Thursday, May 26, 2022

What's real... it is your choice in this life

The one true spiritual adviser from my past, Fr. Martin … once stated to me… a “true mystic will seem crazy to the world, not living in reality and the stark difference between what a mystic “sees” in visions or locutions can at times drive them crazy … in essence the “true mystic lives in a totally different reality” than everyone else and they have no one to relate to… hence the “true mystic must constantly pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance”… for the true mystic will not get such guidance from anyone in the church or the secular world … those statements from Fr. Martin are a 1,000 % true!

Also over a decade ago a Jesuit priest told me this … “a true mystic will be destroyed by the church”, for theirs is message contrary to the establishment / corporation of the church… this Jesuit went on to say … “this is why the inquisition happened” this Jesuit went on to say …the Catholic Church sought out visionary voices contrary to their dogma… hence the Catholic Church sought to silence the word of God, not promote it…in an effort to establish power on earth coming in the name of God … I have seen this first hand within the hierarchy of the church for I was in a very unique position to do so …

A “mystic” is uncomfortable in this world, they do not fit in and “normal conversations” are on some level annoying to them, and the threat of losing their life through diseases, viruses, etc. are not a threat, indeed it is a hope for them, they are not suicidal, but death is considered a reward to them, not a threat. In my opinion you will or would never see a “true mystic” lining up for any experimental vaccines, especially ones that actually change the RNA or DNA of the human body created by God … mystics and true spirituality is based in “metaphysics” and free will, in order to be victimize by evil you have to choose it on some level … there is always a curse or a blessing set before you …  

Case in point salvation is free, it is based within you and your faith, not inside the walls of the Vatican or any given church, the keys of the kingdom are within the soul, God is an equal opportunity Creator and Savior … either you believe He is or you do not, clear and simple and if you believe God to be truly your Father / Creator, you will go to Him, not man … not any man, even those supposedly coming in his name… God did not create us to follow a hierarchy, God created us as His children if we choose to be … God did not create us to be “obedient” to earthy manmade dogmas, He created us to be obedient to Him… you will know this if you pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you this… the last spiritual director I had (a priest) stated this to me… you do not need a spiritual director at this point you need to constantly pray the Holy Spirit for guidance and discernment… discernment is an odd thing … call it a hunch… call it an extraordinary sense of things …  call it you just know something is not right…call it bad energy or bad ju-ju …or just call it a sense of “knowing”  the more you pray to the Holy Spirit the more this type of “sense” will be sent to you …

But there also has to be free will that is how metaphysics / spirituality works … case in point … “free” covid vaccines … first they filled humanity with fear (fear is never sent by God; God will allow you to be tested by fear though) … fear that these viruses will kill you … fear that getting close to other people might kill you … do not visit the sick they said … do not visit the elderly in your families they said… close down places of worship they said… do not get together to pray they said …the list of do nots was endless… endless fear … which a majority of people brought into, just to stay alive to cling to this earthly life… people did the exact opposite of the works of charity… they cared about themselves more than others… they allowed their relatives and friends to die alone in nursing homes and hospitals, they allowed their churches to remain closed instead of lining up by the thousands at hospitals to see their relatives or friends or breaking down the doors of locked churches to get in … in essence they obey man and not the ways of God …. They made the choice and when a vaccine came out that was not tested on human beings and labeled dangerous by many … they made the choice to save their own lives And follow man (thus they used their free will to choose man, not God) …

for it is written try to save your life and you will lose it … lose your life and God will save you… it is/ was always based on faith and trust in God… not man… who is bigger to you … God or a virus … God or man …

A mystic or an enlightened soul has a lonely existence in this life, yet they are rich in God… but many times, maybe most of the time they have to leave their family and friends behind for they cannot co-exist with them, their philosophy and spirituality are in conflict... they can literally see the ties many have to the world and not to God, so it is best to step away and brush the dust from your feet … you are not the Savior to anyone… and if anyone loves something of this earth more than God, the mystic is in metaphysical  conflict with that soul and this includes family and friends … this does not mean you disconnect, from acts of charity … but you give to the needy not the greedy or the evil and the Holy Spirit will guide you …

I did not choose to be a Catholic, my parents made that choice for me and this is wrong… the Catholic Church takes away the free will of a soul, when that soul does not get to exercise its free will… I do not think now I would choose to be a Catholic to much corruption within the corporation … I do “choose” the Eucharist and if one really reads and meditates upon the writings of Faustian (when she speaks to the Eucharist only being Christ if you believe it, not upon the consecration) and Teresa of Ávila’s near distain for the rosary and other prayers, you see they were not “typical Catholics either” and their message was not truly Catholic as we know it to be…

The early Church fathers decided what we could read and what they considered to be “heretical”, in essence they took away free will and the acts of the Holy Spirit who is the only teacher of truth in the mystic’s world… and in your inner world

The church is sorely lacking in spirituality and soul searching, they are locked into power and glory on earth … and as such I reject them … in the name of Jesus Christ, I reject them…

I do believe the Gnostic gospels offer more in the way of spirituality and truth … as to the cosmic nature of God and the need metaphysically of free will to get to salvation … it is not through any given religion but via your choosing it …

And the nature of reality … does anyone really know what that means … certainly church fathers did not know such over a thousand years ago, we do not know so now … are we truly “solid creatures” or are we a hyped up illusion a holograph of sorts … using a “body” so our souls can learn and choose God via free will …the major fall back for the church fathers with the Gnostic gospels was they did not believe Christ was a “true man”… but what the heck is a “true man”… if society is teaching us anything now it is “gender” humanness can be bent and physiologically change within human thought and actions and it is now human law to allow it to be …

So just what is it to be a “real man” … if we are “considered” real man, via the church’s definition of such, then logically society today can say “Christ was/is transgender” for it is the law of the land and within the human thought now …

The church fathers did Christ a disservice by labeling him “like us”, my opinion is that Christ came to make us like him, after the fall we were no longer like “Christ” made in the image of God … our literal DNA to be a “true human” made in God’s image changed in the Garden of Eden after the fall… and Satan tries to satin it even more now …

We are told by science we are carbon based beings and this is true … but was that our true nature, when God created us … or were Adam and Eve “light based beings”… Christ was and is a “light based being” clearly demonstrated during the transfiguration and I believe also demonstrated in the Eucharist for the souls who see it… as Faustina saw it… and I believe this is why it is dangerous to eternal life to cling to your “earthly existence” and do whatever it takes to stay alive in this form …  

When I would speak to a priest in the past … I would say … “I had a vision or a locution of God or the BVM” … then I would add … yet I did not see them … it is metaphysically Schrodinger cat, there but not there....

  … the vision is there yet it is not there, for no man has ever seen or heard the glories of God … so no mystic or visionary has ever really “seen” God or a heavenly creature … they are “seeing” a projection of such, AKA the works of the Holy Spirit… they are seeing another reality that co-exists with us in the here and now, but many cannot see for their eyes are locked into the “reality of this world” and keeping their current existence alive …you have to let that go in order to ascend … the battle is in this unseen world...

 So why this post today … for it is the anniversary of my 1st Holy Communion and today I will go to “the light” who is Christ … so many decades ago when first I received the Eucharist I did not know what the heck it was… for me it was a pretty dress and a party … nothing more… I grew into the Eucharist, via the Holy Spirit … not the teachings of the church, they for the most part call it just “a meal” or a reason to be in communion with each other … no … it is a direct connection to God, to light … to whom we were originally created to be.. the child of God …                                 

              This is who you really are ... a child of the light 

In this very grand composition Raphael has summed up all the elements present in the best of contemporary painting. Light and its effects are a dominant pictorial theme of The Transfiguration
The composition of The Transfiguration is divided into two distinct parts: the Miracle of the Possessed Boy on a lower level; and the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor, in the background. The transfigured Christ floats in an aura of light and clouds above the hill, accompanied by Moses and Elijah. Below, on the ground, are his disciples. Some are dazzled by the light of glory, others are in prayer


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Back to my roots with this blog


I started this blog with the intention of writing about “weird and unexplained” events … unexplained at this moment in time that is … and I would like to return to this venue … so I started another blog to continue to write about  current events that are shaping the history of the world and mankind and you can find such here …