Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Nothing to see here


How convenient for the globalists, Putin invading Ukraine … they know the “masses” have a short memory span and always seek to move onto to the next “crisis”… the public for the most part is like a mermaid distracted by the shiny object before them… we are not screwed by the globalists, we are being screwed by the public who refuse to see and remember what is really going on …  so now for the average American everything is Putin's fault ....

Watch: What They Won’t Tell You About the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

A mini-documentary attempts to set the record straight on Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, as Western media sources continue to obfuscate the facts behind the fraught geopolitical quagmire.

The video begins by giving context prior to the conflict, when Russian President Vladimir Putin on Feb. 21 recognized two areas in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, Donetsk and Luhansk, as independent separatist republics.

“After 8 years of war, or rather 8 years of the Donbas republics being under attack by Ukraine, both the republics swiftly appealed to President Putin for military assistance to end the conflict,” a narrator explains

A Ukrainian woman in the documentary explains how she saw Nazi symbols on Ukrainian forces in 2014.

“They had that symbol, the swastika, on their helmets, and on their cars,” she explained, as the filmmaker asked, “That means they’re Nazis?”

“Well, yes,” she replied.

“Moreover, according to available information, and this is objectively confirmed, banderovets and neo-Nazis deploy heavy weapons, including multiple launch rocket systems, right in the central areas of large cities, including Kiev and Kharkov.

“They plan to invite fire from the Russian side, and then blame Russia for shelling residential areas. They act in the same way as terrorists around the world.

“Once again, I appeal to the servicemen of the armed forces of Ukraine. Do not allow neo-Nazis and banderovets to use your children, your wives and old people as human shields.”

Footage in the documentary shows how Ukrainian military forces rolled out heavy artillery while occupying residential areas, effectively using the people as human shields.

you can read the rest and watch the videos here...

and bio-warfare should and did tick off the Russians, as it should tick off any world leader when their people are subject to such ... but unfortunately in the US, most of its citizens went along with the plan ..




Operation Gladio … Ukraine has the largest “stay behind”, post WWII Nazi organization  




I am not a fan of Putin either, he does not have clean hands in all of this ... but I am less of a fan of the global propaganda against Putin ...