Saturday, August 3, 2019

Is there an “opposite earth”???

Are there 2 earths ??? One where Adam and Eve chose to follow God's command and not eat of the tree of life and one where they did not obey ... I guess that would be "our earth" ... hence the evil within it ...  

In physics for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction … and since God created all laws be they natural or cosmic I am sure he works within these laws … such as the law of physics … so when the earth was created (or the garden of Eden) and Adam and Eve fell from grace … was there another earth created at the same time where a couple named “Adam and Eve” did not fall from grace???  

A world and people just like us... But never stained with sin … is that place Heaven??? Is that the planet from which Jesus Christ came from??? He did say his kingdom is not of “this” world so is it of the “opposite earth ” …

I actually met a man once in a small Chapel (he was a lawyer) who first mentioned this concept to me … a parallel earth … I have read there are those who think there are billions of parallel realities … that every time we make a choice in life .. 

We are considering 2 options and both options materialize … we just live in “one option” or are we…..  Living in all options at the same time … like the reflections of a carnival mirror … infinite possibilities …   

What about this … there are “demonic possessions” so in God’s justice would he not allow “good angel possessions”? … People who seem to have an extraordinary abilities to do great things on earth for humanity … are they really “possessed by good angels”?  How about Noah … was he possessed with “good angels” to build an ark???  Folklore has it he was given a “Book of Sapphire” to teach him how to first grow the trees and how to construct the ark …

This is my favorite Meme of opposites for today’s society