Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dan Bailey CIA ties??? Was Carlson set up??? Of course he was !


Clearly they were setting Tucker Carlson up … first the NSA rifles through his emails (illegally) … now Carlson is set up via a Twitter post … as Carlson shops for fishing gear in a Montana fly shop! … Makes me think … they are also following Carlson, how else would they know where he is??? And how else would Dan Bailey have it set up in advance, to have someone video his confronting Carlson… sleazy bastards… yes that is what the spy agencies do now… they spy on and follow American citizens who dare to speak the truth or ask questions …just shut up and obey!

They must really fear Tucker Carlson ... I might have to buy a t-shirt with his face on it!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

A quitter clear and simple and certainly not an "elite athlete " and raising a generation of narcissistic brats not heroes


Simone Biles' face and presence  is all over the advertising world, she makes big money being a "star" in the athletic world ... supposedly the symbol of what hard work and determination can give you ... a gold medal and a place on the USA Olympic team ... that is until you screw up and make a mistake on your first round in competition at the Olympics and instead of brushing it off and moving on (as in the show must go on)  ... Ms. Biles chose to quit and walk off in a huff... claiming mental illness/ stress and pressure from twitter!!!   

WTF!!!! and now she is being labeled a hero by a world of words matter, not reality and the opposite is true,  not the truth... the youth of today admire quitters and narcissistic behavior... and they redefine weakness as strength... as the old saying goes ... "if  you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen"... sad for I am sure there were hundreds of talented gymnasts who could have been at the Olympics instead of Ms. Biles and not run away and folded on their team members like she did when she made a mistake ... 

But hey ... I am sure Nike will sign her up for a "sneaker deal" worth millions... called the "sneakers" to run away on your team mates shoe! If Ms. Biles is the best America has to offer we are in big trouble ... and sadly she is becoming more common place within her generation ... maybe these young athletes need psychological screening /  training as well as training in the gym ...        

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

OMG ... you cannot make this shit up and it should scare the crap out of you ... for it will be coming to your country


Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorization – Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defense Force] (No.2) 2021

An authorization by the Chief Health Office under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorize relevant Australian Defense Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine.


Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorization – Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defense Force] (No.2) 2021
Page reviewed 10 March 2021

Authorisation by CHO under s197 and s198 of the Public Health Act 2016 to enable Assistant in Nursing employees of the Child and Adolescent Health Service to supply or administer the COVID-19 vaccine.


Public Health Act 2016 Instrument of Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – COVID VACCINATORS – CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICE] (No. 3) 2021

Go to 19 minutes into the video, where the Prime Minster of Australia states ... if someone dies of the covid vaccine... it is their fault for taking the vaccine!!!! OMG they are "back door" forcing their citizens to take this vaccine and if they die from it ... it is their fault for taking the vaccine, not those forcing them to take the vaccine like the government or a business, for the patient had the option not to take the vaccine ... really ... WTF!!! 


 I, Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer (WA), acting pursuant to sections 197 and 198 of the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) [the Act] that gives power, for the purposes of emergency management during a public health state of emergency, to authorize a person to supply or administer a poison, hereby authorize the person(s) occupying the class of position in Column 1 of the attached Schedule to perform the statutory functions in Column 2 of the attached Schedule, subject to the conditions, limitations or restrictions (if any) set out in Column 3 of the attached Schedule.

2. The Schedule is attached as Annexure A. 3. This instrument of authorization shall take effect from 19 July 2021 and shall remain in force until the public health state of emergency is no longer in force or until otherwise amended or revoked. 4. This instrument of authorization is additional to the following: • Instrument of Authorization -Authorization To Supply Or Administer A Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE] (No. 1) 2021; and • Instrument of Authorization -Authorization To Supply Or Administer A Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE-Australian Defense Force] (No. 2) 2021 DATED this /s h.., day of � J 2

DATED this /s h.., day of � J 2021 �� Dr Andrew Robertson CHIEF HEAL TH OFFICER

SCHEDULE Column 1 Column2 Column 3 Authorised Officers Functions Conditions, Limitations or Restrictions 1. COVID Vaccinators• • Receive, possess and An authorised officer(s) exercising a supply the SARS-COV- function listed under Column 2 of the 2 (COVID-19) Schedule must: VACCINE to Premises." • Ensure that each administration • Administer the SARS- event occurs under the direction of COV-2 (COVID-19) an appropriate registered health VACCINE, to individuals practitioner. M at the Premises to • Ensure that each administration which the vaccines event Is recorded on the have been supplied, in Australian Immunisation Register. accordance with the • Ensure that any adverse events, Department of Health's following immunisation, is MP 0153/21 COVID-19 recorded on the Western Vaccination Program Australian Vaccine Safety Policy (as amended Surveillance. from time to time). • Carry out the functions in line with the requirements for supply and administration of Schedule 4 medicines in the Medicines and Poisons Act 2014 fY',IA) and the Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016 fY',/A) to the extent that they are consistent with the authorization. * COVID Vaccinators means persons employed by the Child and Adolescent Health Service under a specific Job Description Form of Assistant in Nursing - COVID vaccinator, as amended from time to time. /1. Premises means hospitals, clinics and other facilities in Western Australian operated by a Health Service Provider (as defined under the Health Services Act 2016 (WA)). /1./1. Appropriate registered health practitioner means a health practitioner with current registration pursuant to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western Australia) who is also authorized to prescribe or administer the SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Bravo Regina Huff

 WHITLEY COUNTY, Ky. (WKYT) - A state representative from southern Kentucky is facing criticism over a controversial social media post.

In a tweet that has since been deleted, Representative Regina Huff of Williamsburg compares Dr. Anthony Fauci to a 1970s cult leader responsible for the death of hundreds. Huff tells us her intent was misrepresented.

Huff chairs the House Education Committee in Frankfort and says she’s concerned about more mandates coming down impacting school children.

“The purpose of the tweet was whether you’re mandated for good or evil, there are still outcomes,” Huff said.

I want to choose my words carefully ... so here goes, "Fuck you, you lying bitch" and of course Biden praised her comments


Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey argues "unvaccinated folks" are causing a surge of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

First, why would the "vaccinated care about the un-vaccinated"???  ... they are safe right they are vaccinated!!!

The truth is that in London and Israel  it is the "VACCINATED" who are probably spreading the Delta variant and more and more of the vaccinated are dying from the Delta variant ...

Vaccinated people are dying from the Delta variant and almost all are over 50, UK data shows...and 

Analyzing the government’s national health statistics, researchers in Israel  estimated that the Pfizer shot was just 39 percent effective against preventing infection in the country in late June and early July, compared with 95 percent from January to early April. 

In comparison "natural immunity" is 100% after having covid which,  is 99% survivable ... those who have been vaccinated still can get covid and spread it and they are !!!

Israeli scientists cautioned that the new study is much smaller than the first and that it measured cases in a narrower window of time. As a result, a much larger range of uncertainties flank their estimates, which could also be skewed by a variety of other factors.

and viruses mutate so no vaccine will protect you,  from everyone... natural herd immunity is best ... always has been... covid is here to stay ... learn to live with it... build up your natural immunity ...   

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

This lying sack of dog excrement (Fauci) needs to be in jail for crimes against humanity ... but big pharma and the Dems protect him, as did Trump!


Fauci is a self righteous condescending piece of shit ... who is parsing words and he is a criminal, right out of hell! And he acts like an organized crime Godfather...  

Now Fauci is into potentially shortening the life spans and causing immune issues or  actually killing kids,  with a covid vaccine and masks ...

If there is a God and I know there is ... one day Fauci and his cohorts will be looked upon as being a evil greater than Hitler and the SS for crimes against humanity ...Fauci's stain on humanity is akin to the Satan himself giving Adam and Eve a "poison apple" and all generations forward being affected by said  ... Fauci pushing a poisonous untested RNA spike protein vaccine on humanity and especially children, whose ability to have children in the future may be affected and their life spans shortened ...  Fauci marks the entire history of mankind on a most profound evil manner... Fauci himself can be considered on some level an ELE (extinction level event for mankind) and the full extent of his evil will not be seen until decades to come ... and the man is not finished yet he will push more destructive covid vaccines  ... after all he funded the research on gain of function for these viruses ... what a racket ... help develop the disease as  you produce a "vaccine" as the cure ... 


Friday, July 16, 2021

Johnson and Johnson still into the cancer causing business and charity begins at home

Of course J % J is denying they knew anything about this... they just don't know how this cancer causing agent got into their product... yep, I am sure  somewhere at J % J  there are internal memos that   explain exactly how it got there !!! ... just like they knew their baby powder was laced with asbestos  and still sold it for years ... until they were caught ... makes you wonder what are they covering up now with their covid -19 vaccine...  it will come out one day ... it always does but unfortunately it will be too late for many ...

 Johnson & Johnson is issuing a voluntary recall for five Neutrogena and Aveeno sunscreen lines in the United States after it said it discovered low levels of benzene in the products.

The company is warning customers against using aerosol sprays Neutrogena Beach Defense, Neutrogena Cool Dry Sport, Neutrogena Invisible Daily, Neutrogena Ultra Sheer and Aveeno Protect + Refresh.
Johnson & Johnson  said those who have purchased the products should dispose of them, adding that benzene is a carcinogen that "could potentially cause cancer depending on the level and extent of exposure."
    The company said benzene is not an ingredient in its products, and it is investigating what caused its presence. It said the level of benzene present in their tests "would not be expected to cause adverse health consequences" in daily exposure — and it is recalling the products "out of an abundance of caution."
      "We are working to remove these products from the market and will provide consumers with a refund," the company said.

      Johnson & Johnson said Wednesday that it is recalling five of its sunscreen products after some samples were found to contain low levels of benzene, a chemical that can cause cancer with repeated exposure.

      The affected products, packaged in aerosol cans, are Aveeno Protect + Refresh aerosol sunscreen, and four Neutrogena sunscreen versions: Beach Defense aerosol sunscreen, CoolDry Sport aerosol sunscreen, Invisible Daily Defense aerosol sunscreen and UltraSheer aerosol sunscreen.

      The recall includes all can sizes and all levels of sun protection factor, or SPF. The products were distributed nationwide through retailers.

      The health care giant said the benzene was found after testing by the company and an independent laboratory. It is investigating how the chemical got into the products.

      J&J said it's working to get all lots of the five products removed from store shelves. It urged consumers to stop using the sunscreens immediately and said customers can get a refund by calling J&J's Consumer Care Center at 1-800-458-1673. More information is available at the websites for Neutrogena and Aveeno.

      J&J said in a statement that "use of these products would not be expected to cause adverse health consequences" and that it voluntarily decided to recall them "out of an abundance of caution." The statement added that people should use an alternate sunscreen to protect themselves from the skin cancer melanoma.

      Benzene is a highly flammable, widely used chemical that's present throughout the environment. It can cause cancer with repeated exposure at high enough levels. It also can damage the immune system and prevent cells from functioning properly, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

      The chemical's effects vary by whether a person accidentally inhales or ingests it or gets it on skin and clothing. Symptoms range from dizziness and irregular heartbeat to convulsions and, at very high levels, death.

      The Biden administration is asking for increases to foreign aid, under the mantle of being the “right thing to do” … what the right thing to do is … take care of your own citizens first, and the Biden administration seems bound and determined to destroy the American way of life and its internal stability and welfare on all levels…. Our country is in crises on all fronts and needs money for its own people not …

      And the most insulting thing is that this money the Biden administration is asking for … for foreign countries, the money will never be seen, by those who really need it, but by politicians foreign and domestic   … just like most of the paycheck protection programs post the pandemic here in the USA did not go to the small business owners who went under and really needed it to stay afloat,  but to the multibillion dollars industries , corporations, academic institutes and such places as the billions dollar corporation called the Catholic Church, and as said in the Old Testament what a Chata.       

      Wednesday, July 14, 2021

      Rural people cannot get copies of their voter ID cards?


      The VP of the USA is almost as clueless as the President of the USA… when she stated the “rural Americans” will not be able to get “copies” of their ID’s in order to vote … the VP went on to say, these rural folks (how patronizing can Harris get)…. Harris stated, they will not be able to get to Kinko’s and copy their ID … my God!!! These politicians are so out of touch, with reality and “real Americans”… rural Americans are not functional assholes, the way the Biden administration are … rural Americans can walk and chew gum at the same time Ms. Harris!!!  But Ms. Harris is right in this regard,  rural American’s will not be able to get copies of their ID at Kinko’s … for the reason Kinko’s  was purchased by Fed Ex in 2003, Ms. Harris …  

      The government is willing to go door to door to make sure you are vaccinated, with the covid-19 vaccine … they cannot go door to door to issue a “valid voter ID” to those in this country who, under the constitution are legally allowed to vote … what is more important than the “legal” right to vote… especially  in a Presidential election, we saw in the last presidential election how voter fraud can steal an election… if the government has the names and addresses of all who have not received the covid-19 vaccine and those who have … let them just run off that data to back up and issue voter ID’s  ... wow you have to show a "vaccine passport" to go many places and the Dems do not think that is a burden to the American citizens ... yet to show a voter ID is a burden and should not be required ...what bullshit ...   

      and I just have to say ... for words matter!!! These Dems who walked away, have the emotional IQ of a spoiled 2 year old ... I apologize to most 2 year old,  for you are classier and smarter than theses Dems, even the toddlers ass wipes are intellectually superior to these Dems ... and who paid, for the private jets the baby ass wipes Dems flew on ???

      Biden is right we are in facing a crisis,  it started when he entered the White House... 

      No mask ... no fly... except if you are a bat shit crazy Dem who walks away, from their jobs and refuse to listen to the actual voters in Texas

      Tuesday, July 13, 2021

      Of course the Biden administration and federal government has a list of the un-vaccinated

       Of course the Biden administration and federal government has a list of the un-vaccinated, how do you think they know what house to go  “door to door” and knock on…  those who have not been vaccinated …

      First they used fear porn, then pumped up false data on the deaths from covid and complications it brings, then they offered, free lottery tickets for those who are vaccinated, then NJ offered a “shot” for a glass of beer… first they said … line up at vaccinations centers … then they said go to the local pharmacy, get a shot while you shop, some places like Target gave their workers $50 to get the vaccine… then they said … they can come to you … now they are saying, “we will come to your house,  your private property, like it or not”… next step … mandatory vaccines … this has been the goal from the get go … will the people rise up … I doubt it, if they have not thus far it seems unlikely they will in the future  … the entire system is so corrupt,  from your local politicians and courts systems to the man with dementia who sits in the oval office …  

      "Strike forces coming your way".... move to a State that is "sane"... 

      Monday, July 12, 2021

      Sound off one, two , sound off three, four ...Cadence count* One, two, three, four One, two, three,four... that was then ... this is now... The Military privilege walk


      Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) highlighted mandatory racially charged training sessions taking place within the military during a Thursday Senate hearing with President Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

      Cotton summarized several of the complaints he had received in a whistleblower tip line he established with Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) to allow troops to report on the “woke” and racially charged training in which they are being forced to participate. Cotton noted several examples of racially charged activities, including segregation, mandatory training and reading, and superiors declaring entire branches or units racist.

      “One Marine told us a military history training session was replaced with
      mandatory training on police brutality, White privilege, and systemic racism,” Cotton said. “He reported that several officers are now leaving his unit citing that training.”

      “Another service member told us that their unit was required to read ‘White Fragility’ by Robin DiAngelo, which claims ‘White people raised in Western society are conditioned in a White supremacist world view,’” Cotton continued.

      In a third example, Cotton said a member of the U.S. special operation community said they were instructed that “the U.S. special operations community is racist.”

      Another Army officer similarly relayed to Cotton’s tipline that a superior told him “the entire U.S. Army is racist.”

      “A midshipman at the Naval Academy said classmates are calling America a fundamentally racist place and that this sentiment is not contested by school administrators,” Cotton continued.

      “An airman told us their unit was forced into a racist exercise called a privilege walk, where members of the wing were ordered to separate themselves by race and gender in order to stratify people based on their perceived privilege.”

      Cotton relayed another complaint from a black female Navy officer, who said, “the Navy thinks my only value is as black woman and not the fact that she is a highly trained military specialist.”

      Cotton said U.S. troops throughout the services have come forward with complaints that they have been forced to watch videos about systemic racism and documentaries “that rewrite America’s history as a fundamentally racist and evil nation.”

       Cotton said U.S. troops throughout the services have come forward with complaints that they have been forced to watch videos about systemic racism and documentaries “that rewrite America’s history as a fundamentally racist and evil nation.”

      “Mr. Secretary, we’re hearing reports of plummeting morale, growing mistrust between the races and sexes where none existed just six months ago, and unexpected retirements and separations based on these training's alone,” Cotton said. “And again, these are not my words, these are the words of your own troops.”

      During the exchange, Cotton asked Austin whether he agreed with the premise that the U.S. military is a fundamentally racist organization.

      “I won’t give you a yes or no answer on that senator because it deserves more than a yes or no,” Austin responded. “The military, like any organization, will have its challenges, but I do not believe it is a fundamentally racist organization.”

      Cotton then asked Austin whether he believes anyone in the military should be treated differently because of their skin color or sex.

      “Again, this question deserves more than a yes or no answer,” Austin responded.

       Cotton pressed Austin again on the question, to which Austin replied, “No, I do not believe” that a service member should be treated differently on the basis of skin color or sex. “That is why we have diversity, equity and inclusion focus in the military.”

      Cotton responded, “The military for decades has been one of the institutions in this society where you are most likely to get ahead based on your own performance, on your own merit, irrespective of the color of your skin or where you came from or who your parents were.”

      Saturday, July 10, 2021

      An Emergency Podcast from Joe Rogan ...Bravo to Rogan

       A safe medicine as compared to an experimental vaccine… how evil is Big Pharma and the progressive Dems who killed so many people,  by not allowing this medicine to treat covid and sars … this is the classic example of Big Pharma, keeping or making people sick, and not offering a real medicine to cure or even eradicate the disease 

      Merck the big Pharma that makes Ivermectin states there is no evidence it cures or helps with covid 19... of course Merck says this for their patent has run out and really cheap generic versions of Ivermectin are on the market  ... so there is no money to be made in Ivermectin... but there is billions and billions and billions of dollars to be made in the experimental covid vaccine and all its "boosters" to come in the near future ...   

      And now the millions who have taken the covid vaccine will "defend" their choice as not to look foolish or manipulated ... for it has become a moral equivalence for them of defending their "religion" and human history has seen time and time again how "fundamentalist religious radicals", will defend and force their religion on others... and even "kill" others in the name of their "god" if anyone refused to "convert and worship their "god"  ... 

      Friday, July 9, 2021

      Charlie Kirk


      I like Charlie Kirk … in him I see,  “hope for the youth and country” …He thinks Donald Trump was not a “political earthquake”… but a “tremor” of things to come … I also believe it was and is the “baby boomers”, who set into motion the collapse of this country on every level … if the baby boomers’  parents were the “greatest generation”… the baby boomers were and are the “the worse generation” … their parents came out of WW II and the great depression and these parents spoiled the baby boomers and made them “self-absorbed” and self-centered and extremely liberal. although most professed to be conservative and still do ...

      The baby boomers have little to no family values ... their parents who suffered so much in this world, via the depression and not having much ... did not want their kids to go through what they did in life... so they sheltered them for the most part to what it means to be family and stick together ... plus they did not pass down to their children a work ethic or a sense of self - sacrifice... a sense of the greater good   

         … most baby boomers see the generations after them as being the problem … no the problem started,  with them … I am a baby boomer and I see it in my contemporaries, they were always more concerned about “self”, even more than their own children … they took and take advantage of every government program… and demand their social security checks even when they do not need them, such as retired wealthy doctors, lawyers and CEO’s and the classic example would be Joe and Jill Biden .. Super wealthy power couple but on their income tax returns you can see the amount of social security, they collect every month … the argument these baby boomers give is … “they paid into it every month, so they desire the pay back now” … this is not the reason FDR signed into law the Social Security act on August 14, 1935… it was a program to help the poor … not to add to the wealthy’s pot of gold…

      And the fact of the matter … no matter what these retired people paid into social security, it will never amount to what they have been and are taking out if it … it is those who are still part of the work force that are paying these wealthy seniors to live high off the hog and that is a sin … greed … nothing more than pure greed and on so many levels the baby boomers lead the way in this area … and many profess to be “Christians” as well… do they not know greed is a cardinal sin … but hey the Vatican and hierarchy of the Catholic Church are kings of greed as are the fundamentalists  with their “mega churches”…

      The baby boomers and those who think like them are the biggest critics of social programs for the poor, yet the baby boomers are the biggest draw off of the government than any other segment of society …   

      The baby boomers also taught their children by example to exploit the environment and natural resources and to be wildly out of control consumers and materialistic people...  where more is better and a sign of success ..     



      Friday, July 2, 2021

      Vogue magazine August it the country might run out of toilet paper again, Vogue mag makes a great ass wipe


      Can you believe it … in Australia they are running out of toilet paper again! This is due to the “bullshit” lock downs they still enforce on their people… they are not “covid-19 shut downs anymore, but “covid variant” shut downs… 

      Be aware this is coming to America as well … time frame … around Thanksgiving / Christmas, the time “normal cold and flu” season starts… but there is nothing normal anymore… everything is labeled “covid-19 or a variant now” … but do not worry you will not be able to afford toilet paper soon, with the rate of inflation to come and your new higher taxes… thanks to the wonderful couple Joe and Jill Biden and their cronies …

      And hey,  all you “fashion forward women” …sorry fashion forward “people”,  I do not want to offend anyone … who want to start to dress like Jill Biden … you know grandma Biden , with her sensible floral dresses, years ago they were called “house dresses” and most grandmas wore them … as well as "sensible shoes and support stockings" and working in retail,  we sell a lot of adult diapers and cotton underwear for Jill Biden's age group... so maybe Victoria's Secrets can do a spread on Jill Biden sporting "sexy" grandma underwear ... 

      No one wants to see a “granny” in such a “fashion”, leave the fashion to the actual "fashionable"  … “butt” I have to say, the Dems know their “audience”… the liberal AARP group of women (my age)… and the “has been” aging Hollywood liberal women … who still buy Vogue magazine… will love this article on Jill Biden ...

       “everything has their season” and the “season” for Jill Biden to be a “fashion icon” has long passed... and it in the "end" it has nothing to do,  with her age ... you either have class or you don't ... otherwise it is just lipstick on a pig ... 

      On a positive note for all those young girls who feel they can never look like a “super model”, and have poor or unrealistic body images,  when they see Jill Biden on the cover of Vogue will be glad they are not her!

      “Butt” back to the point of this post … save that edition of Vogue to wipe your ass with during the next toilet paper shortage or when you can no longer afford to buy a roll of TP … for Vogue mag is the “prefect ass wipe”… brown- noser’s on steroids …