It is hard to find truth in journalism and social media in
the USA or read an alternative view, in essence we are given propaganda. I have
listen to and watched RT news for years as well other foreign countries news
outlets … but now everything Russian is “off limits” to the American citizen,
you know “America the home of the free and the brave” … well we are not free
anymore, so everyone who fought in a war or who had relatives who did to maintain
the freedoms of the American citizens … I guess you all fought in vain, for our
“freedoms are gone” … mainly starting with the covid lockdowns, when everyone bent
their knees to the dictates of the “state/ government”, especially those “religious”
who stated they had a calling from God to assist his people on earth, when they
bent their knees to the State and not God… not a Joseph among them, he who
refused to bend his knees to the Pharaoh … the religious instead became part of Pharaoh’s court.
Today when trying to access RT … I saw there are videos “not
allowed in this country” … WOW fuck’n WOW … we who supposedly are free are not
allowed to read or hear and alternative opinion… the US media did not even do
such to Hitler during WW II … this is how far the US has fallen and people do not
care …
And if you question anything the Biden administration wants
to label you a domestic terrorist, shit that is worse than Communism at least
they do not pretend to tell its people they are free …
Government... least we forget "we in the USA" are the government, not the politicians ...
DHS (department of homeland security) Releases New Rules on Extremism, Will Target Anyone Who Questions 2020 Election or Challenges COVID Narrative...
and remember how the "woke" chanted and destroyed property, after Trump was elected and the kept saying, Trump will start WW III if he is not stopped ... irony Trump was the first president in a long time that did not start a war... but here is the woke now ...
The economy is crashing due to run away spending on such
things like the “green new deal” and other humanity killing spending that the
Dem and crazy Biden do … all while they line their own pockets with our
taxpayer money … Biden is killing the middle class …