Saturday, December 25, 2021

Render unto God what is God’s and render unto to pagans and Satan what is theirs….so …

A personal note first ... I am still having trouble with the finger I injured on December 10th, hence I returned to the urgent care center on December 23rd and once again the lines to get "covid tested" over 100 patients waiting (on a virtual line) ... so most of our medical care facilities are being "choked" with these bullshit not reliable covid tests and "real medical patients" are not being seen ... but I waited in the office and of course I had to wear a mask ... within the span of 20 minutes, wearing a mask my O2 levels dropped dramatically and my blood pressure went up... so I called it out to the doctor ... this reading will go on medical chart and it is bullshit ... brought on by the forced wearing of a mask ... I was surprised the doctor agreed with me (there are many more doctors who see this is all bullshit, yet afraid to speak up)  ... so the doctor told me this ... earlier that day his oxygen level dropped to 91 and he became terrified, he stepped outside took off his mask and took a few deep breaths and within a minute or so his oxygen level back to normal ... masks are literally killing us and no one cares!

This doctor also confirmed to me... most of those being tested for covid have been double vaccinated and many also had a booster vaccine and they are the ones testing positive!!! This is exactly what was predicted and I blogged about over 18 months ago... hopefully the vaccinated will "wake up" and not get anymore covid vaccines and stop wearing masks!!!!  Both are truly deadly to you  ....


Happy Sol Invictus …no wait evil does not do “happy”… so unhappy, fearful and get yourself a covid vaccine and/or  your boosters Sol Invictus …

On Monday, Dec. 20, the Satanic Temple set up its diabolical Christmas-week display at the Illinois Capitol Rotunda, this year's art work being a sculpture of the demon Baphomet as a "baby demon."

The Satanic Temple's display shows the demon Baphomet, part-man/part-goat, with long ears, horns, and perverted features. The sculpted creature was made by artist Chris Andres and was designed apparently to celebrate the pagan holiday Sol Invictus. 


The above is part of the "pagan's" Sol Invictus nativity scene

The "above baby" looks dead and so will you be if you follow it 

In truth the Catholic Church stole the pagans’ holiday (Sol Invictus) centuries ago … well the Catholic Church bootstrapped their own holiday onto it … the church labeled Sol Invictus “Christmas”… in an effort to rip into the pagans and force them to become Catholics… the church had a lot of power back then (still do) to force their dogmas and rules onto the world… so it is only fair that the pagans get to take back their December 25th “holiday” … it never belonged to the Catholic Church…

years ago I stopped believing Christ was born in December and most Catholic Biblical scholars agree… the date of December 25th was to take over a pagan holiday not to cement the date of the birth of Christ … But most Catholics truly believe that is the day Christ made his appearance on earth …

Most likely Christ was born in the spring (the time all lambs are born) … probably the date of the annunciation is closer to the date of the birth of Christ than December 25th … and some Jewish scholars believe if Christ was truly the Messiah, he had to be born and die on the same day, of course years apart  ... this I believe as well …

December 25, belongs to the pagans and the infiltration of runaway commercialism and materialism proves such … even in churches… high priced nativity scenes, over done Christmas lights and priests dressed up like drag queens in their overdone Christmas vestments… none of that reflects the humble Jesus Christ … actually it is a slap to his face and his message … and hey have you seen many front yards with their giant blow up balloons … nothing says the grace of God,  like a giant blow up Mickey Mouse or Star wars figure … and hey do you remember the Vatican's Christmas Nativity scene last year it was creepy space creatures... of course it was ...  

Christmas / December 25th has turned into a joke a blasphemous joke of a celebration in this country … so again … render unto the pagans what is theirs and December 25th is theirs … think about the birth and death of Christ in March … more appropriate …  But do pray on December 25th and everyday for Jesus Christ to save us from the demonic takeover of this planet  ...  

But if you are still "into gift giving"... on December 25th  ...  they are running TV ads for kids to ask Santa for the covid vaccine and for seniors to get the covid vaccine booster for Christmas ... nothing says Faith over fear like that !!!

And for you “Santa deniers” … Fauci says, he is real and he has taken his covid vaccine… Fauci also said masks don’t work … yes they do … no they do not… then Fauci said, the covid vaccine protects you from getting covid … no it does not … yes it does, once you take a booster (which is the exact same vaccine)… now you need a 4th vaccine to be protected and again it is the same covid vaccine… but hey … for all you worshipers of Fauci … his word is “gospel”…  so just wear your mask and get tested for covid every week, no matter your vaccine status and for Pete's sake do not let any relatives into your home this Christmas unless they are vaccinated and tested for covid  ... for nothing says "you are a Christian" more than doing that!!! 

       And I could not end this post without mentioning these demons hiding in a white garment…

Franklin Graham who unto himself is a plague upon faith … states Jesus Christ would get the covid vaccine …WOW… get behind me dude, you never knew Christ!!!  

Franklin Graham believes Jesus would take COVID vaccine

or the headline from 3 days ago ...

Jesus would get a vaccine, Archbishop of Canterbury suggests as he says getting the jab is 'not about me and my rights to choose – it's about how I love my neighbor'... (Ah... men of the cloth... to be respected right.. not so much and the archbishop misquotes "love your neighbor"... the quote is "love your neighbor as yourself" ... so first your must  love, respect and honor your own body, before you can do so with your neighbor and not put anything into your own body contrary to "natural law" and God's creation, which the covid vaccines are,   the "patents alone" are contrary to God's creation... and God grants every soul "free will" aka... the right to choose... but the Archbishop of Canterbury feels he is bigger than God and wants to take free will  away from you ... sounds like luciferin speak to me 

Just think about that statement … the “Son of God”, needs to be protected, via a man-made vaccine/bio-weapon, from a man-made virus … or in fact any virus or in fact anything!!! It was called heresy in the past if you denied the “humanity of Christ”… what Franklin Graham and the Archbishop of Canterbury are doing in the above statements is denying the Divine Nature of Christ and his power over all things … unbelievable and people still follow these men ... what next ...will they say Christ has to wear a mask!!!!  


This Son of God, this 2nd person of the Blessed trinity … this man, does not need any vaccine, would not take any vaccine and to be told by religious leaders he would do so, are words straight out of hell …akin to the devil tempting Christ in the desert …   

Render unto to God what is His and you are His.... if you have faith and believe  ... faith over fear ...         

Thursday, December 16, 2021

But Fauci ... the FDA and the CDC told humanity this vaccine has been "well studied", safe and proven effect why would they need to extend clinical data ??? Because they lied!!!

WOW ...75 years ... I feel as old as dirt and I am still nowhere near 75 years old ... but that is how long the FDA is now giving Pfizer to show its clinical data that the vaccine works!!! 

FDA Now Says Pfizer Clinical Data Will Take 75 Years to Release.....

After processing 12,000 pages about the approval process for the vaccine in the space of two months, the agency now says it will only be able to release 500 pages a month going forward.

Having already asserted that it will take 55 years to release the full data, that estimation has now been extended by two decades.

Lawyers representing a group of doctors calling themselves Public Health and Medical Professionals have demanded to know why it took the FDA just 108 days to study Pfizer’s documents but it will take 20,000 days to make the same documents public.

The FDA claims it doesn’t have enough resources to accelerate the process and that devoting more time to the issue would take away from other FOIA requests.

Lawyer Aaron Siri described the agency’s behavior as “dystopian,” questioning how the government could fund Pfizer to the tune of billions, shield them from lawsuits and then deny the American public 451,000 documents about a shot that the Biden administration is trying to make mandatory.

Given that Pfizer is already working on new vaccines and endless booster shots to fight the next variant and then the next pandemic, the totality of the data probably won’t be available before the Sun blows up and wipes out planet Earth, which is expected to happen in about 10 billion years.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Genetic mutations and robotics ... or just line up for your booster shots and live the scheme

 I have written about Sophia the "robot" several times in the past  ...Sophie is super creepy and was given citizenship several years ago .... four years ago she (Sophie) said she wants a "baby"... read the horrifying account below that robots are now "making children"... 

If you do not think these are "end times" at least for true humanity watch below 

 ... there are labs across the globe designing and making "robots" that look and act human ... and if the researchers are right the covid vaccines and all their boosters contain components in them to make the "human body" into a carbon based robot ... a hybrid of sorts and certainly no longer a creation of God ... but a "patented human" containing new and disturbing RNA and DNA...

 you think this is all just science fiction ... no it is real ... happening now in China and in the USA military industrial complex (DARPA) ...


Scientists in the US have revealed that the first-ever AI-designed living robots, xenobots, can now self-replicate. It’s a wonderful discovery, so what are its potential benefits and risks?

A team of scientists at the University of Vermont, Tufts University, and Harvard University have created ‘living robots’ (called Xenobots) that can reproduce themselves in an entirely new process of biological propagation. They have recently published the results of their research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 

They first successfully created Xenobots in 2020 from embryonic cells of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). But with the aid of artificial intelligence the scientists have recently discovered that these tiny computer-designed organisms can travel, gather cells (loose stem cells) and assemble their own Xenobots inside themselves. After a gestation period of a few days within their ‘mouths,’ the new Xenobots look and behave just like their ‘parent’ – and can also replicate themselves, ad infinitum.

People have thought for quite a long time that we’ve worked out all the ways that life can reproduce or replicate. But this is something that’s never been observed before.

— (Douglas Blackiston, PhD, senior scientist at Tufts University)

The team was amazed when they saw the AI-designed bio-bots were capable of simple tasks, but they were positively shocked to see they soon found a way to spontaneously reproduce. It would seem that the genome, once freed from the natural design to become a frog, seeks a proactive new way to flourish. A plasticity of routes to survival appears to be coded in the essence of cells themselves. Including, according to the team, a ‘collective intelligence.’

A lead author of the study, Sam Kriegman, PhD, spoke of the profundity of the project: “No animal or plant known to science replicates in this way.”

The project required the assistance of an AI program at UVM’s Vermont Advanced Computing Core. This AI tested billions of body shapes in simulation with an ‘evolutionary algorithm’ in an effort to find a shape that allowed the cells to be more effective at what they call “kinematic” replication, which has only previously been observed at the molecular level, and never before at the cellular. The AI settled on a final shape which apparently resembles the ‘Pac-Man’ video game.

With the right design—they will spontaneously self-replicate,” says Josh Bongard, PhD, a computer scientist at the University of Vermont who co-led the research. 

This is the key to what appears to be the greater breakthrough of this experiment: the apparent variance of possibility within simple single cells. They will adopt patterns which follow the behavior of more complex organisms with some simple tweaking (in this case, by instructing the cells to adopt a pac-man mouth). Suddenly they are reproducing. This revelation has significant application to biology, evolution, chemistry, engineering, computer science, and more.

To quote Jurassic Park: ‘life finds a way.’ Or, as is more aptly quoted in the study itself: “life harbors surprising behaviors just below the surface, waiting to be uncovered.”

The possibilities of variation, or the complexity of abilities which is programmable would then seem to be a vast and uncanny new landscape. Bongard says to this effect: “We’ve discovered that there is this previously unknown space within organisms, or living systems, and it’s a vast space.”

So, what else could a Xenobot do, with a simple alteration? What are the applications for us humans?

As usual it is a double-edged sword: the potential positives are significant, but it carries both great promise and great risk. However, the team is hopeful.

Bongard believes that pandemics or ecosystem damage constitute a more worrisome risk than their discovery. He had this to say in reference to the Covid vaccine response: “This is an ideal system in which to study self-replicating systems. We have a moral imperative to understand the conditions under which we can control it, direct it, douse it, exaggerate it… The speed at which we can produce solutions matters deeply. If we can develop technologies, learning from Xenobots, where we can quickly tell the AI: ‘We need a biological tool that does X and Y and suppresses Z,’ — that could be very beneficial. Today, that takes an exceedingly long time.

He goes on to suggest other applications: “deploying living machines to pull microplastics out of waterways or build new medicines… We need to create technological solutions that grow at the same rate as the challenges we face.

While it is worrisome to think that humanity and nature are engaged in a problem/solution arms race, it does seem the research could have implications for regenerative medicine. If by this process we can tell cells how to behave, then it may be possible to influence birth defects, traumatic injury, cancer, and aging.

Yet again, the risk is implied. If you wish to seed the ocean with a self-replicating tool to clean up microplastics, can you really ever be 100% sure there will be no unpredictable adverse effect? The introduction of ‘solution-organisms’ has been tried in the past – often having the disastrous effect of the solution being worse than the problem it was intended to fix. 

Regardless, what this really means to us is that we have a potential new technology: a biological tool which can be fashioned to a specific task. Personally I do find the prospect exciting, as I am normally one to brashly advocate for ‘mad scientist experimentation’ (I am still waiting for geneticists to bring back the woolly mammoth or the Tasmanian tiger). However, as a science fiction fan I am aware of the flip-side, the problematic possibilities of self-improving or self-creating autonomous machines. Miracle solutions occur very rarely, as nature prefers to bargain, and with every stage of evolution there are new problems and new advantages.

There are a series of hopes the team have associated with this discovery. Whether those designs strike the reader with hope or horror depends on the individual. And, regardless, it is a wonderful insight into the mechanics of creation.

Friday, December 10, 2021

A death bed confession? A dying declaration from Brian little to late!!!


Dying Declaration

A statement by a person who is conscious and knows that death is imminent concerning what he or she believes to be the cause or circumstances of death that can be introduced into evidence during a trial in certain cases.

A dying declaration is considered credible and trustworthy evidence based upon the general belief that most people who know that they are about to die do not lie. As a result, it is an exception to the Hearsay rule, which prohibits the use of a statement made by someone other than the person who repeats it while testifying during a trial, because of its inherent unworthiness. If the person who made the dying declaration had the slightest hope of recovery, no matter how unreasonable, the statement is not admissible into evidence. A person who makes a dying declaration must, however, be competent at the time he or she makes a statement, otherwise, it is inadmissible ...

To late Brian Williams it is people like you and your lying liberal / progressive politics that set the Country and globe on fire... your mark on history and so many like you is the destruction of humanity, truth, family values and faith ... You are a paid for "professional media whore" Mr. Williams ... never reporting the real news, but only regurgitating what the corporate controlled liberal media told you to say ...


NBC’s Brian Williams Quits With Strange Farewell Message: “Unrecognizable” America Being Burned Down “With Us Inside”

Longtime news anchor Brian Williams issued a strange warning to America on Thursday as he announced his retirement from broadcasting.

Williams, who infamously lied about being in a helicopter crash during a 2003 trip to Iraq, signed off for the last time by urging citizens to fight to protect the United States.

The MSNBC host claimed, “They’ve decided to burn it all down with us inside,” but isn’t clear as to who “they” are. (it is clear to me ... it is people like Brian Williams who promoted and lied for the "they" who are destroying this country and planet) 

Is the liberal television personality clearing his conscience and warning of the globalists’ war on humanity, or is he simply further pushing their demonization of dissenting Americans?

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Trump Calls General Milley A “F*cking Idiot”... it takes one to know one!!!!


Trump Calls General Milley A “F*cking Idiot”... 

During an impromptu speech at a dinner in his Mar-a-Lago club on Saturday December 4, 2021, President Trump addressed a crowd and declared that The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a “fucking idiot.”

Trump made the comment about General Mark Milley in the context of Joe Biden’s calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

 I call Trump A “F*cking Idiot”... for signing "warp speed" and selling us all out to  Pfizer /big pharma and Fauci"

Trump threw us all into the swamp and weighed us down with selling us out to big pharma ... irony the "swamp" was not our biggest concern, the globalists and the military industrial complex was and is  ... yet still Trump does nothing...says nothing ...

Alex Jones declares "war" on Donald Trump ...seems only fair since Trump started the war, with the selling out of us all to big pharma...

These vaccines were rushed out as quickly as possible, and Donald Trump played a central role in getting them rushed out. Now, he’s deflecting responsibility to Biden; he says that Biden has failed to “sell” the public on the vaccine. Thanks to the same rushed process that the president himself promoted, it’s going to be hurting helpless young children

Yesterday I saw a man wearing a "Trump for president 2024"... I wanted to go up to him and say are you serious!!! Trump is the F-up who got us here... and if you think they will allow Trump near the White House again you are insane... by the 2022 elections they will have us in lock-downs again and by 2024 ... the UN will have control of the globe and elections will be banned... stop with the "virtue signaling" sweat shirt, which make you think you are doing something and take a stand... now ... right now before it is to late! 
we are screwed ... thinking Trump knew what he was and is doing ... he is "F'n" clueless... makes Biden look "normal" .. for with Biden you know he is a clear and present danger to all Americans ... with Trump and his "America first bullshit" while he sold the country out to Big Pharma ... and Trump being the perpetual ass wipe to the industrial military complex ... I confess, I believed Trump was watching out for us all ... so sad, I was snookered once again ... should have known since he allowed his son-in-law (an anti-Christ) who promotes and develops "RFID chips" to be his closest advisor and is in lock step with the globalists  ...   

Yet Trump still keeps bragging about how he made the covid vaccines available to America and how he took the vaccine ... but did he ... ??? ... Trump is a blow heart and now he cannot be trusted in anything ... unless he tells the truth and tells American he sold them out to big pharma ... and stops with the military bullshit speeches he makes ... we are at War now, in which Trump armed the enemy against humanity, big pharma  ... and stop with the... Trump will make America great again in 2024 ... America will be gone in 2024... if the people do not stand up now ... Trump is not our salvation ... God is ... 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Save the Children

 Today is the feast day of St. Nicolas commonly know as "Santa Claus"... and associated with the protection of children ... stop worrying about what you will give your child or grandchild for Christmas ... give them life ... liberty and protect them from tyranny and demonic entities that want to see them dead or injured for life ...  

The baby boomer generation and most definitely my generation and all those that follow, are not good parents for the most part… sounds mean to say, but it is true … in the past (my parents’ generation) a parent would do anything to protect their children and give them a chance to be better in life than they were… I remember my father teaching me, society only advances when your child does better in life than you did, society builds on the shoulders of past generations… this is true … yet many parents want to be “friends” with their children or act like their children, or advance themselves in life and they leave their children in the dust … I have seen this again and again in my own family and in those around me and society in general… one of the many reasons I divorced my former husband was his views on raising children, such being “let them struggle” and when they are teenagers give them birth control  and let them have “fun” … such philosophy, which many parents have has brought society to where it is today… and ironically the more money and education a parent has the more they are of this opinion. There is no “sacrifice” for your child anymore, there is just narcissism, and to sound “racist” this is most true in the Whites… poor Blacks and Hispanics have a better sense of family and strive to give their kids a better life. So maybe it is really about “money” and education not race, the more you have in today’s society the more likely you are to be a bad parent …

So my prayer and I ask all to join me… is “save the children” … stop worrying about the planet and stray dogs and cats and worry about the “human children”… for they are being abused and trafficked in this world and now being forced to get death jabs … step up and protect your children and stop following the crowds of the uninformed …   

So I give you voices of children in this blog post  …       

Alex Jones breaks down how the globalists are trying to get all children jabbed with the experimental mRNA injection as soon as possible before the UN’s vaccine roll-out completely collapses in the wake of massive worldwide protests and new data and studies proving the shot is deadly.

Judge Orders Pfizer, FDA to Release Documents – First Doc Dump Says Thousands Killed by Shot in First Month and the FDA covered it up!

Bread of Angels,
made the bread of men;
The Bread of heaven
puts an end to all symbols:   
A thing wonderful!
The Lord becomes our food:
poor, a servant, and humble.
We beseech Thee,
Godhead One in Three
That Thou wilt visit us,
as we worship Thee,
lead us through Thy ways,
We who wish to reach the light
in which Thou dwellest.

Panis angelicus
fit panis hominum;
Dat panis caelicus
figuris terminum:
O res mirabilis!
manducat Dominum
Pauper, servus, et humilis.
Te trina Deitas
unaque poscimus:
Sic nos tu visita,
sicut te colimus;
Per tuas semitas
duc nos quo tendimus,
Ad lucem quam inhabitas.

7-Year-Old Girl Has Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage 7 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

2,809 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID Shots as New Documents Prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC Knew the Shots Were Not Safe for Pregnant Women

Friday Emergency Broadcast: Biden Pledges to Forcibly Inject All Babies at Birth With Pfizer’s Bioweapon – FULL SHOW 12/3/21

 Science & Tech

Babies hospitalized after getting Covid-19 vaccine

by RT
December 6th 2021, 2:07 am

Two Brazilian babies have ended up in hospital after a nurse confused the vials and mistakenly injected them with Pfizer coronavirus vaccine instead of their intended infants’ jabs.