Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Clarence Thomas Warns The World: COVID VAX MAY BE DANGEROUS


     Clarence Thomas speaks the truth from the bench, while Sonia  Sotomayor is a super spreader of lies, even the CDC called her out … we are all living on a petri dish of lies

Judge Gives FDA Just Over 8 Months to Produce Pfizer’s Safety Data

Jan 7, 2022 | Business, Featured, Top Stories, U.S.

The F’n FDA of which, the Neanderthal, low skilled medical doctors, who refuse to do their own research follow blindly, the FDA wanted 75 years to release the data on how dangerous the covid vaccines are … but a federal judge struck that down to 8 months … you can bet the corrupt FDA and big pharma are going to appeal that decision… but the real question is why hasn’t this gotten main stream press coverage … it is due to the fact that Pfizer sponsors all those so called new agencies!

In the past it was the lawyers and used car salesmen of the world that were considered to be evil low lives … now it is the most of the medical profession… I am glad my father is not alive to witness this, he believed doctors were gods and hence pushed his sons to become doctors and wanted me to go into the medical profession as well … My father pushed science and knowledge and I still like science (real science that allows scientific debate and explores all research) and knowledge, which includes debate on all sides of a story … not a forced fake narrative, which Fauci and his kind push… I equate all of this metaphorically to the destruction of humanity on all levels from trans genders to trans humanism … Fauci’s so called science cannot even distinguish between male and female gender or races being equal. Fauci made that abundantly clear when he stated if you are in a massive group of BLM marchers you are safe from covid, but if you are white on the street marching for a cause you are a super spreader.   

case in point meet the first non binary figure skater ... 

American figure skater Timothy LeDuc is set to become the first openly non-binary athlete to compete at an Olympic Winter Games.

  Is this really the type of world you want your children or grandchildren to grow up in … total dystonia, total anti-real science and nature itself, a world without critical debate   … a world without God … basically and literally hell on earth  ... your compliance and acceptance is allowing it to happen  ....

and God Bless Project Project Veritas


Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath

Fauci's death notes on gain of function and why isn't he is prison for lying to Congress under oath!

and Fauci is the man Trump tells us is a "nice guy" and so many people love to follow his every word ... we have all been duped on so many levels!

Project Veritas proves Fauci knew what he was doing, he wanted to create a lethal virus and release it on humanity ... this evil... evil... evil man is truly an agent of Satan ...if he is not fired and the American people still put up with this man... game over... Satan wins the battle ... and the free will of America is given over to Satanic forces  ...

covid-19 was not an "accidental release"... Fauci and Gates released it intentionally, they own the patent on the  lab made "virus" as well as co -own the patents on the vaccines along with big pharma...  labeled "Project Defuse" ... 

past posts of mine that relate to this subject ...