Sci-fi...Supernatural...paranormal... or political / religious self serving lies
Alien thinking … Thinking not forced upon us, be independent, research before it is to late do so, consider all angles of thought and go to outside sources …stay away, from main stream media, governmental and religious control … free your mind, so you may live free…
There is so much more happening on this planet that can be seen and is revealed, to us… knowledge sheds light onto this darkness, seek it.
I really like the Sci-Fi series "Resident Alien" ... it has off the wall/ original humor... or should I say "off planet humor"... The series returns this coming week and I look forward to it ...above are a few of the characters and plots ...
But................??? ............ are aliens real and among us........well the illegal kind from our southern border are real and here ...........but I mean "off planet aliens" ..........according to President Eisenhower's great granddaughter Laura Eisenhower they are "real and here"!!! And President Eisenhower signed a treaty with them...
Hey Laura Eisenhower sounds a bit bat shit crazy in the above video ... but so does Joe Biden sound "bat shit crazy" most days ...
And if Ms. Eisenhower is right ... it explains a lot of what is happening on this planet right now ... is planet Earth being "terraformed" by Extraterrestrials ...
The terraforming of Earth or the terraformation of Earth is a hypothetical procedure that would consist of a planetary engineering project or concurrent projects, with the goal of transforming Earth from a planet hostile to extraterrestrials to one that can sustainably host ET's and other off world lifeforms free of protection or mediation. The process would presumably involve the rehabilitation of the planet's extant climate, atmosphere, and surface through a variety of resource-intensive initiatives, and the installation of a novel ecological system/systems............. is this what the "green new deal" is really about or global depopulation ...Hmmmmm
The one
true spiritual adviser from my past, Fr. Martin … once stated to me… a “true
mystic will seem crazy to the world, not living in reality and the stark
difference between what a mystic “sees” in visions or locutions can at times
drive them crazy … in essence the “true mystic lives in a totally different
reality” than everyone else and they have no one to relate to… hence the “true
mystic must constantly pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance”… for the true
mystic will not get such guidance from anyone in the church or the secular
world … those statements from Fr. Martin are a 1,000 % true!
Also over
a decade ago a Jesuit priest told me this … “a true mystic will be destroyed by
the church”, for theirs is message contrary to the establishment / corporation
of the church… this Jesuit went on to say … “this is why the inquisition
happened” this Jesuit went on to say …the Catholic Church sought out visionary
voices contrary to their dogma… hence the Catholic Church sought to silence the
word of God, not promote it…in an effort to establish power on earth coming in
the name of God … I have seen this first hand within the hierarchy of the
church for I was in a very unique position to do so …
“mystic” is uncomfortable in this world, they do not fit in and “normal
conversations” are on some level annoying to them, and the threat of losing
their life through diseases, viruses, etc. are not a threat, indeed it is a
hope for them, they are not suicidal, but death is considered a reward to them,
not a threat. In my opinion you will or would never see a “true mystic” lining
up for any experimental vaccines, especially ones that actually change the RNA
or DNA of the human body created by God … mystics and true spirituality is
based in “metaphysics” and free will, in order to be victimize by evil you have
to choose it on some level … there is always a curse or a blessing set before
you …
Case in
point salvation is free, it is based within you and your faith, not inside the
walls of the Vatican or any given church, the keys of the kingdom are within
the soul, God is an equal opportunity Creator and Savior … either you believe
He is or you do not, clear and simple and if you believe God to be truly your
Father / Creator, you will go to Him, not man … not any man, even those
supposedly coming in his name… God did not create us to follow a hierarchy, God
created us as His children if we choose to be … God did not create us to be
“obedient” to earthy manmade dogmas, He created us to be obedient to Him… you
will know this if you pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you this… the last
spiritual director I had (a priest) stated this to me… you do not need a
spiritual director at this point you need to constantly pray the Holy Spirit
for guidance and discernment… discernment is an odd thing … call it a hunch…
call it an extraordinary sense of things …
call it you just know something is not right…call it bad energy or bad
ju-ju …or just call it a sense of “knowing”
the more you pray to the Holy Spirit the more this type of “sense” will
be sent to you …
But there
also has to be free will that is how metaphysics / spirituality works … case in
point … “free” covid vaccines … first they filled humanity with fear (fear is
never sent by God; God will allow you to be tested by fear though) … fear that
these viruses will kill you … fear that getting close to other people might
kill you … do not visit the sick they said … do not visit the elderly in your
families they said… close down places of worship they said… do not get together
to pray they said …the list of do nots was endless… endless fear … which a
majority of people brought into, just to stay alive to cling to this earthly life… people did the exact opposite of the
works of charity… they cared about themselves more than others… they allowed
their relatives and friends to die alone in nursing homes and hospitals, they
allowed their churches to remain closed instead of lining up by the thousands
at hospitals to see their relatives or friends or breaking down the doors of
locked churches to get in … in essence they obey man and not the ways of God ….
They made the choice and when a vaccine came out that was not tested on human
beings and labeled dangerous by many … they made the choice to save their own
lives And follow man (thus they used their free will to choose man, not God) …
for it is written try
to save your life and you will lose it … lose your life and God will save you…
it is/ was always based on faith and trust in God… not man… who is bigger to
you … God or a virus … God or man …
A mystic or an enlightened
soul has a lonely existence in this life, yet they are rich in God… but many
times, maybe most of the time they have to leave their family and friends
behind for they cannot co-exist with them, their philosophy and spirituality
are in conflict... they can literally see the ties many have to the world and not
to God, so it is best to step away and brush the dust from your feet … you are
not the Savior to anyone… and if anyone loves something of this earth more than
God, the mystic is in metaphysical conflict
with that soul and this includes family and friends … this does not mean you disconnect,
from acts of charity … but you give to the needy not the greedy or the evil and
the Holy Spirit will guide you …
I did not choose to
be a Catholic, my parents made that choice for me and this is wrong… the Catholic
Church takes away the free will of a soul, when that soul does not get to exercise
its free will… I do not think now I would choose to be a Catholic to much
corruption within the corporation … I do “choose” the Eucharist and if one really
reads and meditates upon the writings of Faustian (when she speaks to the Eucharist
only being Christ if you believe it, not upon the consecration) and Teresa of
Ávila’s near distain for the
rosary and other prayers, you see they were not “typical Catholics either” and
their message was not truly Catholic as we know it to be…
The early Church
fathers decided what we could read and what they considered to be “heretical”,
in essence they took away free will and the acts of the Holy Spirit who is the
only teacher of truth in the mystic’s world… and in your inner world
The church is sorely
lacking in spirituality and soul searching, they are locked into power and
glory on earth … and as such I reject them … in the name of Jesus Christ, I
reject them…
I do believe the Gnostic
gospels offer more in the way of spirituality and truth … as to the cosmic nature
of God and the need metaphysically of free will to get to salvation … it is not
through any given religion but via your choosing it …
And the nature of
reality … does anyone really know what that means … certainly church fathers
did not know such over a thousand years ago, we do not know so now … are we
truly “solid creatures” or are we a hyped up illusion a holograph of sorts …
using a “body” so our souls can learn and choose God via free will …the major
fall back for the church fathers with the Gnostic gospels was they did not believe
Christ was a “true man”… but what the heck is a “true man”… if society is teaching
us anything now it is “gender” humanness can be bent and physiologically change
within human thought and actions and it is now human law to allow it to be …
So just what is it to
be a “real man” … if we are “considered” real man, via the church’s definition
of such, then logically society today can say “Christ was/is transgender” for
it is the law of the land and within the human thought now …
The church fathers
did Christ a disservice by labeling him “like us”, my opinion is that Christ
came to make us like him, after the fall we were no longer like “Christ” made
in the image of God … our literal DNA to be a “true human” made in God’s image
changed in the Garden of Eden after the fall… and Satan tries to satin it even
more now …
We are told by science
we are carbon based beings and this is true … but was that our true nature,
when God created us … or were Adam and Eve “light based beings”… Christ was and
is a “light based being” clearly demonstrated during the transfiguration and I believe
also demonstrated in the Eucharist for the souls who see it… as Faustina saw it…
and I believe this is why it is dangerous to eternal life to cling to your “earthly
existence” and do whatever it takes to stay alive in this form …
When I would speak to
a priest in the past … I would say … “I had a vision or a locution of God or
the BVM” … then I would add … yet I did not see them … it is metaphysically Schrodinger cat, there but not there....
… the
vision is there yet it is not there, for no man has ever seen or heard the
glories of God … so no mystic or visionary has ever really “seen” God or a heavenly
creature … they are “seeing” a projection of such, AKA the works of the Holy
Spirit… they are seeing another reality that co-exists with us in the here and
now, but many cannot see for their eyes are locked into the “reality of this
world” and keeping their current existence alive …you have to let that go in
order to ascend … the battle is in this unseen world...
So why this post
today … for it is the anniversary of my 1st Holy Communion and today
I will go to “the light” who is Christ … so many decades ago when first I received
the Eucharist I did not know what the heck it was… for me it was a pretty dress
and a party … nothing more… I grew into the Eucharist, via the Holy Spirit …
not the teachings of the church, they for the most part call it just “a meal”
or a reason to be in communion with each other … no … it is a direct connection
to God, to light … to whom we were originally created to be.. the child of God …
This is who you really are ... a child of the light
In this very grand composition Raphael has summed up all the elements present in the best of contemporary painting. Light and its effects are a dominant pictorial theme of The Transfiguration The composition of The Transfiguration is divided into two distinct parts: the Miracle of the Possessed Boy on a lower level; and the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor, in the background. The transfigured Christ floats in an aura of light and clouds above the hill, accompanied by Moses and Elijah. Below, on the ground, are his disciples. Some are dazzled by the light of glory, others are in prayer
I started this blog with the intention of writing about “weird
and unexplained” events … unexplained at this moment in time that is … and I
would like to return to this venue … so I started another blog to continue to
write about current events that are
shaping the history of the world and mankind and you can find such here …
Oh how times have changed … Francis “the pope”… closed all churches
during the “planned-demic” … but Pope Gregory XI gave Catherine of Sienna a priest
at her disposal to have the Eucharist any time she wanted … is/ was the soul of Catherine of Sienna more important than the souls of the laity now alive, the literal millions of souls across the globe that were denied the Eucharist during the global shut down of Catholic Churches during the "plan-demic"... a shut down that history now tells us was useless and unwarranted and lead to an economic collapse by the NWO ... shut downs we all gladly accepted when they told us it would only be for 2 weeks to flatten the curve... the great lie, but we followed orders and now the shut down orders will not be voluntary but forced... and they will not just be virus shut downs, but carbon shut downs and utilities shutdowns...
I will never forget
the Pastor of St Francis ( a church not far from me)… I saw him outside of his church
during the pandemic and I went up to this “priest” the man called to bring God
to people (not so much nowadays) and certainly not during a “man-made pandemic”
(which will come again) and I asked this
Pastor if I could receive the Eucharist and the priest said no … by “orders of
the Bishop”, the Bishop being Serratelli at the time, a Bishop who called
himself “ a Eucharist Bishop” … who shut down all churches and did not have
the balls to stand up to a corrupt hierarchy and give the people “Christ” the
Savior himself in the Eucharist at a time most needed by the laity ….
On that
day I vowed never to step foot in St. Francis Church again and I metaphorically
brushed the dust off my shoes, and it will go better for Sodom and Gomorrah on
the Day of Judgment than with such parishes and priests and the entire hierarchy
of the Catholic Church who turned away from God to man in the time they were
most needed by God to administered to the faithful … if ever there was and is a sin against the
Holy Spirit it would be that … the entire church corporate system shutting down and bending their knees to a “new
world order”… priests not being men enough to step up and do their jobs they say they were called by the "Holy Sprint" to do... they instead followed the spirit of fear and Satan ...
This is what Pope
Gregory did for Catherine of Sienna when she asked for the Eucharist, the Eucharist was given to her … We are
all Catherine of Sienna when we ask for the Eucharist …. those who deny us are all evil ...
“Pope Gregory XI…to content the longing of Catherine of Sienna, published
a Bull that granted her the right to have a priest at her disposal to absolve
her and administer Communion to her and also to have a portable altar, so that she
could hear Mass and receive Communion whenever and wherever she liked”(Capua, the Life of St. Catherine of
Siena, p. 284).... how far the Catholic Church and the papacy has fallen when in 2020, they did the opposite and denied millions the Eucharist ...
Yet such is in the message of Fatima ...
As someone who knows up front and personal the power
of God and the message of Fatima, I refer you to my website and the events of January
8 , 1992….
... regards the "International Pilgrim Statue of Fatima" and the corruption of the statue's mission in the world ... she was also called the "Odessa Statue", for she was to be given to the people of Russia...... I remember visiting this statue many times, before she was flown to the Ukraine ... (interesting the BVM at Fatima spoke of the Ukraine as if it were a part of Russia)
So I am really tired of hearing about Russia being consecrated
to the Immaculate Heart or not being done … it was done on March 25, 1984 ...
Liz Yore needs to take a chill pill in regards to Russian being consecrated it was done... and nothing will stop what it to come, from the hand of God... this has been the message from many visionaries and mystics ... in Rwanda, Akita, Garabandal, Medjugorje, Fatima and many other mystics and visionaries over the last 100 plus years, some known and others who kept their messages private... all same the thing this chastisement cannot be stopped humanity has gone to far away from God ... the only thing prayer can do now is to get you right with God and mitigate the chastisement to come and those we live through now... teach your children to pray and teach them about God ... we are literally in hand to hand spiritual combat with evil and you cannot win this... so ask God for help and protection... all of the above visionaries have stated ... many... many ... many will die.. and the survivors will envy the dead ...
Think about the passion of Christ ... I cannot count the times I have spent inside a Church, by myself walking the Stations of the Cross ... every Station was like a movie set in my mind... I mentally placed myself in the scene... I thought about the crowds ... I thought about Christ ... I thought about what was God trying to tell me (us) in each station ... the stations of the cross when walked and deeply meditated upon alone are extremely powerful for your mindset ...
A huge crowd of people followed Christ, during his passion including women who wrung their hands and wept for him. But Jesus turned to them and said, “Women of Jerusalem, do not shed your tears for me, but for yourselves and for your children! For if this is what men do when the wood is green, what will they do when it is seasoned?”
.... For the days are coming when men will say, ‘Lucky are the women who are childless—the bodies which have never borne, and the breasts which have never given nourishment.’ Then men will begin ‘to say to the mountains, Fall on us! and to the hills, Cover us!’
and at this point in human history, Russia is more of a Christian Nation than
the USA, for it seeks to hold fast to the true values of Christianity and not bastardized it as the so called “Catholic” woke American politicians do
including Biden and Pope Francis … it is the globalists who are spreading“error” throughout
the world, who are the “new communists/ Nazis”… I guess on many levels Hitler
did not lose WWII… WWII was just the start of that mind frame of global
occupation and Eugenics… if Satan was given 100 years to do his best to destroy
humanity … it started in 1933: Hitler Becomes Chancellor…
the “people chose Hitler”… just as the people “chose” Biden and their corrupt politicians
and just as the people chose corrupt human kings over God in the Old Testament,
somethings never change … all things are a test ... and you must choose ...
And I suppose it will end approx…. 2033 and as that
time draws near the power and rage of Satan against humanity will only grow (as
allowed by God) … we are indeed in a spiritual war… manifesting in the “seen
Part of my personal
heritage is Ukrainian, the borders between Russia, Poland and the Ukraine were
so blurred throughout human history … most of Eastern European descent are …
and I had Polish family members two generations ago killed by Russian Communist
soldiers… my grandparents fled Poland to get away from such … as part of the “deal”
American and England had with Russia post WWII to give Poland to Russia (like
they did not suffer enough under Hitler) … and least we forget, how many big
banks and royalty backed Hitler, such as Prince Philip… and most of the “British
royalty” have their genetic roots in Germany…
Liz Yore makes mention of Russia in the Fatima message but
nothing about the Vatican being the “seat of Satan” during these times, which it
is … as stated in the 3rd secret of Fatima …the message goes on to
say … Russia will glorify the Immaculate Heart the most on this planet … most
people will not believe this .. As most people could not believe their own government
would and did hurt them with a bio-weapon DNA alternating covid vaccine … Yet I remember
the words of Christ, do not fear those who can hurt or destroy your body … fear
those who can and will try to destroy your soul … such things are happening now
… gender bending, unholy marriages, CRT baiting one race against another, human
trafficking, pedophilia… the list goes on and on and the more you accept the moral
decay of humanity the more it eats away at your soul.
People need to stop “going along to get along” that was
never the message of Christ... do not throw your pearls to swine, was the message of Christ … walk away …
year ago Vladimir Putin warned a group of Western Journalists
saying: “You people in turn do not feel a sense of the impending danger – this
is what worries me. How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in
an irreversible direction? I don’t know how to get through to you anymore.”
I find
it fascinating and important that Catholic prophecy predicted years ago are today’s unfolding events. Events that are not just matters for secular
historians to unpack but the future of Christianity, itself, is mysteriously
tied to Russia and the Virgin Mary.
Fatima, Our Lady warned the world that Russia would “error”. This error turned
out to be atheist communism. Lenin himself said that the goal of communism was
to rid Christianity from the world. And he put in motion the most direct attack
on religion in the history of the world. (approx 3 months ago Putin publicly apologized for Communism in Russia in the past and all the souls it hurt ... just as John Paul II apologized to the public for the Crusades and the Inquisition ... so apology accepted for the Catholic Church / John Paul II ... but not Putin?) ... it was okay and "holy" to forgive this yet not Putin's apology for past communism in Russia ....
secrets mysteriously spotlighted Russia’s central role in Our Lady’s prophecies
concerning future events that we are seeing unfold today.
insider Father Malachi Martin claimed to have read the 3rd secret of Fatima. He
kept his oath to never disclose its full contents but in a radio interview with
Art Bell he had some extraordinary things to say about the Third Secret,
Russia, and Ukraine.
He told Art Bell: “Sister
Lucia’s single-page letter of the “Third Secret” covers three topics.
A Physical chastisement of nations
A spiritual chastisement
The central function of Russia in the two which in fact, the
physical and spiritual chastisements are to be girded on a fateful
timetable in which Russia is the ratchet.
Father Malachi Martin’s book, “The Last Prophet”, he wrote that “The
3rd secret will involve Russia and Ukraine.
He said: Russia´s role in the Vision of Fatima is very important
because if we´re to believe the Vision of Fatima, salvation for the world, the
cure for the world ills, will start in the Ukraine and in Russia, and that was
why the Virgin in the Fatima vision of 1917 was supposed to have spoken
actively about Russia and that Russia first of all has to be cured of her
errors and then she will help the entire world to get better and to cure itself
of its sins. It´s a very bizarre message in that sense because one would have
said that
Salvation was going to come from the West as we always think
because we are Westerners, but no, according to the message of Fatima,
salvation will come from the East, and particularly, from Ukraine and from Russia itself, which is extraordinary.
Yes the USA and Western Europe are not the good guys in all of this .... they are the instruments of Satan ...
today’s events in Russia and Ukraine a sign that the world is heading towards
the fulfillment of the Fatima and Medjugorje Russia prophecy? On August 25,
1991 Our Lady said that Medjugorje is the continuation and fulfillment of Fatima.
May 13, 1981, at the height of the cold war and atheist communism, the Soviet
Union attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul II. A little
over one month later, on June 24, 1981, Our Lady began to appear to six
children in the communist county of Yugoslavia.
in October of 1981, Our Lady of Medjugorje revealed her “Russia
Prophecy” which ties Medjugorje to Fatima in a powerful way. She said “Russia will come to glorify God the most, the West will make
civilization progress but without God and will act like their own
creator.” These words from Our Lady were documented by the great
Marian expert Father Rene Laurentin.
Pope John Paul II had this to say about Medjugorje, Fatima and
Russia: “Look, Medjugorje is a continuation, an extension of Fatima. Our Lady
is appearing in communist countries primarily because of problems that
originate in Russia”,
to John Paul II’s close confidant Bishop Hnilica, soon after the
events in Medjugorje began the Pope understood that Our Lady would be
central in the fight against communism and that this would be the mission of
his pontificate. This would lead to the Consecration of Russia on March 24,
on March 25, 1984 Pope John Paul II successfully completed the act of
Consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate heart. What followed was
an astonishing sequence of events as atheist communism collapsed. The Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union’s flag came
down on Christmas day 1991.
fast forward to today and to the rising tensions between the United States and
Russia and again we see that the prophecies of Fatima and Medjugorje continue
to be relevant by predicting the future in an unprecedented way.
And now the threat of Nuclear War is closer than ever ... maybe even more so than in the 1960's ....
would argue that world elites from the “West, including the United States, are
building a future without God. What is less well known is that Christianity in
Russia has experienced a mysterious Christian revival.
Putin lectures the United States for abandoning its Christian roots.
see in Europe and the United States, that is the ”West”, have chosen the way
where they deny their own roots, including their Christian roots which, form the
basis of Western Civilization.
The people in the West are actually
ashamed of their religious affiliation and are indeed frightened to speak
about them. And those countries try to
force this model onto other countries, globally. This leads to a deeper
demographic and moral crisis in the West.
Dear children! I am with you and we pray together. Help me with prayer, little children, that Satan may not prevail. His power of death, hatred, and fear has visited the earth. Therefore, little children, return to God and to prayer, to fasting and to renunciation, for all those who are downtrodden, poor, and have no voice in this world without God. Little children, if you do not return to God
It's too late...buckle up and get right with God now… the
only thing that can be done at this point is to ask for God’ forgiveness and mercy
on a global scale … for none of us have clean hands and we all turned away from
God in some manner, ironically many who called themselves religious or faithful
to their religion fall into this category for they went along with the show,
when homosexuality was exposed and pedophiles were exposed in the regards to priests
and other religious leaders abused and raped kids and women … they remained
silent and kept funding these corrupt religious corporations and many voted for
Joe Biden whose family are a well-known criminal organization of sorts… and his
son Hunter is beyond a pervert …
even those who still push for Trump (I was included
in this category)… Trump the man who Okay-ed shuts downs that killed the economy
and the killer covid vaccine, (operation warp speed to death) the covid vaccine did and will kill many more than the covid
virus that most had and survived before and post the vaccine … I have written in the past
my dislike for Trump’s son-in-law and Trump’s daughter Ivanka I believe them to
be pure evil and Trump always took direction from them both … so you have to
wonder was Trump that stupid or is he that evil???
Be that as it may it is too late and as many visionaries and
mystics predicated over the last couple of centuries … “the cup of chastisements”
is overflowing due to sin and God’s wrath will visit the earth and humanity … yes Jesus Christ died for sin, but humanity has no faith in God anymore
nor do they have spirituality … they have faith in “religions” man-made doctrines
and my favorite “their church right or wrong”, obedience to it no matter what… they
live the words of Hitler's SS in doing so … “just obeying orders” that is why they
killed so many … obedience to a corrupt church is “just obeying orders” from
the Bishop or Pope and this is why souls are being sent to hell or at the very
least purgatory, until the end of time …
Regards purgatory… when Lucia asked the Virgin Mary during
one apparition at Fatima, where was her recently deceased friend … did she make
it to heaven??? The Virgin Mary said no, the girl loved to read racy pornographic
type books, as such she would remain in purgatory until the end of time … and
the Virgin Mary went on to say most go to purgatory when they die or they are
lost in hell due to such sins of the mind and thought … so what are we as a
society dooming our children to by allowing such explicit sexual programs to be
taught in our schools now, from preschool and beyond … teaching them to masturbate
at and early age… teaching them that sex is a good thing at a young age, even
with adults … actually showing them porn in the class room or giving them pornographic
books to read … assigning them homework projects such as “ask your father how
many times he has an erection and how many times a week he has sex” … telling
these children they have a right to change their biological sex at will…
The above goes far beyond what the Virgin Mary told Lucia
about souls going to purgatory for reading a soft porn novel… and if you remain
silent and do not speak up about this … I do not care if you have kids or not …
if you have grandchildren or not … you are responsible as well for you remained
silent and allowed innocent children’s souls to be doomed … and where are the
parish priests… the local Bishops why are they not trying to stop this and organizing
the laity to do so … the hierarchy of the church is not in the business of
saving souls… they are in the business of making money like every other corporation
and they are in the business of man-made
“doctrine” to control the laity ...
I started to work on this post about 6 weeks ago and I tracked down Malachi Martin's YouTube videos about Russia and they all mysteriously disappeared off of YouTube (no they were censored off) for the truth is not what the NWO wants you to hear ...
Fr. Malachi Martin's funeral Mass took place in St. Anthony of Padua of North Caldwell, N.J. - Traditional
Latin Mass, before his burial at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, in
Hawthorne, New York
As I have blogged about in the past, although I did not personally
know Fr. Malachi Martin, I did know his best friend (Father Paul Wickens), the
priest who said Martin’s funeral Mass (who is also now deceased) … Fr. Martin’s
requested in his will that his funeral Mass take place in St. Anthony of Padua’s
church in North Caldwell and the celebrant be Fr. Wickens …
You know who hated the parish of St. Anthony of Padua’s church
and wanted it shut down for it not being “obedient” to the local Bishop … there
is that word again “obedience” … the now defrocked and scandal ridden “archbishop
Before his death Fr. Wickens addressed the issue and said he
and his parish were under the direction of the Archbishop Lebebvre’s Society of
Pius the tenth and the Bishop Williamsom of Long Island …
this was important for
during the pandemic (when the churches chose to shut down) St. Anthony of Padua’s
church in North Caldwell did not shut down it continued to say Mass and comfort
the people of the parish … the Pastor at the time was even interviewed on
Tucker Carlson for his bold move of remaining opening …
the Pastor told Tucker Carlson this
is what he was called to do … not to shut down and remain hidden from the people
in a rectory … I get why Malachi Martin chose this church to be buried from, for
it truly is “coming in the name of God” and not man or Satan … as the former archbishop
McCarrick was coming in the name of evil when he tried to shut St. Anthony’s down … and the Bishop in my diocese (Serratelli) during the
“pandemic” was elevated to the office of Bishop by archbishop McCarrick … so there you go …
the laity in my diocese lead by scandalous and corrupt men of the cloth … who
follow the dictates of man not God …
Serratelli was ordained a bishop September 8, 2000; the principal consecrator was then-Archbishop Theodore Edgar McCarrick ... Serratelli had an abundance of seminarians and ordained many and took pride in such, "gay pride in such"...
Parents are trying to stop the sexual grooming of their
children by sexual predators across the Nation … all while the Catholic Church
has been “grooming seminarians” for decades … and this also is part of the third
secret of Fatima … “Rome will become the seat of Satan” and it has …
Art is all about symbolism … and the Catholic Church is ripe
with symbolism and “hidden meanings” … some religious but many are demonic … or
even “prophetic” … such as this ....
Pericle Fazzini was the artist and this
was done post 1960 (the year Our Lady of Fatima told Lucia, the Pope must
release the 3rd secret of Fatima to the people, so they can repent
and believe … the Pope refused to do so)
What is the statue all about?
The statue is supposedly representing Jesus rising from a nuclear bomb crater
The Vatican asked for Mr. Fazzini to restore the original piece of work. Mr. Fazzini, the creator of this statue, tried to represent Jesus standing in the crater of the explosion showing that, like a phoenix, he has reborn from ashes.The statue shows Jesus in an apocalyptic scene. His face is showing a face of serenity while the background of the statue shows proofs of disorder and drama. The figure tried to express a message of 'hope' in our time of imminent war and possible destruction. Was the Vatican giving us the 3rd secret of Fatima in "art from"
The people and the workers that live and work in the Vatican call it Satan's throne.
No matter your faith or belief system ... this message is for you ...
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Calls for Resistance Against New World Order
A String of Fires Destroys Food Processing Facilities Across America....
Is the above just coincidence ??? Food processing facilities by the hundreds are being destroyed by fire across the globe ... those to whom the NWO could not kill with bio-weapons and covid vaccines, shutting down fossil fuels, starting wars are they now into arson... of food processing plants ... are pilots dying in flight from their covid vaccines?
A curious string of fires and plane crashes over the last month have destroyed the facilities of at least five major food processors across four different states, exacerbating an escalating inflation and supply chain crisis that is quickly becoming chronic.
The most recent instance appears to be the destruction of Oregon-based Azure Standard’s joint headquarters and warehouse facilities during the night of April 18.
Azure Standard Headquarters
In the text of an email alerting affiliates to the damage, the company describes itself as “the USA’s largest independent food distributor.”
It notes that “basically any…liquid product,” such as honey, oil, and vinegar, will be out of stock as a result of the damage.
Taylor Farms
On April 13, a major food California processing plant belonging to Taylor Farms burned almost completely to the ground. USA Today affiliate The Californian quoted Deputy Fire Chief Sam Klemek as saying, “About 85% to 95% of the building is a total loss.”
The article states the facility employed almost 1,000 people.
Gem State Processing
The same day as the Taylor Farm fire, an airplane crashed into Idaho’s Gem State Processing plant. A release by the local police department said that while the pilot did not survive, no employees were injured.
Maricopa Food Pantry
On March 28, Maricopa Food Pantry, a local food bank in Arizona, lost 50,000 pounds worth of food in a fire that occurred “just 15 minutes after their food bank closed,” according to CBS affiliate Arizona’s Family.
Shearer’s Foods
On March 22, Tri-City Herald reported that the Shearer’s Foods potato chip plant in Hermiston, Oregon was “gone” after a boiler explosion and its subsequent fire annihilated the facility
Massive, 3-hour blaze destroys South LA food processing plant...
The Pride of Iowa sandwich production plant in Marengo, IA was destroyed in a large fire...
Blaze Damages Cocoa Processing Facility...
Fire destroyed Fairbank Farms, one of the largest meat-packing companies in the East,
Far from isolated incidents
There are also several additional instances of similar calamities in recent weeks.
On March 31 Texas-based Rio Fresh suffered a fire that severely damaged an onion processing facility.
On March 16, a massive fire wiped out much of a Walmart fulfillment center in Plainfield Indiana, an event serious enough that it brought in the ATF to investigate.
For New Hampshire’s East Conway Beef and Pork, disaster struck on April 11 when a fire broke out serious enough that it took respondents 16 hours to extinguish.
Several very large food processing plants in the US have blown up/burned down in the past few days...
In February, Shearer’s Food Processing Plant in Hermiston, Oregon burned down, leaving two employees injured. Just a few days ago on April 13, the Taylor Farms Food Processing Plant in Salinas, California burned with plumes of smoke visible for miles away and prompted evacuations. On April 19, the Headquarters of Azure Standard Food Processing Plant in Dufur, Oregon also burned, leaving one building a total loss. People are beginning to wonder what’s going on.
Louis Dreyfus reports fire at largest U.S. soy processing plant
Private contractor hired for cleanup after fire at Sunnyside fertilizer plant
Burnt paddocks
Massive blaze at potato processing plant in Maine
and ....Fire destroys Belfast potato processing plant ...
The global food shortages will be Biblical in scope... we need a highly graced man such as "Joseph" from the old testament to lead us out of what is to come ... not the ... for all practical and functionally purposes a "brain dead" president such as Joe Biden ...those who voted for Joe Biden by their own hands have created their own and our destruction ...
Wake Up! Before We All Starve To Death... or die from deadly DNA altering, immune suppressing, venom laced drugs/ vaccines or nuclear war ...
Wake Up! The engineered collapse is well underway. The U.S. southern border is overwhelmed by Third World nations as the dollar collapses.
After Rail Carriers Cancel Grain Shipments, CF Industries Warns FERTILIZER Rail Shipments Now Being Halted During Spring Planting...
ten days ago Alex Jones warned that rail carriers were declaring “force majeure” and halting shipments of grain to dairy herds and other cow herds across America. In that announcement, I also warned that this was an engineered collapse of the food supply, where rail carriers were essentially being ordered to drop certain loads in order to maximize the coming wave of food scarcity and famine.
Now, devastating news from CF Industries — one of the largest fertilizer producers in the world — confirms the engineered food collapse plan is being expanded to include fertilizer shipments.
Easter season has just begun ... Easter is not just one day out of the year to get together with family and give children Easter baskets ... that is the way of pagans ... Easter is to remind you the battle is won ... call on Jesus Christ to help us ... we are being mind fucked to think we are losers and cannot win this battle ... when it has already been won! God just needs to remind Satan and his demons of this fact and we need to have faith in God and call upon God ... as a child calls upon their parents when they are lost or in trouble ...
As for me I will not be silenced ... and I will cry out to the Lord for help everyday ... every second of the day ...
I love the ironic/ clever touch the animator gave the centenarian to the left in this cartoon... "He has boobs" as if he is transgender ...