Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Satan's Primary Target... is everyone now!!!


John-Henry Westen, states the “new religion” is the covid vaccine and this I agree with and I have seen first-hand … some who prior to the “plandemic” gave out First Communion … now give out covid vaccines … so now for many Catholics the power of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is secondary to the covid vaccine …

For every so called catholic who took the covid vaccine and still calls themselves pro-life, you are not for the vaccine is laced with fetal tissues and RNA altering drugs … thus you seek to alter the creation of man as God created humanity to be ... you sought to save your own lives on the backs of aborted babies .. so who is the greater sinner ... the woman who aborted a pregnancy or you who used their dead bodies to save your own lives... pro-lifers who condemned a woman for ending a pregnancy due to rape or incest or to save the mother's life... ran to get that covid vaccine laced with the aborted tissue... to save your own life or so you thought ...

I quote Christ here ... "Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the kingdom of God before you" ..

I am going to be bold here and say ... the women who terminated their pregnancies for heartbreaking reasons known only to them and God, will get into heaven before, those who judged them and then used the fetal tissue to save their own lives...  

I disagree with John Henry Westen in regards to praying for those who are truly demonic ... "do not throw your pearls to swine" ... it is to late for them and I do not believe Jesus Christ came to save all and that is scriptural ... at this point in human history get right with God and pray ... pray ... pray ... 

in regards to "gender confusion"... mankind elevated / produced such with chemicals in the environment... from plastics to pharmaceuticals ...and now by parents promoting it within their own families ... two weeks ago a 5 year old boy came into Target wearing a pink dress ... I asked the father ... why the boy was wearing a dress ... the father said "because he likes girls clothing" ... my thought was ..."no the kid is to young... it is the father who likes to see his young son in girls clothing"... I so wanted to tell that father ... "man the fuck up"...  
