in solving the climate crisis. His family’s Gulfstream GIV-SP reportedly emitted an estimated 116 metric tons of CO2 in the 11 months leading up to Biden’s inauguration in January – equivalent to the annual emissions of 25 passenger cars.

Below is just a partial list of private jets used by those globalist's leaders, who are telling you, your carbon footprint is to big ... 

former president François Hollande

The Queen of England
The Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, has been surrounded by gold and gems from his childhood. That’s why it’s not surprising, that the prince’s private jet is nicknamed the “Flying Palace”.
Emir of Qatar, Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. As such, he is the owner of a truly spectacular air fleet used by numerous members of his royal family
                                                                         Nursultan Nazarbayev featured alongside his private aircraft

The Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the smallest Arab states in the world. However, rich deposits of minerals made this island kingdom one of the wealthiest in the Persian Gulf basin. As such, the head of the royal family, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, is considered one of the world’s richest men.
Businessman Alisher Usmanov is regularly ranked among the wealthiest people in Russia and the top 50 most influential people in the world. He owns a business jet Airbus A340-300, the cost of which exceeds 350 million dollars.
Another Russian billionaire, Roman Abramovich, has a number of airplanes in his personal fleet, including a Boeing 767-33AER. His first private jet was a Boeing Business Jet (VIP modification of Boeing 737-700) purchased during the time of Roman Abramovich’s work in Russia.
Kim Jong-un featured alongside his private aircraft
The President of South Korea’s flagship aircraft is a Boeing 747-400, on lease from Korean Air.
Benjamin Netanyahu featured alongside his private aircraft
                                                     Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi featured alongside his private aircraft

John Kerry's private $5,000,000 personal jet 

British Prime Minister, Theresa May

Here are just a few of the celebrities who only fly “private jets” 


Here is a list of professional athletes who only fly private jets 


But climate change is real and you are causing it and carbon use is all your fucking fault you peons are killing the planet … you who struggle to even buy a tank of gas now … it is all your fault and you need to have  fines, there needs to be climate shut downs … gas prices need to go higher because you are driving to work or getting groceries!!!

Why you assholes on the planet … just like it is your fault the covid bio-weapon vaccine is failing… because of you who refuse to take it!!! We the 1 + % on the planet know what’s best and you need to do what we say and leave us alone … so we can fly on our private jets and land at airports where our chaperone awaits us in our big ass limos    


There are so many others who own private jets, and tell you how to live your lives,  but it would be gauche to speak about it and you know those 1 + %  folks think they are so sophisticated, classy and worldly ... I would not want to offend them with Truth ...

And for god's sake (lower case god) stop eating meat ... you "F-n" low life ...meanwhile the menu for the 400 "private jet owners" at the carbon conference ... 

Menu at UN’s climate conference is full of carbon-heavy food ...

Friday, November 5, 2021

The Salty Cracker ... I like this guy ... but I love Ed Durr.. AKA "David" defeating Goliath, with only $153

And thank you … thank you,  Ed Durr for taking on the evil in our politics in the State of New Jersey... you are "Biblical" in your grit and courage   

New Jersey is not buying they found "12,000" f'n new ballots to get  the corrupt Sweeney in...


New Jersey’s longest-running state Senate president has lost his seat to a truck driver who spent only $153 on Dunkin and paper fliers over the course of his campaign.

Steve Sweeney, the Democratic Senate president in NJ, has lost to Edward Durr, a furniture company truck driver. With 98% of the vote counted, Sweeney remained about 2,000 votes short of Durr when The Associated Press called the race Thursday morning. Of course Sweeny the pussy is calling foul! The Dems will leave him out to dry ... they cannot afford the optics of stealing the Governor's office and the State Senate...   

Edward Durr is a man's man ... a family guy with values ...we need more like him to get into politics the country is ready for them!!!! 

Edward Burr, the father of three and the grandfather of six, whose 80-year-old mother lives next door to him in Swedesboro, said he didn’t take Sweeney out.

"It was the public, it was the voters—they were heard," Durr said.