Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Fake Catholics or Diogenes Seeking an Honest Man within the religion of Catholicism… do they exist anymore?

 So what are you worth to “Pope Frances” … approx. 1.5 billion dollars per year … WOW freak’n WOW … how bad has the church gotten … well they used to sell “indulgences” and fake relics of saints … now they are into selling you or your children via their pedophile network or just plain old human trafficking … But Frances has upped the game he has sold you out to China and big pharma … what a saint right??? A lot of Catholics love the guy… me I choose not to be into demon worship …  

VATICAN (ChurchMilitant.com) - Pope Francis held secret talks with Pfizer plutocrat and veterinary doctor Albert Bourla at the Vatican during the height of the China-virus crisis, a Vatican journalist is reporting

The undisclosed meetings were not included in the daily bulletin published by the Holy See Press Office (which notifies Vatican journalists of the pope's public and private audiences) or in any Vatican media.

A source confirmed to Church Militant that the meetings took place at the beginning and middle of 2020, but the Holy See Press Office refused to confirm or deny the meetings. 

Speaking to Church Militant, scientist Dr. Alan Moy, founder of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute, noted that "Pfizer has a disturbing track history of unethical behavior that includes paying fines for corporate bribery."

World's Most Corrupt Jab Giant

Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion in 2009 for what was then the largest health care fraud settlement ever. The company spent over $21.8 million in 2019–2020 and $6.7 million from January–August 2021 on lobbying the government, making it the biggest spender of any individual drug company during the COVID-19 crisis. 

Pfizer was the biggest corporate spender from 1999–2018, spending $219 million on lobbying (93% of the industry total) and $23 million on campaign contributions (around 10% of the industry's total giving to politicians), Church Militant earlier reported.

"I think the optics raise concerns that there could be potential financial conflicts of interests between Pfizer and the Vatican," Moy, CEO and co-founder of biotech company Cellular Engineering Technologies, said.

"If Pfizer has an exclusive contract with the Vatican for their vaccine, then there needs to be full disclosure and transparency about this contract or any other financial relationships," Moy, a faithful Catholic, insisted.

Church Militant asked the Holy See Press Office if the Vatican would disclose agreements between Pfizer and the Holy See in the interests of transparency (as vaccine behemoths like Pfizer have disclosed only 7% of their contracts with governments and published clinical-trial protocols for just 12% of trials). 

Pfizer's Secret Deals

A report by Transparency International and the University of Toronto titled "For Whose Benefit?" warns of dangerous levels of secrecy that reveal "a disturbing trend of governments censoring key details of their [vaccine] orders from drug companies."

Dutch politician and European Parliament member Sophie in 't Veld has asked the E.U. Parliament to release text messages between commission president Ursula von der Leyen and Bourla, noting that the secrecy violates regulation 1049/2001 (regarding public access to documents).

The optics raise concerns over potential financial conflicts of interests between Pfizer and the Vatican.

Bourla and von der Leyen were in frequent contact by phone and text message for over a month while they negotiated an undisclosed deal for 1.8 billion doses of the Pfizer vaccine, according to a New York Times report.

It is not clear if Vatican City receives its Pfizer shots as part of this agreement. Pope Francis, however, enjoys close ties to von der Leyen and received her at a private meeting in May 2021, where the two discussed vaccine distribution (among other topics). 

The Holy See administers only the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 jab to the residents and staff of the world's smallest sovereign nation. Leaked Pfizer contracts show the company is protected from all damages and liabilities in the case of adverse effects from the shot. 

"We can't confirm or deny as, per our policy, the movements of our executives are considered confidential," Pfizer told Vaticanist Edward Pentin, author of The Next Pope: The Leading Cardinal Candidates, refusing to reveal if Francis met Bourla in secret.

There needs to be full disclosure and transparency.

There needs to be full disclosure and transparency.https://www.churchmilitant.com/images/uploads/icons/gab.svgGabTweet

Moy explained that the meeting between Francis and Bourla "is an important issue that needs to be uncovered, since Francis and other senior Vatican leaders are touting that Catholics have a moral obligation to be vaccinated — despite the lack of vaccine effectiveness and safety concerns of Pfizer's vaccine."

Abortion-tainted Jab is Junk

The scientist's words come in the wake of Bourla's admission that two doses of his company's vaccine may not be effective at preventing the omicron variant of COVID-19. 

Francis welcomes Ursula van der Leyen to the Vatican

Last week, at a health care conference hosted by J.P. Morgan, Bourla commented: "The two doses, they're not enough for omicron. The third dose of the current vaccine is providing quite good protection against deaths and decent protection against hospitalizations."

The revelations also follow Vatican secretary of state Cdl. Pietro Parolin's granting an "abortion absolution" exclusively to the Pfizer jab, pursuant to his claim that Pfizer used "cell lines from aborted fetuses only in the preliminary stages of vaccine testing in the laboratory, but no cell lines from aborted fetuses are included in either the composition or production."

Lying Pfizer Gets Busted

Despite a devastating Project Veritas exposé of top company officials and leaked emails revealing Pfizer uses aborted fetal tissue in its vaccine program, Parolin refused to grant religious exemptions on grounds of conscientious objections to the abortion-tainted jab. 

Pfizer's own stem-cell-research policy acknowledges Pfizer has been using human embryonic stem cells in its research which "may provide even greater potential due to their increased ability for self-renewal and capacity to form a wide variety of cells and tissues."

All Vatican employees are currently forced to get vaccinated or show proof of recovery from COVID-19. Failure to do so will be considered "unjustified absence with the consequent suspension of pay for the duration of the absence." 

From Jan. 31, all visitors and staff will have to get the booster as a condition of entry to the Vatican. The mandate extends to all Holy See personnel and to all its institutions within the extra-territorial areas of the Vatican.

"Pope Francis' rhetoric is inconsistent with the December 2020 statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith that vaccine acceptance should be voluntary," Dr. Moy told Church Militant. 

China Bribes Vatican

Meanwhile, the hush-hush parleys between the pope and Pfizer are reigniting speculation over the Vatican's secret concordat with China — renewed by Cdl. Parolin in October 2020 despite fierce global opposition condemning it as a "deal with the Devil."

The two doses, they're not enough for omicron.https://www.churchmilitant.com/images/uploads/icons/gab.svgGabTweet

Months before Parolin renewed the deal, exiled dissident Guo Wengui accused the Vatican of receiving $1.6 billion every year since 2014 in bribes from the Chinese Communist Party because Beijing "wanted the Vatican to shut up about China's religion policies."

Wengui also claimed the Chinese government was paying the Holy See $100 million before 2014. The tycoon did not specify when the payments initially started. Beijing

has branded Wengui an attention-seeking criminal. But the Vatican has yet to deny the allegations. 

After Bourla's second meeting with Francis, the vaccine oligarch struck a $70 million deal with Shanghai-based biotech giant LianBio and invested $200 million in Hong Kong–based CStone Pharmaceuticals

In Dec. 2021, a leaked database of registered members of the CCP exposed a mass communist infiltration of American companies, including 69 infiltrators in four Pfizer branches in Shanghai. Pfizer did not respond to press inquiries for comment. 

Rome's Elitist Club

Francis and Bourla also have close links to the World Economic Forum — the elite Davos club of transnational globalists pushing the "Great Reset" that seeks to "subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations," according to whistleblower Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò. 

The WEF lists Pope Francis and Albert Bourla as "agenda contributors" on its website. Bourla also serves as co-chair of the WEF task force working for "a great reset in health care." The WEF praises Francis for "put[ting] his stamp on efforts to shape what's been termed a "great reset" of the global economy in response to the devastation of COVID-19."

In May 2021, the Vatican featured Bourla as a key speaker at its conference on global health. Faithful Catholics were outraged after it became known that the gig was partly funded by the Mormon cult and vaccine-maker Moderna. The Vatican did not list Pfizer as a co-sponsor but noted that some of its benefactors had "asked to remain anonymous."

Bourla Benefits Bigtime

Leading Catholics have expressed concern over the pontiff's habit of cozying up to the world's elites — despite world oligarchs' piggybacking on the pandemic to enrich themselves to the tune of billions of dollars. 

In November 2021, Bourla, who has led Pfizer since early 2019, sold $5.6 million in shares on the same day the drug giant announced positive early data on its China-virus vaccine, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Pfizer compensated Bourla, a Greek-born Sephardic Jew, with a total pay package of $21 million last year — a 17% increase from before the pandemic (when Bourla's compensation in 2019 was a total of $17.9 million).

A newly published Oxfam report slams the vaccine monopolies held by Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna for creating five new billionaires during the pandemic and allowing their corporations to make over $1,000 per second in profit.

While Pope Francis often rails against capitalism, he has remained silent on the corruption of Big Pharma and the emergence of a plutocracy as a result of the pandemic.

 Ah but it gets worse with that greedy bastard Frances ...

This I knew decades ago the types of “stocks” the Vatican Bank invests in… I wrote about such things… but of course the so called “faithful laity”, who refused to and still do refuse to see and admit the corruption within the church mocked me for calling it out … hence they are blind leading the blind and their refusing to “see” what is really going on with their donation money, will be their spiritual and moral downfall …

VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) - The John Templeton Foundation, committed to promoting contraception in partnership with faith-based organizations, is pumping $750,000 into the Vatican's global health conference as its main financier.  

Pfizer, which pushes its injectable contraceptive Sayana Press in collaboration with global aid groups in the world's poorest countries, will also feature at the Vatican conference "Exploring the Mind, Body and Soul," beginning Thursday.

The new alliance leaves the Vatican "binding hands and feet to the contraception industry," according to Italy's New Daily Compass.

Vatican Invested in Abortifacient

The revelations come days after former Vatican auditor general Libero Milone admitted on Italian channel Rai3 that the Vatican's Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See had been investing in the "morning-after pill" for the last 20 years.  

Rai3 called the Holy See's decision to buy shares worth 20 million euros in the pharma giants Novartis and Roche "one of the most paradoxical investments in the recent history of the Church." Novartis makes and sells the abortifacient through its subsidiary Sandoz.  

The Vatican's health summit, organized by the Pontifical Council for Culture (PCC), has come under a firestorm of criticism for hosting hugely controversial speakers like New Age guru Deepak Chopra and abortion promoter Chelsea Clinton in its lineup of celebrity speakers.

Read the full story here …



But can it get any worse … why yes it can and it will until humanity steps up to the plate and stops it … first by calling on God for help … this demonic activity is way too powerful for man alone to conquer

 to end .... Does the Vatican entertain the concept of  humanized mice... read here to see


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Clarence Thomas Warns The World: COVID VAX MAY BE DANGEROUS


     Clarence Thomas speaks the truth from the bench, while Sonia  Sotomayor is a super spreader of lies, even the CDC called her out … we are all living on a petri dish of lies       


Judge Gives FDA Just Over 8 Months to Produce Pfizer’s Safety Data

Jan 7, 2022 | Business, Featured, Top Stories, U.S.

The F’n FDA of which, the Neanderthal, low skilled medical doctors, who refuse to do their own research follow blindly, the FDA wanted 75 years to release the data on how dangerous the covid vaccines are … but a federal judge struck that down to 8 months … you can bet the corrupt FDA and big pharma are going to appeal that decision… but the real question is why hasn’t this gotten main stream press coverage … it is due to the fact that Pfizer sponsors all those so called new agencies!

In the past it was the lawyers and used car salesmen of the world that were considered to be evil low lives … now it is the most of the medical profession… I am glad my father is not alive to witness this, he believed doctors were gods and hence pushed his sons to become doctors and wanted me to go into the medical profession as well … My father pushed science and knowledge and I still like science (real science that allows scientific debate and explores all research) and knowledge, which includes debate on all sides of a story … not a forced fake narrative, which Fauci and his kind push… I equate all of this metaphorically to the destruction of humanity on all levels from trans genders to trans humanism … Fauci’s so called science cannot even distinguish between male and female gender or races being equal. Fauci made that abundantly clear when he stated if you are in a massive group of BLM marchers you are safe from covid, but if you are white on the street marching for a cause you are a super spreader.   

case in point meet the first non binary figure skater ... 

American figure skater Timothy LeDuc is set to become the first openly non-binary athlete to compete at an Olympic Winter Games.

  Is this really the type of world you want your children or grandchildren to grow up in … total dystonia, total anti-real science and nature itself, a world without critical debate   … a world without God … basically and literally hell on earth  ... your compliance and acceptance is allowing it to happen  ....

and God Bless Project Project Veritas


Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath


Fauci's death notes on gain of function and why isn't he is prison for lying to Congress under oath!

and Fauci is the man Trump tells us is a "nice guy" and so many people love to follow his every word ... we have all been duped on so many levels!

Project Veritas proves Fauci knew what he was doing, he wanted to create a lethal virus and release it on humanity ... this evil... evil... evil man is truly an agent of Satan ...if he is not fired and the American people still put up with this man... game over... Satan wins the battle ... and the free will of America is given over to Satanic forces  ...

covid-19 was not an "accidental release"... Fauci and Gates released it intentionally, they own the patent on the  lab made "virus" as well as co -own the patents on the vaccines along with big pharma...  labeled "Project Defuse" ... 

past posts of mine that relate to this subject ...




Friday, January 7, 2022

Army Doctor Blows the Whistle On Government Covid Crimes

 a real Medical Doctor and a real man!!! WOW ... hard to find ... they are almost extinct ... and OMG ... real science ... and a man who has the balls to speak up ... and he has been vaccinated ... so he was not "anti-vaccine"... 


Interesting interview below with Dr Pete Chambers….. Dr. Chambers speaks to what happened to him post his covid shot and what he is doing to try and rid his body of the toxins injected into him with the jab, and also what he is seeing in soldiers forced to take the jab … this courageous MD also addresses how this is violating the Nuremberg code and a person’s right to an informed consent … since these vaccines are still “legally labeled”, emergency use only …

Dr. Chambers also addresses what is really happening on our southern border and the violence of the drug cartels... the rapes... the human trafficking... the beheading and murders that are going on all while Biden and his administration states everything is fine at the border   

Interesting is how Senator Dan Crenshaw is addressed in the video (the Texan Senator with the eye-patch) … I thought Crenshaw was a “good guy” and fought for American values apparently this is not the case at all!  What is most disturbing here is everyone thinks it is the Dems that are back stabbing the American people, which is true, but they do so openly, yet the real scum bags and lying bastards are the Republicans, such as Trump … they tell the people one thing while they are doubling dealing the people behind closed doors …. We do not have a chance in "hell"  to fight or defeat this … we all must call on God for help …


2 days ago ... court decision 


and an update ....

1.    The Supreme Court is due to hear the Biden administration’s overreach on OSHA mandates today… I learned a few days ago that all supreme court judges have been covid vaccinated and have had covid boosters, as to whether they received the “real deal vaccine” or saline is unknown… yet the optics is they are all on board for vaccines … so I wonder how objective they will be on this issue… especially after learning the most “conservative judges” are not!!!  Such as Brett Kavanaugh ….

     Epstein “found children” for Kavanaugh  to adopt …. Kavanaugh’s adopted children are via the Epstein connection … no wonder the federal judge sealed the “black books” of all Epstein’s clients and johns… they go right up to the most powerful people in the world … sick… sick … sick …

And knowing that Epstein and the globalists ran “breeding camps”, where they would bring in young girls impregnate them and either use them for stem cell research or sell the babies … so now I wonder are those adopted children of Kavanaugh products of these breeding camps… the public will never know the crimes against women and children in this matter for a federal judge sealed the “black books” of names …

 Manhattan federal court judge Alison Nathan ruled that only a limited amount of material from Maxwell's contacts book would be released under seal. The "little black book" is a 97-page "who's who" with the names of roughly 2,000 people including world leaders, celebrities and businessmen

So this liberal judge has placed political view above the right of the public to know who the “predators” are to remain safe from them… so over 2,000 high powered sexual perverts get to walk free and molest and human traffic in the future …

Or run “baby blood farms”… like Epstein and Nygard did


But the fix was in from the beginning of this trial …


Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Feast of The Epiphany

 Growing up January 6th officially ended the Christmas season … as an alleged “mystic” January 6th held special meaning to me in regards to obtaining Holy Water, I would always travel to St Michael the Archangel Byzantine Catholic Cathedral in Passaic to obtain such. I do believe “holy water” has power, but not when it is blessed by a diocesan or even a religious order priest (especially nowadays), they unfortunately just wave their hand over the water and say a short prayer and are done with it… most do not even believe holy water has any power, nor do they believe evil or demons exist.  

 There are many beautiful and ancient traditions that come to us from the East in the form of special blessings that the Church performs on this feast: the blessing of water, salt, chalk, and homes, as well as of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

  • EPIPHANY WATER: There is a special blessing for water on the feast of the Epiphany because of its connection to the celebration of Jesus' baptism. This ancient rite of the blessing of the waters, with its extraordinarily powerful prayers of exorcism, renders Epiphany Water more spiritually potent than 'ordinary' holy water (also, exorcised salt is part of the ritual and is used to 'make' Epiphany water).

BLESSED CHALK: There is a long-standing Epiphany tradition of marking churches, homes, schools, and other buildings with a special 'holy formula' over the entryway using chalk that has been blessed for this purpose on Epiphany. This formula includes the current year along with the initials C, M, and B in the order shown below.

20 + C + M + B + 22

The C, M, and B are placed in between the numbers of the current year, with crosses in between each symbol. The three letters have two significations: the invocation Christus Mansionem Benedicat (Christ bless this house), as well as the first initial of the names of the three Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar.

 Of course none of this is done in the traditional American Catholic Churches… no the USA moves feast days around and stops traditions to suit their progressive ways … there are a few Polish Churches that follow these traditions though …

But hey none of the above matters anymore to most Catholics and Christians now … especially those Bishops / parishes and parishioners who say “it is the moral thing to do” to get vaccinated with the aborted fetal tissue, mRNA altering vaccine and they even have the balls to say … “it is what Christ would do”!!! WTF …

So for those Catholics /Christians I post this meme… their new 3 kings …

Please note all "3" Kings are wearing masks as not to infect the child Jesus ... much like you have to wear in churches now ... ah... the blasphemy and irony of it all ... and hey ...Wasn’t Jesus sort of famous for not turning away the sick?

No room at the inn - for unvaccinated: Catholic priest tells faithful parishioners who have refused to get jab for religious reasons they are NOT welcome at church for Christmas Mass

  • Father Edward Beck, a religious commentator for CNN, said during a segment of the network's New Day, that he all churches should require proof of vaccination
  • 'There's no supply chain shortage of love and compassion. I think what we are trying to say to people is that ''you have a social responsibility if you do gather''
  • Father Beck penned an op-ed last year describing Trump's decision to open back churches in early 2020 as 'sinful and dangerous'
  • He briefly co-hosted a religious segment with disgraced CNN anchor Chris Cuomo during their time at ABC News 
  • Beck, who was ordained in 1985, does not work at specific churches, but leads workshops and retreats nationally and internationally 

 The real reasons these "Catholic demons/ priests" ... do not want the unvaccinated at Church is they are aware these are the ones who have true faith in God ... not man ... and these are the ones who investigate and rely on "real debated science" , which should be normal academics ...   

Denying people access to the Mass is functionally denying them access to Communion, (The Savior himself)  and these demons damn well know it... and do not want people going to their salvation/ Savior in the Eucharistic ...


Wednesday, January 5, 2022

And the bullshit continues … as do the covid vaccine injuries and deaths

 Kelly Ernby, Orange County Deputy DA who voiced opposition to vaccine mandates, dies of COVID

According to a statement from the OCGOP, Ernby died unexpectedly after what was described as a "brief illness."... the media claims it was covid ...

 The Pfizer backed media gleefully details the deaths of what they say are from covid (which includes anything from an accident to a minor cold) … yet refuse to report covid vaccines deaths and injuries, which is up to at least 1,000,000 and probably ten times that amount … any other so called vaccines would have been pulled from the market 30 days after its roll out!!! And even the inventor of this type of vaccine (Dr. Robert Malone) has stated repeatedly it is way too dangerous a vaccine for children and young people and they do not need it ….



Children's health defense


Italy Holds ‘March of the Vaccine Dead’ in Memory of Those Killed By COVID mRNA Injections

Ticker November 2021: Official CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, COVID “vaccine” possibly linked deaths: 18,000+. Hospitalizations: 88,000+. Permanent disabilities: 28,000+

India Bar Association Files Criminal Case Accusing Bill Gates of “Mass Murder” With COVID Vaccines

US Ticker November 2021: Official CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, COVID “vaccine” possibly linked deaths: 20,000+. Hospitalizations: 88,000+. Permanent disabilities: 28,000+ Recovery rate for COVID is 99.98% recovery rate for people under age 50, and 99.8% overall.

and the video of the march for the vaccine dead in Italy 
