Saturday, March 12, 2022

Surprise... surprise there is a Hunter Biden connection

Ben Swann Report: Truth About U.S. Funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine...

(when I say "US" I mean you and your taxpayer dollars funded these via secret contracts, just like the "US" made a secret contract under Trump with Pfizer and the covid vaccines) ...

read here...

WHO Advises Ukraine To Destroy The Biolabs That The U.S. Government Says Don’t Exist...

Well, they played out the “covid pandemic” as far as they could at least in the USA… but beware Bill Gates stated a few months ago another deadly “virus” is coming our way, Gates should know he and his cohorts created them (and I am sure they already have an emergency use vaccine on hand to give to the world) …

 so here is what might happen the “Russians” as we will be told (but not true),  it will be those who run Biden, release a deadly bio-weapon in the Ukraine … they will blame Russia and this deadly virus will reach our shores via Biden taking in “medically untested war refugees from Ukraine”, like he takes in “medically untested” illegals on our southern border…

But there are laws on the books already that Joe Biden and Obama ignored … how to get around these laws

 … just do not test them, all while American citizens must be tested for everything on a weekly basis … this is exactly what Obama wanted to do during the Ebola crisis of 2014…just let anyone into the country from Ebola hot zones …

In light of the fact that the United States had only the capacity for only 11 Ebola patients at specialized hospitals across the country, and much less developed countries banned visitors from the Ebola-hit West African nations, yet immigration policy moves by the Obama administration had many Americans shaking their heads in disbelief.

Incredibly, even lowly “Rwanda introduced mandatory daily health screening for visitors from the U.S. and Spain in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus to the African nation from the Western states recently affected by the first cases of Ebola.” 

A law already on the books, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, states that any alien or legal immigrant or visitor who is determined to have a communicable disease of public health significance is considered to be inadmissible.

 Ebola & Political Correctness

• Obama placed possible votes from immigrants above the health of U.S. public, just as Biden does now on our southern border... but it is you who refuse to wear a mask or get the RNA so called vaccine ... who are the super spreaders ...

 And that race baiter Obama who basically said every white person is a racist, gave / funded the Ukrainian bio labs to do research on the DNA of all Slovik people to be able to develop bio weapons to destroy that gene group!!!  First how stupid was the Ukrainian government to go along with this (they are Slovik) and second how freak’n racist was/ is Obama to promote this …

these are the types of people the Obama funded bio-labs in Ukraine wanted / want to destroy via their bio-weapons... by creating race specific bio-weapons designed to attack their DNA /gene sequencing ...