Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Just shut up and stare at The Shiny Object and for fuck sake get vaccinated and don't bad mouth the Chinese... you racist


You just stop blaming China for releasing a Bio-weapon on the world, you and your kind are the real threat to humanity ...just remember that ... you racist  

And do not try to read the inserts of the covid vaccines anymore ... and just in case you want to try ... Johnson and Johnson removed them all ... see video below of Pharmacist whistle blower in this regard  ... so just shut the fuck up and get vaccinated... you losers who do not believe "the  government's science" ... no shit it is experiential that is why we are testing it on you!!!! 


And FYI ... any reactions to the J &J covid vaccine were all in your head, says the CDC ... so buck up buttercup... put on your big boy pants and roll up your sleeve and take the fucking vaccine ... after all big pharma would not lie to you, nor would the government, you know those politicians in DC the pharmaceutical companies pay off, via their lobbyists  

                                            Stop being so "histrionic"... and do what you are told ... it is for love of neighbor after all and getting back to normal ... don't you want "normal" ??? Normal will come when you sign up for your yearly booster vaccine ... so stop complaining and don't think about things ... it causes "anxiety"