Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Feast of The Epiphany

 Growing up January 6th officially ended the Christmas season … as an alleged “mystic” January 6th held special meaning to me in regards to obtaining Holy Water, I would always travel to St Michael the Archangel Byzantine Catholic Cathedral in Passaic to obtain such. I do believe “holy water” has power, but not when it is blessed by a diocesan or even a religious order priest (especially nowadays), they unfortunately just wave their hand over the water and say a short prayer and are done with it… most do not even believe holy water has any power, nor do they believe evil or demons exist.  

 There are many beautiful and ancient traditions that come to us from the East in the form of special blessings that the Church performs on this feast: the blessing of water, salt, chalk, and homes, as well as of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

  • EPIPHANY WATER: There is a special blessing for water on the feast of the Epiphany because of its connection to the celebration of Jesus' baptism. This ancient rite of the blessing of the waters, with its extraordinarily powerful prayers of exorcism, renders Epiphany Water more spiritually potent than 'ordinary' holy water (also, exorcised salt is part of the ritual and is used to 'make' Epiphany water).

BLESSED CHALK: There is a long-standing Epiphany tradition of marking churches, homes, schools, and other buildings with a special 'holy formula' over the entryway using chalk that has been blessed for this purpose on Epiphany. This formula includes the current year along with the initials C, M, and B in the order shown below.

20 + C + M + B + 22

The C, M, and B are placed in between the numbers of the current year, with crosses in between each symbol. The three letters have two significations: the invocation Christus Mansionem Benedicat (Christ bless this house), as well as the first initial of the names of the three Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar.

 Of course none of this is done in the traditional American Catholic Churches… no the USA moves feast days around and stops traditions to suit their progressive ways … there are a few Polish Churches that follow these traditions though …

But hey none of the above matters anymore to most Catholics and Christians now … especially those Bishops / parishes and parishioners who say “it is the moral thing to do” to get vaccinated with the aborted fetal tissue, mRNA altering vaccine and they even have the balls to say … “it is what Christ would do”!!! WTF …

So for those Catholics /Christians I post this meme… their new 3 kings …

Please note all "3" Kings are wearing masks as not to infect the child Jesus ... much like you have to wear in churches now ... ah... the blasphemy and irony of it all ... and hey ...Wasn’t Jesus sort of famous for not turning away the sick?

No room at the inn - for unvaccinated: Catholic priest tells faithful parishioners who have refused to get jab for religious reasons they are NOT welcome at church for Christmas Mass

  • Father Edward Beck, a religious commentator for CNN, said during a segment of the network's New Day, that he all churches should require proof of vaccination
  • 'There's no supply chain shortage of love and compassion. I think what we are trying to say to people is that ''you have a social responsibility if you do gather''
  • Father Beck penned an op-ed last year describing Trump's decision to open back churches in early 2020 as 'sinful and dangerous'
  • He briefly co-hosted a religious segment with disgraced CNN anchor Chris Cuomo during their time at ABC News 
  • Beck, who was ordained in 1985, does not work at specific churches, but leads workshops and retreats nationally and internationally 

 The real reasons these "Catholic demons/ priests" ... do not want the unvaccinated at Church is they are aware these are the ones who have true faith in God ... not man ... and these are the ones who investigate and rely on "real debated science" , which should be normal academics ...   

Denying people access to the Mass is functionally denying them access to Communion, (The Savior himself)  and these demons damn well know it... and do not want people going to their salvation/ Savior in the Eucharistic ...