Saturday, May 22, 2021

Your silence is harming children and destroying future generations

I am graced to know a young woman, with young children who is a medical freedom advocate and she went to the Rutgers rally yesterday  … she truly is a “mother and parent” to her children … not someone who gave birth and then subjects her child to every fad and experiential drug, and parents who over medicate their children for every reason … because it is the trend in today's society to do so … 

the number of children on mood alternating drugs is tragic and unnecessary it is an abuse of children via their parents and the doctors that prescribe such drugs (which there are many) all the rage a few years ago was to go after doctors who over prescribed pain pills, yet nothing was / is ever  done about doctors who over prescribe … anti-anxiety meds, depression meds, bio-polar meds, ADD meds for children … we are creating generations of Rx drug addicts in our children … instead of looking into nutrition, life style changes and things like counseling and occupational therapies … but such takes time and real parenting skills, which most parents do not have nor do they want to take the time to do ... they are to preoccupied with themselves, their "stuff" and social media ... and sadly,  I believe the lack of parenting skills started with the baby boomers and they wanting to be "friends" with their children instead of parenting them ...   

I know of other parents with young children who are taking their child to get the covid-19 vaccine, saying their schools demands it … what the fuck!!! Fight for the rights of your child, don’t just hand them over to an “illegal” mandate /  maneuver … that is like saying, well they came for my child to do experiments on them and I just gave them over,  for they will take them in the end anyhow … what the hell … when I was young mother I would have died for my children and their safety and fuck anyone who tried to harm them, they had a fight on their hands from me … I did not just say,  “well everyone is doing it so I will make my child do it” … that is not being a parent … that actually is being a danger to your child … 

or even worse it is  Munchausen syndrome by proxy and it is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick.

I know another mother who placed her two children on “meds” at a very early age for she believes “bio-polar” runs in the family and she does not want to raise children,  with such… so she medicates them “just in case” ….

The experiential covid-19 vaccine is bringing all of this medical abuse of children to a head and it is beyond sad and disturbing …     


FRIDAY: Medical Freedom Advocates to Hold Rally at Rutgers as Students Push Back Against Vaccine Mandates

Legislators, students, community representatives and others will speak on the topic of informed consent at a health freedom rally at Rutgers University this Friday, May 21 at 11 a.m. ET, in protest of the university’s COVID vaccine mandate.