Alien thinking … Thinking not forced upon us, be independent, research before it is to late do so, consider all angles of thought and go to outside sources …stay away, from main stream media, governmental and religious control … free your mind, so you may live free…
There is so much more happening on this planet that can be seen and is revealed, to us… knowledge sheds light onto this darkness, seek it.
Pets ...Your future ...You are gone... you are going the way of the zoo animals in Venezuela ...Aug 17, 2017 · Zoo animals are being stolen from parks in western Venezuela and police believe they are being snatched to be eaten by the starving local population. A wave of animal thefts in city of Maracaibo ... food shortages are coming here as well...
and according to Bloomberg if you make $300,000 and above per year you have nothing to worry about with inflation ... so stop your whining!!! And for all you folks who do not make at least $300,000 per year ... kill your pets, do not have children, do not drive cars, stay in your house, do not buy in bulk and eat lentils and for fuck sake stop eating meat ...
and Alex Jones ponders killing his dog to be a good globalist,
maybe all you woke liberals should do the same ... after all it is the "green thing to do" or maybe you should buy more pets, after all they may be you only food source in the future ... so stock up on your lentils an soy... but wait aren't all those farms owned by Bill Gates now and isn't he totally into GMO's ... welcome to the Hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor ...
America’s Hunger Pandemic Is Getting Worse
A slew of factors — including poverty, inflation and Covid — have placed tens of millions of Americans at risk of food insecurity. (food insecurity is a woke term for starvation) ...and now the sanctions on Russia lead by the Biden administration and the NWO, will be punishing you and your families not Russia, but that was and is the plan...
But hey according to the woke and Biden it is all Putin's fault ...
Watch the Video of Biden Confirming Engineered 'Food Shortages' as Globalist Depopulation Op Sweeps Through Humanity...
and have you ever wondered why Bill Gates purchased all that farmland in the USA, Bill Gates the "king" of vaccines and predicting new pandemics, remarkable isn't it ... NO ... he is doing it along with his cohorts ... but please read this ... is Bill Gates growing "vaccines" on his farmlands ... so it does not matter if you have taken a vaccine or not you will be fed it via the food chain ...
A very interesting film below about Ukraine made by Oliver Stone several years ago (it is banned on YouTube Facebook ,twitter ) ... now that the CIA and the Pentagon have fessed up publicly that they have been "at war" with Russia in the Ukraine since 2014 ...
Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? "Ukraine on Fire" by Igor Lopatonok provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which lead to the 2004 Orange Revolution, 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people's revolution, it was in fact a coup d'état scripted and staged by nationalist groups and the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting America's geopolitical agenda abroad.
Meanwhile ....
CIA Announces The United States Has Been At War With Russia In Ukraine Since 2015
It is hard to find truth in journalism and social media in
the USA or read an alternative view, in essence we are given propaganda. I have
listen to and watched RT news for years as well other foreign countries news
outlets … but now everything Russian is “off limits” to the American citizen,
you know “America the home of the free and the brave” … well we are not free
anymore, so everyone who fought in a war or who had relatives who did to maintain
the freedoms of the American citizens … I guess you all fought in vain, for our
“freedoms are gone” … mainly starting with the covid lockdowns, when everyone bent
their knees to the dictates of the “state/ government”, especially those “religious”
who stated they had a calling from God to assist his people on earth, when they
bent their knees to the State and not God… not a Joseph among them, he who
refused to bend his knees to the Pharaoh … the religious instead became part of Pharaoh’s court.
Today when trying to access RT … I saw there are videos “not
allowed in this country” … WOW fuck’n WOW … we who supposedly are free are not
allowed to read or hear and alternative opinion… the US media did not even do
such to Hitler during WW II … this is how far the US has fallen and people do not
care …
And if you question anything the Biden administration wants
to label you a domestic terrorist, shit that is worse than Communism at least
they do not pretend to tell its people they are free …
Government... least we forget "we in the USA" are the government, not the politicians ...
DHS (department of homeland security) Releases New Rules on Extremism, Will Target Anyone Who Questions 2020 Election or Challenges COVID Narrative...
The Department of Homeland Security has released new guidelines on “extremist” behavior, which include questioning the 2020 presidential election or promoting “conspiracy theories” about the COVID pandemic and mandates.
and remember how the "woke" chanted and destroyed property, after Trump was elected and the kept saying, Trump will start WW III if he is not stopped ... irony Trump was the first president in a long time that did not start a war... but here is the woke now ...
Ah ... but Biden keeps saying, "none of this is his fault"... and he is tired of Americans blaming him for high gas prices and infatuation ... it is all Putin's fault !!! How dumb does the government think we are ??? Well many are really dumb like the picture above suggests... but most are "informed" and know gas prices have been going up since Biden took office and shut down the Keystone pipeline and stopped fracking.. we were oil and energy independent with Trump and gas prices were extremely low and the insane covid restrictions stopped most commerce at ports and with truck drivers (all while illegal immigrants had no such restrictions)... so what is worse ... literally hundreds of millions dying across the globe via starvation and inflation or just letting covid run its course, until natural God given herd immunity is reached (which scientists agree is the best and strongest way to defeat the covid virus) ...
The economy is crashing due to run away spending on such
things like the “green new deal” and other humanity killing spending that the
Dem and crazy Biden do … all while they line their own pockets with our
taxpayer money … Biden is killing the middle class …
Ben Swann Report: Truth About U.S. Funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine...
(when I say "US" I mean you and your taxpayer dollars funded these via secret contracts, just like the "US" made a secret contract under Trump with Pfizer and the covid vaccines) ...
Well, they played out the “covid pandemic” as far as they
could at least in the USA… but beware Bill Gates stated a few months ago
another deadly “virus” is coming our way, Gates should know he and his cohorts
created them (and I am sure they already have an emergency use vaccine on hand
to give to the world) …
so here is what might happen the “Russians” as we
will be told (but not true), it will be
those who run Biden, release a deadly bio-weapon in the Ukraine … they will blame
Russia and this deadly virus will reach our shores via Biden taking in “medically
untested war refugees from Ukraine”, like he takes in “medically untested” illegals
on our southern border…
But there are laws on the books already that Joe
Biden and Obama ignored … how to get around these laws
… just do not test them, all while American citizens
must be tested for everything on a weekly basis … this is exactly what Obama wanted to do
during the Ebola crisis of 2014…just let anyone into the country from Ebola hot
zones …
In light of the fact
that the United States had only the capacity for only 11 Ebola
patients at specialized hospitals across the country, and much less developed
countries banned visitors from the Ebola-hit West African nations, yet
immigration policy moves by the Obama administration had many Americans shaking
their heads in disbelief.
Incredibly, even lowly “Rwanda introduced mandatory daily health
screening for visitors from the U.S. and Spain in an effort to prevent the
spread of the virus to the African nation from the Western states recently
affected by the first cases of Ebola.”
A law already on the books, the Immigration and Nationality Act of
1952, states that any alien or legal immigrant or visitor who is
determined to have a communicable disease of public health significance is
considered to be inadmissible.
Ebola & Political Correctness
• Obama placed possible votes from immigrants above the health of
U.S. public, just as Biden does now on our southern border... but it is you who refuse to wear a mask or get the RNA so called vaccine ... who are the super spreaders ...
And that race baiter Obama who basically said every white person
is a racist, gave / funded the Ukrainian bio labs to do research on the DNA of
all Slovik people to be able to develop bio weapons to destroy that gene
group!!! First how stupid was the Ukrainian
government to go along with this (they are Slovik) and second how freak’n
racist was/ is Obama to promote this …
these are the types of people the Obama funded bio-labs in Ukraine wanted / want to destroy via their bio-weapons... by creating race specific bio-weapons designed to attack their DNA /gene sequencing ...
Vatican critic blames ‘deep state’ for Ukraine war, citing COVID-19 measures...
The outspoken papal critic....Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò ... connected the Ukraine conflict to opposition to COVID-19 vaccines
VATICAN CITY (RNS) — As Pope Francis continued attempts to mediate the conflict in Ukraine, former Vatican envoy and outspoken papal critic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò released a letter Monday (March 7) blaming “deep state” forces in the United States, the European Union and NATO for triggering the current war and demonizing Russia.
“The United States of America and the European States must not marginalize Russia but build an alliance with it, not only to restart trade for the prosperity of all, but in lieu of the reconstruction of a Christian Civilization, which will be the only one able to save the world from the transhuman and medical-technical globalist monster,” the archbishop wrote in his nearly 10,000 word letter.
The archbishop, once the papal nuncio to the United States among other countries, has a keen understanding of what happens in rooms of power and influence, but since accusing Francis of covering up allegations of sex abuse against disgraced ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick, going so far as to ask for the pope’s resignation in 2018, Viganò has been welcomed into the ranks of a small but outspoken Catholic conservative right. His rhetoric has increasingly leaned on anti-migrant, anti-vaccine and pro-Trump takes.
The archbishop said in his letter that Putin has been cornered by an aggressive NATO, backed by the United States, which is seeking to escalate the conflict for its own gains. “This is the trap for Russia just as much as Ukraine, using both to allow a globalist elite to bring its criminal plot to fruition,” Viganò wrote.
So-called democratic states, according to Viganò, have imposed “censure and intolerance” over dissenting opinions. The pandemic has exacerbated this dynamic, the archbishop said, adding that global media outlets “shamelessly lied” with the cooperation of governments and the Catholic hierarchy.
Viganò said the “ostracism” of those who have opposed the administration of COVID-19 vaccines was similar to the treatment reserved for those who refuse to call Putin an “invader” or “tyrant.”
The Vatican has repeatedly dismissed objections to the vaccines based on their development or testing with stem cell lines original drawn from aborted fetal cells. Pope Francis has joined global pro-vaccine campaigns, calling getting the shot “an act of love.” The Pontifical Academy for Life, a Vatican think tank charged with promoting life from conception to natural death, has come forward numerous times encouraging Catholics to get the vaccine.
Viganò adopted Russian President Vladimir Putin’s justifications for attacking Ukraine, lamenting the lack of media coverage of supposed neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine that have allegedly attacked Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the autonomous eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has ridiculed the idea that Nazism is behind the eight-year-old conflict in his country’s east, which Russia invaded in 2014.
The letter was the second defense of Russia’s invasion to be floated by a prominent churchman in recent days. In a sermon on Sunday, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and an ally of Putin, repeated a long-held contention that the West wants to enforce the practice of holding gay pride parades as a test of loyalty to its values, which include the acceptance of homosexuality. The Ukraine war, he said Sunday, resulted from the eastern regions’ refusal to acquiesce.
“If humanity accepts that sin is not a violation of God’s law, if humanity accepts that sin is a variation of human behavior, then human civilization will end there,” Kirill said on the pre-Lenten celebration known as Forgiveness Sunday.
But Viganò sees a deeper plot to institute a new world order. Naming the United Nations, NATO and the International Monetary Fund as well as the European Union and billionaire philanthropists like George Soros and Bill Gates, the archbishop identified a global conspiracy, initiated by an American deep state, to introduce a world government based on economic interests and progressivism.
Viganò portrayed Zelenskyy as an E.U. puppet, an affable outsider introduced to foment Ukrainians’ feelings against Russia.
“The image of Zelenskyy is an artificial product, a mediatic fiction, an operation to manipulate consensus that was nonetheless able to create a political character in the Ukrainian collective imagination and who in reality, not in fiction, was able to seize power,” the former Vatican envoy wrote of the Ukrainian president, who is Jewish.
Calling Ukrainians “hostages” of the globalist totalitarian regime, he advised them against joining the E.U. Instead, Viganò wrote, European nations must seek their independence by finding once more their “sovereignty, their identity, their faith. Their soul.”
Nonetheless, the archbishop urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to “turn the tables” on the “globalist ploy” by offering Ukraine a peaceful way out. “The more Putin believes (himself) to be right, the more he will prove the greatness of his nation and the love for his people by not giving into provocations,” he added.
what you are not allowed to hear or see in the US...
How convenient for the globalists, Putin invading Ukraine …
they know the “masses” have a short memory span and always seek to move onto to
the next “crisis”… the public for the most part is like a mermaid distracted by
the shiny object before them… we are not screwed by the globalists, we are being
screwed by the public who refuse to see and remember what is really going on … so now for the average American everything is Putin's fault ....
Watch: What They Won’t Tell You About the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
A mini-documentary attempts to set the record straight on Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, as Western media sources continue to obfuscate the facts behind the fraught geopolitical quagmire.
The video begins by giving context prior to the conflict, when Russian President Vladimir Putin on Feb. 21 recognized two areas in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, Donetsk and Luhansk, as independent separatist republics.
“After 8 years of war, or rather 8 years of the Donbas republics being under attack by Ukraine, both the republics swiftly appealed to President Putin for military assistance to end the conflict,” a narrator explains
A Ukrainian woman in the documentary explains how she saw Nazi symbols on Ukrainian forces in 2014.
“They had that symbol, the swastika, on their helmets, and on their cars,” she explained, as the filmmaker asked, “That means they’re Nazis?”
“Well, yes,” she replied.
“Moreover, according to available information, and this is objectively confirmed, banderovets and neo-Nazis deploy heavy weapons, including multiple launch rocket systems, right in the central areas of large cities, including Kiev and Kharkov.
“They plan to invite fire from the Russian side, and then blame Russia for shelling residential areas. They act in the same way as terrorists around the world.
“Once again, I appeal to the servicemen of the armed forces of Ukraine. Do not allow neo-Nazis and banderovets to use your children, your wives and old people as human shields.”
Footage in the documentary shows how Ukrainian military forces rolled out heavy artillery while occupying residential areas, effectively using the people as human shields.
you can read the rest and watch the videos here...
and bio-warfare should and did tick off the Russians, as it should tick off any world leader when their people are subject to such ... but unfortunately in the US, most of its citizens went along with the plan ..
I am not a fan of Putin either, he does not have clean hands in all of this ... but I am less of a fan of the global propaganda against Putin ...
Sunday, March 6, 2022
The Biden administration is trying desperately to sink the
US … from open borders (while he wants to guard and protect Ukraine’s borders) to
wanting to take everyone’s guns (while he wants to arm all Ukrainians with guns
so they can protect themselves) … from shutting down all gas production in the
USA (i.e. the Keystone pipe line and others)… Even though, I now think Trump will
go down as one of the worse presidents in regards to selling out and literally
killing millions of citizens via his “warp speed” so called vaccine program,
and issuing a “state of emergency” over covid (which the drug companies now
admit was their own creation, via gene sequencing) and what the drug companies were
forced to disclose (via Court order) … the side effects from the “vaccine” are stunningly
devastating … if you took this “vaccine” or God forbid gave it to your children,
find ways to detox from it and pray to God …
But most people are waking up to what really went on with
the covid madness… and so we are on to the next stage of taking down this
country and indeed the world …inflation, banks collapsing the end of paper
money and power outages … due to “green new deals” not reality … we have enough
natural energy resources in this country to be energy self-sufficient (Trump proved
that) … Biden took it away from us …
And this bullshit war in the Ukraine as always innocent people
are played and killed …
We now get half of our Oil from Russia… so Biden is financially
supporting both sides of the Ukraine war … sending taxpayer money to Ukraine to
protect their borders and arm their people, and Biden is buying Russia oil …
Karma is a bitch Lindsey Graham and what you wish for others may land on your doorstep
I predict this “Russian oil” will be made a big deal, by the
Biden administration and the woke bureaucrats, war loving politicians such as Lindsey
Graham “the chicken hawk”, who never fought in a war but loves to send your
kinds to one … will want to stop buying Russian oil to and the economy will completely
collapse (1930’s style) and we will be forced to pay carbon taxes and sky high
gas prices
The price of gas is through the roof and it will only get
worse, by Biden shutting down American production of said and relying on foreign
sources (like Obama did and the Clinton's and Bushes did)
And buckle
up American citizens the cost of your groceries will be going up by a $1,000 per
month (do not worry you illegals the Biden administration and/or Catholic Charities
will cover the cost for you) get ready for more “bishop appeals for the “poor”…
not you poor Americans but poor illegals …they are “God’s children not you”…
and hey all you who “stand with Ukraine” folks … you will soon be brought to your
knees by inflation and the starvation of millions …
Everyone "feels" so good about Russian sanctions... no they are actually sanctions against the American people in the end ...
Ah but do not worry more and more retail stores are allowing shop lifting (up to a $1,000)... but the bad news is you will have to pay for this in higher prices in addition to the inflation and lack of fertilizers ... the globalists want the middle class gone !!! The real was was started when big pharma released their bio-weapon on humanity (2020 covid) ...
Biden Wants $10B to Protect Ukraine’s Border After Spending $6M Every Day to Not Build U.S.-Mexico Border Wall....
President Joe Biden is looking to spend more than $10 billion in American taxpayer money to protect the borders of Ukraine even as he spent $6 million every day to not build a wall along the United States-Mexico border.
On Thursday, Punchbowl News reported that Biden will request Congress approve $10 billion in “emergency military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine and Eastern European allies” amid the region’s ongoing conflict.
Already, Biden has issued $350 million to help protect Ukraine’s borders.
Meanwhile, infrastructure at the U.S.-Mexico border has been neglected for over a year by the Biden administration. Immediately after taking office, Biden halted all construction of border wall, leaving materials to rust in the region’s desert-like weather.
In March of 2021, Breitbart Newsexclusively reportedthat Biden had been spending about $6 million every day in taxpayer money to not build the border wall. By July, Biden had spent$2 billionto not build the wall, with costs leveling out to about$3 millionin taxpayer money wasted every day.
As Biden focuses attention on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the nation sees its own invasion where more than two million border crossers and illegal aliens arrived at the southern border last year — a record-setting figure of illegal immigration not seen before in American history.
Likewise, Biden has ensured that more than 530,000 border crossers and illegal aliens who arrived at the border last year were subsequently released into the U.S. interior. The figure is likely some hundreds of thousands higher, but the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has refused to reveal the official total.
This year, experts are predicting that Biden will again set a new illegal immigration record with more than 2.1 million border crossers and illegal aliens expected to arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border. Hundreds of thousands of those arrivals are likely to be released into the U.S. interior.
In January alone, Biden released into the U.S. interior more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens — a foreign population more than twice the size of Princeton, New Jersey; nearly twice the size of Lexington, Massachusetts; and more than six times the size of Jackson, Wyoming.
Unused pieces of steel bollard-style wall lay near a portion of unfinished border wall at the U.S.-Mexico border on April 14, 2021, in La Joya, Texas. (John Moore/Getty Images)
A family of asylum seekers from Cuba cross an open section of wall at the US-Mexico border to turn themselves into US Border Patrol agents on May 13, 2021, in Yuma, Arizona. (Apu Gomes/Getty Images)
Hey, remember families such as the one above can get up to $400,000 from the Biden administration (your taxpayer money) for crossing the border illegally and then Catholic Charities provides them with free housing, medical clinics and legal services off of your donations and government grants... so when is the last time your family got $400,000 (tax free money) from the government ... ???
Parents-to-be from Haiti stand at a gap in the U.S.-Mexico border wall after having traveled from South America to the United States on December 10, 2021, in Yuma, Arizona. (John Moore/Getty Images)
The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022. These documents include important construction, financing and permit details for bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine. But now the US government is scrubbing these documents from the internet and becoming less transparent with this critical information.
This comes at a time when the world population is waking up to the reality of gain-of-function bioweapons research, lab leaks and predatory vaccine and diagnostics development. These bio-labs generate pathogens of pandemic potential that exploit human immune systems and are the foundation for which medical fraud, malpractice, vaccine-induced death and genocide originates.
Could the existence of these bioweapons’ labs have something to do with Russia’s “special military mission?” For years, Russia has accused the US of developing bioweapons near its borders. Are the Russians currently gathering evidence from these labs? What is the current status of these facilities? What if Russia was not conducting an imperialist invasion and occupation of Ukraine — a reality that has been propagated by Western media outlets? What if Russia was instead targeting international crime syndicates and going after criminal elements in the Ukrainian government that have harmed the Ukrainian people and others around the world?
The U.S. erected a vast network of bio-labs in Ukraine and is scrubbing details from the net ....
The US DOD funded at least 15 different bio-labs in Ukraine. These are not Chinese or Russian bio-labs. At least eight of these are bioweapons labs are operated exclusively by the US. These laboratories “consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern” to conduct “enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures” through “international research partnerships.” Each facility costs the US taxpayers anywhere from $1.8 to over $3 million. The DOD facilitated the permit process to allow Ukrainian scientists to work with pathogens of pandemic potential.
The US DOD works directly with Ukraine’s Ministry of Health, State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences and the Ministry of Defense. This network of bio-labs includes facilities in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lviv, Kiev, Kherson, Ternopil, Crimea, Luhansk and two suspect facilities in Kharkiv and Mykolaiv.
In recent years, many of these labs have reached Bio-safety Level 2 status, allowing scientists to experiment with viruses and bacteria. Over the past two years, these laboratories, in cooperation with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, erected four more mobile laboratories to conduct epidemiological surveillance of the Ukrainian people. These laboratories are part of a multi-national working group that creates disease surveillance networks that “strengthen global health security.”
Up until February 25, 2022, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories. All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet. If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed. What is the US embassy trying to hide?
Did Russia Surgically Strike 8 Secret US Run Bio Labs In Ukraine?
Is Russia’s “special military operation” actually a smokescreen to target US bio-labs in Ukraine?
Speculation on social media suggests Russian strikes on Ukrainian military installations could also include US bio-labs in the region, as the Russian government has for years accused the US of developing bio-weapons near its border.
How much do you know about the President
of the Ukraine? Did you know he was / is an actor who had his own “comedy show”
in the Ukraine… the TV series was called “Servant of the People”
Poster of the TV show “Servant of the People.”, he is now the President of the Ukraine
Article by Leo Zagami
George Soros’ involvement in Ukraine is well known, his
name is linked to the Orange Revolution and regime changes in the country.
Like in Georgia. George Soros acknowledged in an interview with CNN,
that he actively contributed to the overthrow of former Ukrainian President
Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. “I created a foundation in Ukraine before it became
independent from Russia. “The foundation has functioned since then and has
played an important role in current events,” explains the financier who
established the International
Renaissance Foundation, in Ukraine, as part of the Open
Society Foundations, in April 1990.
The infamous foundation originally placed in
Ukraine by the New World Order with the aim to assist the transition to
democracy to a market economy became a sort of parallel government immediately
starting a series of projects in different areas without ever truly
helping the country and ultimately giving the role of President of Ukraine, serving
since May 2019, to a comedian/clown called Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who made his
apparent fortune with a Ukrainian political satire comedy television series but
was secretly financed by a friend of Soros, the Ukrainian oligarch Igor
Kolomoisky, whose name appeared in the revelations made thanks
to the Pandora Papers investigation, the world’s largest-ever journalistic
collaboration, involving more than 600 journalists, that unmasked the hidden
owners of offshore companies, secret bank accounts, private jets, yachts, mansions,
and precious artworks of a bunch of influential people from the New World Order
elite. More than 100 billionaires, 29,000 offshore accounts, 30 current,
and former leaders, and 300 public officials were named in the first leaks in
October 2021 that pushed many governments to launch their own inquiries into
the financial activities revealed in the papers.
The worldwide probe was prompted by a
massive journalist exposé put together by the International
Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) that included work by
journalists from the Ukrainian media Slidstvо.Info,
which connected the shady financial dealings of Zelensky’s television
production company Studio Kvartal 95 to
the aforementioned Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. Slidstvo found
that the laundered money passed through the Cyprus branch of Kolomoisky-owned Privatbank,
according to law enforcement officers.
Ten years ago, the popular Kvartal 95 started their
shows on the Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 owned by Igor Kolomoisky.
Their shows and programs were hits on the channel owned by Kolomoisky,
who will later support Zelensky and the team not only as entertainers but also
as politicians, allegedly under suggestions made by none other than George
Soros himself. Today, Kolomoisky is a person of interest in investigations in
Ukraine, Britain, and the United States, who will probably ignore the results.
Of course, it was Soros’s Foundation in Ukraine that
it wanted to fight corruption by strengthening transparency and accountability
in Ukraine, supporting the creation of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of
Ukraine in 2014, but nothing really happened and the following year in 2015 The
Guardian called Ukraine “the most corrupt nation in Europe,” and according to a
poll conducted by Ernst & Young in 2017, experts considered Ukraine to be
the ninth-most corrupt nation in the world.
Soros Foundation also said it wanted to support investigative
journalism projects, as well as the development of independent media outlets in
Ukraine but in 2010, and again in 2021, Freedom House perceived
“negative trends in Ukraine” with government-critical opposition media outlets
being closed, demonstrating the authoritarian nature of the pro-Western
government led by a former comedian.
As you can see, Ukraine is governed by a clown financed by
George Soros, who made his fortune with a TV series called “Servant of the
People” in which Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy stars as Vasyl Petrovych
Holoborodko, a high-school history teacher in his thirties who is unexpectedly
elected President of Ukraine after a viral video filmed by one of his students
shows him making a profane rant against government corruption in his country.
Unfortunately, Zelenskyy’s claim made during his political campaign that he
will clear his country like his fictional character in the TV series, was
propaganda, as Ukraine is becoming a bad joke crafted by Soros and Kvartal
95 Studio, the television entertainment production company,
operating in Ukraine since 2003, officially owned by Zelenskyy, but allegedly
financed by Soros’ buddy Igor Kolomoisky, whose leading figures later
joined Zelensky’s administration as Deputy Heads of the Presidential
Administration of Ukraine, and one as Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Secret
Now you can understand why Vladimir Putin does not take
Zelenskyy and his administration too seriously as they are literally a joke
produced by George Soros and friends, to control and brainwash into submission
the people of Ukraine now left in the middle of a possible bloody war.
So is this the Country and President we are called to defend
and whose borders we are being told to guard and defend, at the risk of a
Nuclear War … what about our own country … what about our own borders… yes it
is extremely sad and disturbing to see the violence and deaths in Ukraine on
both sides… is it not just as disturbing, the drug cartels that are entering
our southern border and all the drugs entering our country via them and the millions
of deaths they are causing in this country (Although there are no TV cameras
to film it or woke media to hype it up)… the violent gangs that enter into our
country … the human trafficking that occurs there …