Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Biden administration is trying desperately to sink the US … from open borders (while he wants to guard and protect Ukraine’s borders) to wanting to take everyone’s guns (while he wants to arm all Ukrainians with guns so they can protect themselves) … from shutting down all gas production in the USA (i.e. the Keystone pipe line and others)… Even though, I now think Trump will go down as one of the worse presidents in regards to selling out and literally killing millions of citizens via his “warp speed” so called vaccine program, and issuing a “state of emergency” over covid (which the drug companies now admit was their own creation, via gene sequencing) and what the drug companies were forced to disclose (via Court order) … the side effects from the “vaccine” are stunningly devastating … if you took this “vaccine” or God forbid gave it to your children, find ways to detox from it and pray to God …


But most people are waking up to what really went on with the covid madness… and so we are on to the next stage of taking down this country and indeed the world …inflation, banks collapsing the end of paper money and power outages … due to “green new deals” not reality … we have enough natural energy resources in this country to be energy self-sufficient (Trump proved that) … Biden took it away from us …

And this bullshit war in the Ukraine as always innocent people are played and killed …

We now get half of our Oil from Russia… so Biden is financially supporting both sides of the Ukraine war … sending taxpayer money to Ukraine to protect their borders and arm their people, and Biden is buying Russia oil …

Karma is a bitch Lindsey Graham and what you wish for others may land on your doorstep

I predict this “Russian oil” will be made a big deal, by the Biden administration and the woke bureaucrats, war loving politicians such as Lindsey Graham “the chicken hawk”, who never fought in a war but loves to send your kinds to one … will want to stop buying Russian oil to and the economy will completely collapse (1930’s style) and we will be forced to pay carbon taxes and sky high gas prices  

The price of gas is through the roof and it will only get worse, by Biden shutting down American production of said and relying on foreign sources (like Obama did and the Clinton's and Bushes did)

   And buckle up American citizens the cost of your groceries will be going up by a $1,000 per month (do not worry you illegals the Biden administration and/or Catholic Charities will cover the cost for you) get ready for more “bishop appeals for the “poor”… not you poor Americans but poor illegals … they are “God’s children not you”… and hey all you who “stand with Ukraine” folks … you will soon be brought to your knees by inflation and the starvation of millions …

Everyone "feels" so good about Russian sanctions... no they are actually sanctions against the American people in the end ...

Ah but do not worry more and more retail stores are allowing shop lifting (up to a $1,000)... but the bad news is you will have to pay for this in higher prices in addition to the inflation and lack of fertilizers ... the globalists want the middle class gone !!!  The real was was started when big pharma released their bio-weapon on humanity (2020 covid) ...

Please note you cannot find any of the above info on controlled "social media" ...

pray ...pray ..pray ...