Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Black eyed children

Creepy stories about kids scares me the most,  because thinking creepy about any child is so foreign to me … yet such movies as “children of the corn” … scary … but one of the most creepy urban legends about children is the “blacked eyed children” …

The black eyed kids are a folk phenomenon of people having strange encounters with kids whose eyes are entirely black, who insist upon entering their vehicle or home, and who seem to ooze an overwhelming sense of fear and panic. As a fan of paranormal talk radio I’ve heard hundreds of encounters with the black eyed kids.

Black eyed kids will look like normal human children between the ages of 6 and 16 but with pale skin and completely black eyes.

Additionally, people who have been in close proximity to black eyed kids report a feeling of “unease” that washed over them. While nothing about the children’s appearance (aside from the eyes) genuinely frightened the people, they still reported feeling ranging from anxiety to terror at their presence. Some people have also reported seeing black eyed kids that have “talons” for feet or other demonic attributes, but most sightings are of seemingly normal children.

Black eyed kids are also commonly described as wearing dated clothing or dressing in a manner that is not typical of a normal child of their age.

Black eyed children always ask for something. It is always something that involves being in closed quarters with you. They will ask for a ride in your vehicle or to enter your home to use the phone ...

There are no reported stories of what happens when you let a black eyed kid into your vehicle or home. All stories come from people whose eerie feeling made them flee from the children.

The earliest sighting of a black eyed kid was journalist Brian Bethel in 1996.

In 2014, a British paper reported that sightings of black eyed kids around the world are rising.

Theories about the black eyed kids are that they are vampires, aliens, or of demonic origin.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

storm area 51 a "bust"


Just like many things online ... talk is cheap and usually no action behind the words ... such was the storm area 51 event .... 

Well at least the navy fessed up to UFOs as being real last week ...

Here is something to think about what are " flying rods" 

Something like orbs the flying rods just appear in photos at times ... you can read about them on the link below ... we live on a big and fascinating planet...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Count down to storm area 51 … it is on!

UFO’s back in the news … awesome … US Navy declares UFO’s are for real!!!  

Hey we all knew that …

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Planet X

I first heard of “Planet X”,  12 years ago … a mysterious planet that is supposed to be hiding somewhere in our universe, waiting to strike the earth at some point in time…  The way I heard it described years ago … it sounds like the “Death Star” in the stars wars saga … but this “urban legend” is believed to be by many “gospel truth” as in end times … and how earth will end ... 

Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon

Is Nibiru real? Does it take Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey? As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth. Earth has been acting up lately with an increase in earthquakes, volcanoes, blending of seasons, and more. Every week NASA seems to have learned something new that was unthinkable.

 We might be part of a binary solar system. It would explain the earth’s wobble which is still unexplained today. Would it be too far off to believe that a planet can share both solar systems? And it is heading our way ...

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Clinton Road

The 10-mile stretch near West Milford runs from Route 23 to Upper Greenwood Lake. Spooky legends have surrounded the stretch for over 100 years. It has apparently been host to ghosts, witches, unearthly animals and earthly Klansman. One story says that two brothers stumbled across a KKK meeting on the road, near Cross Castle. They made it out alive, but the same can't be said for everyone who has traveled down this paranormal path.

In 1983, a cyclist on the road spotted vultures circling a tree. After further exploration, he discovered a garbage bag with a human head sticking out. The investigation surrounding the murder led to the conviction of notorious Mafia hit-man, Richard "Iceman" Kuklinski.

Creepy ... creepy road I have driven down it many times and for some reason it just never seems to end ... it just goes on and on,  the road twist and turns and not one street light on the road ... spooky crap dude ... you ride with your windows up and doors locked on that road ... the road radiates bad energy  and you always have a feeling something is going to jump out of the woods onto the road as you are driving ... no way would I bike on that road ... or walk it! 

There are urban legends of UFOs in that area ... crypotozoology creatures and one man and his wife they are now in their 80's said ... OK this is really going to sound off the wall ... but their names are John and Marie ... they told me they saw a bird the size of a small car on Clinton Road in the 1960's  ...

That would make it the "legendary" Native American folklore creature the "Thunderbird"  
  1. The Thunderbird is a legendary creature or is it????? 

    Indigenous peoples of the Americas

     The Thunderbird ... It is considered a supernatural being of power and strength
In 2002, a sighting of a large birdlike creature with an apparent wingspan of around 4 m (14 ft) was reported in Alaska   The Anchorage Daily News reported witnesses describing the creature like something out of the movie Jurassic Park  Scientists suggested the giant bird may have simply been a Steller's sea eagle which have a wingspan of 180–240 cm (6–8 ft) and had been reported in the area previously.
As recently as 2007, sightings have been claimed in the area around San Antonia, Texas

On January 16, 2018, there were reportedly several sightings of a large black bird the size of a small plane in the Mendenhall Valley area of Juneau, Alaska.