Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Trump Calls General Milley A “F*cking Idiot”... it takes one to know one!!!!


Trump Calls General Milley A “F*cking Idiot”... 

During an impromptu speech at a dinner in his Mar-a-Lago club on Saturday December 4, 2021, President Trump addressed a crowd and declared that The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a “fucking idiot.”

Trump made the comment about General Mark Milley in the context of Joe Biden’s calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

 I call Trump A “F*cking Idiot”... for signing "warp speed" and selling us all out to  Pfizer /big pharma and Fauci"

Trump threw us all into the swamp and weighed us down with selling us out to big pharma ... irony the "swamp" was not our biggest concern, the globalists and the military industrial complex was and is  ... yet still Trump does nothing...says nothing ...

Alex Jones declares "war" on Donald Trump ...seems only fair since Trump started the war, with the selling out of us all to big pharma...

These vaccines were rushed out as quickly as possible, and Donald Trump played a central role in getting them rushed out. Now, he’s deflecting responsibility to Biden; he says that Biden has failed to “sell” the public on the vaccine. Thanks to the same rushed process that the president himself promoted, it’s going to be hurting helpless young children

Yesterday I saw a man wearing a "Trump for president 2024"... I wanted to go up to him and say are you serious!!! Trump is the F-up who got us here... and if you think they will allow Trump near the White House again you are insane... by the 2022 elections they will have us in lock-downs again and by 2024 ... the UN will have control of the globe and elections will be banned... stop with the "virtue signaling" sweat shirt, which make you think you are doing something and take a stand... now ... right now before it is to late! 
we are screwed ... thinking Trump knew what he was and is doing ... he is "F'n" clueless... makes Biden look "normal" .. for with Biden you know he is a clear and present danger to all Americans ... with Trump and his "America first bullshit" while he sold the country out to Big Pharma ... and Trump being the perpetual ass wipe to the industrial military complex ... I confess, I believed Trump was watching out for us all ... so sad, I was snookered once again ... should have known since he allowed his son-in-law (an anti-Christ) who promotes and develops "RFID chips" to be his closest advisor and is in lock step with the globalists  ...   

Yet Trump still keeps bragging about how he made the covid vaccines available to America and how he took the vaccine ... but did he ... ??? ... Trump is a blow heart and now he cannot be trusted in anything ... unless he tells the truth and tells American he sold them out to big pharma ... and stops with the military bullshit speeches he makes ... we are at War now, in which Trump armed the enemy against humanity, big pharma  ... and stop with the... Trump will make America great again in 2024 ... America will be gone in 2024... if the people do not stand up now ... Trump is not our salvation ... God is ...