Friday, January 7, 2022

Army Doctor Blows the Whistle On Government Covid Crimes

 a real Medical Doctor and a real man!!! WOW ... hard to find ... they are almost extinct ... and OMG ... real science ... and a man who has the balls to speak up ... and he has been vaccinated ... so he was not "anti-vaccine"... 


Interesting interview below with Dr Pete Chambers….. Dr. Chambers speaks to what happened to him post his covid shot and what he is doing to try and rid his body of the toxins injected into him with the jab, and also what he is seeing in soldiers forced to take the jab … this courageous MD also addresses how this is violating the Nuremberg code and a person’s right to an informed consent … since these vaccines are still “legally labeled”, emergency use only …

Dr. Chambers also addresses what is really happening on our southern border and the violence of the drug cartels... the rapes... the human trafficking... the beheading and murders that are going on all while Biden and his administration states everything is fine at the border   

Interesting is how Senator Dan Crenshaw is addressed in the video (the Texan Senator with the eye-patch) … I thought Crenshaw was a “good guy” and fought for American values apparently this is not the case at all!  What is most disturbing here is everyone thinks it is the Dems that are back stabbing the American people, which is true, but they do so openly, yet the real scum bags and lying bastards are the Republicans, such as Trump … they tell the people one thing while they are doubling dealing the people behind closed doors …. We do not have a chance in "hell"  to fight or defeat this … we all must call on God for help …


2 days ago ... court decision 


and an update ....

1.    The Supreme Court is due to hear the Biden administration’s overreach on OSHA mandates today… I learned a few days ago that all supreme court judges have been covid vaccinated and have had covid boosters, as to whether they received the “real deal vaccine” or saline is unknown… yet the optics is they are all on board for vaccines … so I wonder how objective they will be on this issue… especially after learning the most “conservative judges” are not!!!  Such as Brett Kavanaugh ….

     Epstein “found children” for Kavanaugh  to adopt …. Kavanaugh’s adopted children are via the Epstein connection … no wonder the federal judge sealed the “black books” of all Epstein’s clients and johns… they go right up to the most powerful people in the world … sick… sick … sick …

And knowing that Epstein and the globalists ran “breeding camps”, where they would bring in young girls impregnate them and either use them for stem cell research or sell the babies … so now I wonder are those adopted children of Kavanaugh products of these breeding camps… the public will never know the crimes against women and children in this matter for a federal judge sealed the “black books” of names …

 Manhattan federal court judge Alison Nathan ruled that only a limited amount of material from Maxwell's contacts book would be released under seal. The "little black book" is a 97-page "who's who" with the names of roughly 2,000 people including world leaders, celebrities and businessmen

So this liberal judge has placed political view above the right of the public to know who the “predators” are to remain safe from them… so over 2,000 high powered sexual perverts get to walk free and molest and human traffic in the future …

Or run “baby blood farms”… like Epstein and Nygard did

But the fix was in from the beginning of this trial …