Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Today is my 60th anniversary! ... and ... I agree with Nancy on this one, it is her decision ...

The self-righteous think they can “see” and are "worthy" yet they deny the Host to the sinner,  the blind … so who is really blind?

Sixty years ago today, I received my First Communion and frankly I hated the process, I hated all the religious training, I received from the Catholic Church (actually still do and it has gotten worse,  with all the hidden scandals within the Church and their failure to stand up during the pandemic) 

 The nuns were savage and had no people skills and the priest was a bit “off” to say the least. “Religion” taught me to fear the “Big Guy in the sky” and no matter what I did … I simply was not going to be good enough for him … so I would have to return at least monthly to the priest who was a bit “off” and tell him how bad I have been and he (the priest) had the magical powers to make it ok with God … until the next month that is … at least that is what those weekly Catechism classes said… so 60 years ago today was a big day for me … I could say good bye to those judgmental and mean spirited nuns and the creepy priest… revive communion and be done with it … I did not want to be there in the first place, I was forced to go not by my parents but by my Aunt, who was a religious frantic, made so by her father, who was even more of a “dictator of religion” and the reason why my own father hated organized religions …

And I am so tired of hearing about “Latin” being the “holy Language of God”… seriously, Latin was not the native tongue of Christ when he walked on earth and “mystics” are not hearing verses in “Latin”, a “locution” is not even words it is more akin to mental telepathy or “infuse knowledge” … the "magic", the "holy"  is in your faith 

To this day, even after all my own extraordinary spiritual  experiences, I am completely turned off by those who are “self- righteous”/ religious or those who call themselves “old school or conservative” faithful, for their faith is based in “control” and as such they are missing the point of salvation and the justification of Jesus Christ … you cannot “earn it”, you can never be “worthy of it” … you just accept it or you do not and you leave the door open for others to approach God directly and you stop judging “souls” … Yes you can “judge behavior” but stopping someone from going to God, because you find someone’s behavior unacceptable is a sin against the Holy Spirit… you either believe God is all powerful or you do not, and you are not called to be God’s “bodyguard” stopping others from coming to him …  

I have written about this in the past, again and again …

 stop using the Eucharist as a “reward” or a dog treat for what you think is good behavior…  yet you who claim is without sin goes and receives the Eucharist… every single person standing on the line to receive the Eucharist is a “sinner”, whether they choose to believe so or not … the priest handing you the Eucharist is a sinner, on many levels more so … so if you sinner can go and receive the Eucharist,  stop trying to justify not letting other sinners do the same …    

Better to be a dog under the table begging for scarps then thinking you can tell another not to receive the Eucharist          


Sunday, May 23, 2021


Are we in a global Holocaust … yes I believe we are

Meet Rima E. Laibow, M.D.

Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. She is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right every American to choose a personal health path that is free of government or corporate interference.

Codex Alimentarius: Making Nutrients Illegal and Food Lethal - Rima E Laibow, M.D.

Covid-19 vaccines and playing "chicken" with your life

CDC warns Americans not to hug, kiss chickens amid salmonella outbreak

As always the CDC is right on top of things … so not!!!!

The CDC lies, gets paid off by drug companies or is just late to the game … as in the case of do not kiss or hug your backyard chickens … which, I wrote about two years ago on another blog, here is the post

Now I wonder, what will the CDC be saying about the covid-19 vaccines in two years,  will they finally catch up to my postings of the past … or continue to deny and cover-up the truth ???  Silly me... of course they will cover it up that is what the CDC does for a "living" that and selling vaccines 

Which, came first the chicken or the egg … vaccines at one time were grown inside of eggs, now they use fetal tissue, nanotechnology, which messes with your messenger RNA … but the CDC denies it messes with your DNA … nope they say… the vaccine is safe … yet they are now saying “covid-19” in nature messes with your DNA …hmmm vaccine doesn’t covid in the wild does ???

The CDC denies … denies … denies … they are messing with your DNA in the covid-19 vaccine … but here is an interesting article to read …

Yes, some COVID vaccines use genetic engineering. Get over it.

The above is the title of “Mark Lynas” article and I give a few highlights of said article below

Note : (Mark is an asshole of the highest order and so is his defense of the genetic engineering of you and the food you eat )

December 17, 2020

We’re going right to the heart of the matter. So no, COVID-19 vaccines aren’t delivery vehicles for government microchips. They aren’t tainted by material from aborted fetuses. And they won’t turn us into GMOs — though some of them do use genetic engineering, and all of them use genetics more broadly.

We think this is way cool — something to celebrate, not shy away from. So, we’re doing the deep reveal on exactly how genetics and biotechnology have been a central component of the vaccine effort.

mRNA — BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

First up: mRNA. It won’t reprogram your brain. But it does reprogram some of your cells, in a manner of speaking. And that’s not a defect — it’s intentional.

This is useful for vaccines because scientists can easily reconstruct specific genetic sequences that encode for proteins that are unique to the invading virus. In the COVID case, this is the familiar spike protein that enables the coronavirus to enter human cells.

Note that genetic engineering is an essential part of the development process

Note that these groups are not always marginalized to the fringe where they belong. In Europe, anti-GMO regulations have stymied any substantial use of crop biotechnology for nearly two decades, hindering efforts to make agriculture more sustainable.

So let them genetically engineer everything you eat and stop complaining … just get over it

And back in July, the European Parliament actually had to suspend the EU’s anti-GMO rules in order to allow the unimpeded development of COVID vaccines.


 So I wonder, which came first the covid-19 outbreak or the covid-19 vaccine … they have been working on the vaccine for years and all animal trials failed … ended in the death of the animals … and yes the covid-19 virus was “released”, from the Wuhan lab in China and such was ground zero… but the saintly Dr. Fauci backed the research in USA and in Wuhan …

And how dirty and diabolical does this get … I now believe the virus manipulation was a “joint effort”, with military labs in the USA … yes China is the lab where it was released … but it was worked on as a bio-weapon in the USA as well and China has a “fair claim” to call foul on the USA in this regard … the USA has a long history of doing such experiments and doing so on its own people as well … we learn via the Trump administration just how dirty the politicians are and how diabolical the Military Industrial Complex can be with its “dark money” and DARPA programs …

You look at what is happening in the USA now and the tyranny its citizens are increasingly being subjected to and it is easy to see the connection … on how to control the masses … release a virus … shut down the country / world, collapse the economy, constantly fill people with fear and uncertainty… and demand they take an experimental vaccine … “the silent war on humanity” … we just might be in WW III now … not the typical kind of war … no the unthinkable kind …  where the entire globe becomes a concentration camp of sorts ...

So who can you trust … what country really protects its own people … none of them!

Even Canada sent deadly viruses to Wuhan,  China 

And hey … there is supposed to be an international “ban” on biological warfare and research on said … so all treaties and agreements are nothing but bullshit to pander to the public with  

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Your silence is harming children and destroying future generations

I am graced to know a young woman, with young children who is a medical freedom advocate and she went to the Rutgers rally yesterday  … she truly is a “mother and parent” to her children … not someone who gave birth and then subjects her child to every fad and experiential drug, and parents who over medicate their children for every reason … because it is the trend in today's society to do so … 

the number of children on mood alternating drugs is tragic and unnecessary it is an abuse of children via their parents and the doctors that prescribe such drugs (which there are many) all the rage a few years ago was to go after doctors who over prescribed pain pills, yet nothing was / is ever  done about doctors who over prescribe … anti-anxiety meds, depression meds, bio-polar meds, ADD meds for children … we are creating generations of Rx drug addicts in our children … instead of looking into nutrition, life style changes and things like counseling and occupational therapies … but such takes time and real parenting skills, which most parents do not have nor do they want to take the time to do ... they are to preoccupied with themselves, their "stuff" and social media ... and sadly,  I believe the lack of parenting skills started with the baby boomers and they wanting to be "friends" with their children instead of parenting them ...   

I know of other parents with young children who are taking their child to get the covid-19 vaccine, saying their schools demands it … what the fuck!!! Fight for the rights of your child, don’t just hand them over to an “illegal” mandate /  maneuver … that is like saying, well they came for my child to do experiments on them and I just gave them over,  for they will take them in the end anyhow … what the hell … when I was young mother I would have died for my children and their safety and fuck anyone who tried to harm them, they had a fight on their hands from me … I did not just say,  “well everyone is doing it so I will make my child do it” … that is not being a parent … that actually is being a danger to your child … 

or even worse it is  Munchausen syndrome by proxy and it is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick.

I know another mother who placed her two children on “meds” at a very early age for she believes “bio-polar” runs in the family and she does not want to raise children,  with such… so she medicates them “just in case” ….

The experiential covid-19 vaccine is bringing all of this medical abuse of children to a head and it is beyond sad and disturbing …     


FRIDAY: Medical Freedom Advocates to Hold Rally at Rutgers as Students Push Back Against Vaccine Mandates

Legislators, students, community representatives and others will speak on the topic of informed consent at a health freedom rally at Rutgers University this Friday, May 21 at 11 a.m. ET, in protest of the university’s COVID vaccine mandate.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

First they came for the un-vaccinated

I have been having conversations, with a local young mother who is refusing to have her children vaccinated with the covid-19 vaccine, she is an extremely brave soul for she is being isolated from other parents over this issue. Sadly many are having their children vaccinated with this experimental vaccine, which nearly half of the doctors and scientists who work with Dr. Fauci refuse to do   …

The young woman to which, I speak told me there are a couple of local Board of Educations that are considering (starting in September) to separate the “vaccinated children”, from the un-vaccinated … this is extremely disturbing and reeks of a “two educational systems” aka… separate but equal schools, which is what the civil rights movement of the 1960’s fought to abolish and they did, yet now there is talk of such … wow … fucking … wow … the general public seems to be totally ignorant of what is going on here and how dangerous this really is…. far and beyond a “experimental  vaccine” …

 Such thinking will set society back 100 years or more on the rights and dignity of people, choice and freedoms. Such things are rapidly disappearing with the help and promotion of the “woke”… The “woke” do not seem to understand that eventually the rules they are applying to others will eventually be applied to them… They feel virtuous and victorious today, yet their tomorrows will be laced with sorrow and oppression beyond their wildest imagination… they will eventually come for the “woke” it is historical that they will do so

First they came...


"First they came …" is the poetic form of a 1946 post-war confessional prose by the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984). It is about the cowardice of German intellectuals and certain clergy—including, by his own admission, Niemöller himself—following the Nazis' rise to power and subsequent incremental purging of their chosen targets, group after group. Many variations and adaptations in the spirit of the original have been published in the English language. It deals with themes of persecution, guilt, repentance, and personal responsibility.


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

A longer version by the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust is as follows

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me



Wednesday, May 12, 2021

"Juicing up viruses" and it was Dr. Fauci's money that paid for covid-19 bio-weapon and is he still doing this in the USA labs and in Wuhan ... ???

 Then of course Dr. Fauci has a large financial interest in the covid-19 "experimental" vaccine... this man could give lessons to Satan on how to lie and manipulate public opinion all while he does his dirty work, via layers of grants and ill begotten money ...  

Bye, bye cows and family owned farms... but keep buying your kids motorized dirt bikes ...

The “woke” for some time have been pushing plant based foods and pushing the notion that it is the cows of the world that pollute the environment the most, all while they overlook the massive deforestation across the globe ( cows are blamed for this as well).

Total control of our bodies and nutrition is the goal of the “woke” a total “Nanny Nation” is the goal.

                                                           Your typical 2021 millennial ….And they say … “cows, it is their body and their milk stop drinking it”… I had heard this from the “woke”, yet the same "woke" insist it is not your body, when it  comes to getting the covid-19 vaccine ... just get it!!!! wow ... they have no concept irony ...

This trend has been going on for some time, but only now can you research and find the big money and names behind it … such as Oprah Winfred and Jay Z … since I work in a store that sells retail and groceries, I noticed the uptake in “plant based products”, during the pandemic especially milk, among our Millennials and upscale people of color who tend to buy pricey and trendy items… To be fair there has been an uptake in many items that were not popular prior to the pandemic… but plant based stuff is truly the hot and “in” items to have …   

And then there is Bill Gates … that model of mortality … who has purchased thousands of acres of farmland in the USA and is now the largest owner of farmland in the USA, he says he did this due to climate change … another “trigger word” for the “woke”… and one day will be in covid style “shut-downs” due to so called climate change …

1.    The “woke” for some reason really hate “cows” as God created them … and they hate cow’s milk … so is the real reason Bill Gates is buying up farmland … to place into the food chain “synthetic foods”, created in labs by big pharma or the granddaddy of them all Monsanto … the biotechnology corporation to whom Gates had close ties with …  oh wait I forgot … since all of the lawsuits against Monsanto … they “were sold” to avoid paying out settlements … they were sold to a big pharma company (Bayer)  … The Monsanto Company was an American agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation founded in 1901. In 2018, it was acquired by Bayer as part of its crop science division.

The trend for the “pseudo upper middle class” of late is to buy their sons and daughters motorized dirt bikes … so they can blast through the neighborhood on them, cutting up grass … they also ride on the streets we all drive on … many of these kids are ages 10 to 14 … which makes it illegal for their parents to even have purchased them such a “bike” and allowing them to drive them … the legal age in the State of NJ is 16 for such … but there they are riding their motorized dirt bikes (many time without helmets) doing wheel-eees … and the tragic oxymoron is that many of their parents are cops or in law  enforcement… Yes … there is a double standard here … if a black kid in the inner city did this a cop would track down their parents and site them for child endangerment …   

There is no one anymore who "plays by the rules"  .... yet they all point to speck in someone else's eye, while they have a plank in their own ... and this is why society will continue to fall and be controlled ...

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Just shut up and stare at The Shiny Object and for fuck sake get vaccinated and don't bad mouth the Chinese... you racist


You just stop blaming China for releasing a Bio-weapon on the world, you and your kind are the real threat to humanity ...just remember that ... you racist  

And do not try to read the inserts of the covid vaccines anymore ... and just in case you want to try ... Johnson and Johnson removed them all ... see video below of Pharmacist whistle blower in this regard  ... so just shut the fuck up and get vaccinated... you losers who do not believe "the  government's science" ... no shit it is experiential that is why we are testing it on you!!!!

And FYI ... any reactions to the J &J covid vaccine were all in your head, says the CDC ... so buck up buttercup... put on your big boy pants and roll up your sleeve and take the fucking vaccine ... after all big pharma would not lie to you, nor would the government, you know those politicians in DC the pharmaceutical companies pay off, via their lobbyists  

                                            Stop being so "histrionic"... and do what you are told ... it is for love of neighbor after all and getting back to normal ... don't you want "normal" ??? Normal will come when you sign up for your yearly booster vaccine ... so stop complaining and don't think about things ... it causes "anxiety"

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day ....Ladies do not ovary react... but your uterus is no longer needed

No uterus needed ... they can grow a fetus in "plastic" ... and with our “gender-less society” and refusal to accept the real science of being born, with a biological gender “Mother’s Day” will be a thing of the past in the future …

The Deprivation and moral corruption of mankind is stunning … we are told “its science” … it is for the advancement of mankind … no, it is the perversion of mankind … it is evil all over the world, inside many human disciplines, with his saying, “he wants to be like God”… Satan could not beat God or his only begotten Son… so he takes his evil and corrupts mankind in an effort to slap the face of God and God’s designs on this planet and in the universe…  

Mankind calls all of this “their achievements”, their academic and intellectual excellence … no, it is their pride that pushes them forward in these things … their pride that says, “there is no God, and so we will become gods”…  

Something is “seeding” this pride within mankind to think he is the greatest of all in creation, so hence he can mess,  with creation … be that something evil or of Extraterrestrial alien origin, as many think it is… for mankind’s technological advancements have been to rapid and profound over the last 75 years to be organic to man … things do not evolve so rapidly,  unless it is “seeded” with extraordinary knowledge of an unknown origin (at least to most of mankind it is unknown) …

This “knowledge” being given and used by mankind, is like giving matches to a toddler, who does not have the wisdom and moral judgement not to burn himself up …   

And anyway ... saying "Happy Mother's Day"... is socially unacceptable now ... for the "woke" ... so “Happy Birthing People Day” or “Happy Guardian Day” or whatever to all