Saturday, August 10, 2019

When things get weird the weird turn Pro ...updated 8/12/19

I do like Lionel ... but he has gotten a bit to commercial (as in selling ads on his YouTube channel) so it takes a while to get through his videos (hence I have stopped watching him, except on topics such as Epstein)  ... but he is funny and very aware ... but no video of Epstein suicide ... attempted suicide prior and no suicide watch ??? and the inmate next to Epstein was taken out of his cell,  so Epstein had no one to witness anything that happened ...    

I love Lionel...  I have been been a fan of his for years ... he is a lawyer and comedian of sorts .. and what a "word smith" his use of words is outstanding ...

so I will let him speak about what happened to Jeffery ... 

Epstein... the man who knew to much!!!  

  ... the man was a goldmine of information against the perverts in the world ...