Monday, August 5, 2019

Mel’s Hole is it the Devil’s Hole??? Paranormal Pits and holes in the Earth

Portals to other dimensions, doorways to Hell …

By far the most well-known such mysterious hole first came to public knowledge on February 21, 1997, when the late, great radio talent Art Bell, host of the legendary radio show Coast to Coast AM had a guest join him on the air who called himself Mel Waters and claimed to own a stretch of secluded rural property in Kittitas County, Washington that had something strange going on. Waters would over the course of a series of several shows told an increasingly bizarre tale of a mysterious hole in the earth that he had found on his property and which seemed to defy and warp reality as we know it.

The legendary hole was apparently long known in the area as The Devil’s Hole, and supposedly measures around 9 feet across, with the strange addition of seemingly hand-placed bricks lining the interior down to a depth of around 15 feet, after which it drops off into???? Hell????

 According to Waters the hole had been known in the area since humans had first inhabited the region, and Natives and early settlers found that anything they threw into the hole would vanish into the yawning void without ever issuing any sound of actually hitting a bottom of any kind.

 The Native people of the area apparently stayed well away from the cursed hole, and claimed that animals would not go near it. Waters himself said he began to use the bizarre hole as a sort of garbage dump, and after never hearing a sound of even the heaviest objects connecting and no sign of the hole filling up, he became increasingly obsessed with the idea that it may in fact be bottomless.

Waters claimed in one interview that a local man had once thrown his recently deceased dog down into the hole and that it had come back to him from the dead
The man claims he threw his departed canine down into the hole… one day he was hunting and he saw the same dog, he had the same collar, he had the same little metal thing on his collar and he said it was the same dog, now alive that he threw dead into Mel’s hole.

After all the interviews on the Art Bell show … Mel became a national and international folklore … or was he … Mel later claimed due to all the press he got about “Mel’s hole”… one day he found strange men on this property who claimed the area was closed off … that a plane crash occurred there and it was under investigation … yet Mel … saw men with level 4 Bio-hazard containment suits on… 

when Mel pressed the issue he was psychical removed from his own property … which started a series of really things for Mel .. death threats and him being refused entrance onto his own property every again … armed guards kept him off the property … Mel even claimed he was kidnapped once and drugged as he was held hostage … Mel disappeared … and never returned to the Art Bell show …

Mel claimed it was the government doing this to him … was it … did they throw Mel into the hole???  

in 2008 the tale was reignited when a man claiming to be a tribal medicine man named Gerald R. Osborne, or also by his tribal name “Red Elk,” came forward to claim that not only was Mel’s story true Red Elk would go on to speculate that it was the entrance to some sort of underground UFO base, and would even claim that he had once seen a UFO hovering over the pit.
What the Hell is in that Pit … hope I never find out!!!!

Although Mel’s Hole is by far the most well-known it Is not the first … In ancient Rome and Greece tales of sinister bottomless holes with supernatural qualities were all the rage, and were well-witnessed by scores of people. Often there would be actual temples, shrines, and even amphitheaters erected at these “Gates of Hell,” and in many cases animals would be dropped down towards these fissures to suddenly drop dead as if by some evil force.